PMC:7352545 / 75483-80835 JSONTXT 12 Projects

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Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T728 0-4 Sentence denotes 7.2.
T729 5-76 Sentence denotes Interaction of Membrane Gangliosides in Lipid Rafts with CLQ and CLQ-OH
T730 77-121 Sentence denotes Lipid rafts are also viral attachment sites.
T731 122-440 Sentence denotes Viruses such as IBV, dengue virus, Ebola virus, hepatitis C virus, HIV, human herpes virus 6, measles virus, Newcastle disease virus, poliovirus, West Nile virus, foot-and-mouth disease virus, simian virus 40, rotavirus, influenza virus and Marburg virus also use lipid rafts for virus entry [151,152,153,154,155,156].
T732 441-567 Sentence denotes In avian CoV IBV, structural proteins of the IBV virus are co-localized with PM lipid rafts embedded with the ganglioside GM1.
T733 568-700 Sentence denotes HCoV-229E entry is prevented by cholesterol depleted conditions because HCoV-229E clusters in caveolae-associated lipid rafts [157].
T734 701-850 Sentence denotes Caveolae of caveolin-1, -2 and -3 are cross-linked [158] and control the molecular distribution between rafts and caveolae in a regulatory mechanism.
T735 851-920 Sentence denotes S protein-CD13 cross-linking occurs via CD13-caveolin-1 sequestering.
T736 921-996 Sentence denotes HCoV-229E particles similarly exhibit a longitudinal distribution property.
T737 997-1073 Sentence denotes HCoV-229E-colocalized caveolin-1 undergoes the next step of virus infection.
T738 1074-1194 Sentence denotes Caveolin-1 knockdown inhibited HCoV-229E endocytosis and entry and thus caveolin-1 is essential for HCoV-229E infection.
T739 1195-1270 Sentence denotes TGEV also endocytoses by a clathrin-mediated mechanism in MDCK cells [159].
T740 1271-1375 Sentence denotes Other viruses including HCoV-OC43 also use an entry receptor sequestered to cross-linked caveolae [160].
T741 1376-1485 Sentence denotes In SARS-CoV, the first entry step to host cells needs ACE2 in intact lipid rafts by the S glycoprotein [151].
T742 1486-1602 Sentence denotes ACE2 is associated with caveolin-1 and GM1 in membrane rafts depending on its cell-type specific localization [161].
T743 1603-1748 Sentence denotes Raft integrity with cholesterol and ACE2 is necessary for SARS-CoV pseudovirus entry into Vero E6 cells and for SARS-CoV-microdomain-based entry.
T744 1749-1846 Sentence denotes C-type lectin, CD209 L (L-SIGN), can also form lipid rafts and acts as a SARS-CoV receptor [162].
T745 1847-2031 Sentence denotes Information of the CoV entry pathways is important for therapeutic designation of SARS-CoV-targeting drugs, for example, if agents disrupt lipid-raft localization of the ACE2 receptor.
T746 2032-2103 Sentence denotes CLQ binds the SAs and gangliosides in lipid rafts with a high affinity.
T747 2104-2177 Sentence denotes Therefore, CLQ or CLQ-OH prevents the S glycoprotein–ganglioside binding.
T748 2178-2271 Sentence denotes CLQ (or CLQ-OH) binding to SA consequently prevents S glycoprotein binding to host receptors.
T749 2272-2351 Sentence denotes The N-terminal region of SARS-CoV-2 S glycoprotein interacts with gangliosides.
T750 2352-2479 Sentence denotes A ganglioside-binding site (GBS) or ganglioside-binding domain (GBD) is present in the NTD of the S glycoprotein of SARS-CoV-2.
T751 2480-2593 Sentence denotes Using molecular modeling and simulation technology, CLQ has been suggested to recognize the SAs and gangliosides.
T752 2594-2636 Sentence denotes Human type Neu5Ac binds to CLQ and CLQ-OH.
T753 2637-2685 Sentence denotes Thus, SAs are binding targets of CLQ and CLQ-OH.
T754 2686-2784 Sentence denotes CLQ and CLQ-OH have two specific recognition sites in the polar sugar residues of ganglioside GM1.
T755 2785-2890 Sentence denotes The first site is found at the tip of the sugar residues of GM1 with an interaction energy of −47 kJ/mol.
T756 2891-3034 Sentence denotes The CLQ rings face the GalNAc residue of GM1, while the second site is in a large region of the sugar-ceramide junction and the sugar residues.
T757 3035-3155 Sentence denotes Several amino acid residues of the S protein NTD, which are Phe-135, Asn-137 and Arg-158, recognize the ganglioside GM1.
T758 3156-3312 Sentence denotes The S glycoprotein NTD-GM1 complex is suggested to form a trimolecular complex with two molecules of ganglioside GM1 anchored to the NTD of S protein [163].
T759 3313-3426 Sentence denotes The ACE2-binding RBD is suggested to be a potential GBS located on a differential site of the S glycoprotein NTD.
T760 3427-3507 Sentence denotes The protein sequence interfacing surface of the NTD is the consensus GBDs [164].
T761 3508-3660 Sentence denotes The amino acids Gly, Pro and/or Ser residues found in GBD motifs are in the same 111–158 amino acids of the NTD as the ganglioside-attachment interface.
T762 3661-3741 Sentence denotes The GBD is conserved throughout viral isolates from worldwide COVID-19 patients.
T763 3742-3866 Sentence denotes The GBD potentially increases viral attachment ability to PM lipid rafts and contact between host ACE-2 and S protein [165].
T764 3867-3975 Sentence denotes The interaction between CLQ-OH and 9-O-acetyl-NeuAc is also similar to the 9-O-acetyl-NeuAc-CLQ interaction.
T765 3976-4062 Sentence denotes The CLQ-OH OH group enhances the interaction of CLQ with SA via a hydrogen bond [163].
T766 4063-4234 Sentence denotes In conditions with CLQ or CLQ-OH derivative treatment, the S glycoprotein cannot bind to gangliosides in in silico studies, which are used to uncover the action mechanism.
T767 4235-4304 Sentence denotes CLQ and CLQ-OH prevent the binding of S glycoprotein to gangliosides.
T768 4305-4476 Sentence denotes The CLQ-SA complex is formed in a mixed surface and balls by the positioning of the negative charged COOH group of Neu5Ac and one of the two cationic charges of CLQ [163].
T769 4477-4572 Sentence denotes CoVs preferentially bind to 9-O-acetyl-NeuAc [60], differentiating with other viral properties.
T770 4573-4714 Sentence denotes As CLQ interacts with the GM1 sugar part, the N-terminal domain of the S protein loses viral attachment capacity to the cell receptors [166].
T771 4715-4947 Sentence denotes The S protein NTD and the CLQ/CLQ-OH maintain the same position during GM1 binding, consequently preventing GM1 binding to the S protein and the drug at the same time, because the NTD and the CLQ/CLQ-OH simultaneously recognize GM1.
T772 4948-5064 Sentence denotes Asn-167 forms a hydrogen bond with the GalNAc residue, whereas an aromatic Phe-135 stacks to the Glc residue of GM1.
T773 5065-5224 Sentence denotes Therefore, the antiviral activities of CLQ and CLQ-OH is to block the interaction between the SARS-CoV-2 S glycoprotein and gangliosides on host cell surfaces.
T774 5225-5352 Sentence denotes The lipid composition of host cell PM can also be a potential target for preventive and therapeutic drugs against such viruses.