PMC:7352545 / 32571-39004 JSONTXT 11 Projects

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Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T319 0-4 Sentence denotes 6.1.
T320 5-87 Sentence denotes CoVs Utilize SAs and SA Linkages as Attachment and Entry Sites to Human Host Cells
T321 88-207 Sentence denotes Several β-CoV genera such as BCoV bind to O-acetylated SAs and bear an acetylesterase enzyme to act as a host cell RDE.
T322 208-343 Sentence denotes Certain α-CoV and γ-CoV are deficient for the comparable acetylesterase enzyme but have a preference to NeuAc or NeuGc type SA species.
T323 344-436 Sentence denotes Infectious bronchitis virus (IBV) and transmissible gastroenteritis virus are such examples.
T324 437-538 Sentence denotes Additionally, both α-CoV and γ-CoV also include sub-members deficient of any SA-recognizing activity.
T325 539-626 Sentence denotes During evolution, some subtypes of SARS-CoV and HCoV-229E acquired SA-binding capacity.
T326 627-739 Sentence denotes The SA-binding activities of BCoV, transmissible gastroenteritis coronavirus (TGEV) and IBV are well known [60].
T327 741-761 Sentence denotes 6.1.1. α-Coronavirus
T328 762-865 Sentence denotes In α-CoVs such as TGEV, HA-activity is attributed to the SA-recognizing activity to α2,3-NeuGc [61,62].
T329 866-952 Sentence denotes The SA-binding site is present on the N-terminal region of the S-glycoprotein of TGEV.
T330 953-1009 Sentence denotes TGEV has two types with enteric and respiratory tropism.
T331 1010-1108 Sentence denotes The respiratory TGEV has the porcine aminopeptidase N (pAPN)-binding domain and SA-binding domain.
T332 1109-1265 Sentence denotes Nucleotide 655 of the S gene is essential for enteric tropism and the S219A mutation of the S glycoprotein confers the enteric to respiratory tropism shift.
T333 1266-1434 Sentence denotes In addition, a 6-nucleotide insertional mutation at nucleotide 1124, which yields the Y374-T375insND shift of the S glycoprotein, causes enhanced enteric tract tropism.
T334 1435-1594 Sentence denotes TGEV interacts with SA species on mucin-like glycoprotein (MGP), a highly glycosylated protein, in an SA-dependent manner, on mucin-secreting goblet cells [6].
T335 1595-1679 Sentence denotes MGP SA-binding allows virus entry via the mucus layer to the intestinal enterocytes.
T336 1680-1834 Sentence denotes Different from TGEV, the S glycoprotein of porcine CoV has no hemagglutination activity due to deletion of the SA-binding site of the S glycoprotein [61].
T337 1835-1912 Sentence denotes The loss of SA-binding activity is correlated to the non-enteropathogenicity.
T338 1913-2102 Sentence denotes SAs function as HA-mediated entry determinants for TGEV, causing the enteropathogenic outcome of the virus, and SA-recognition activity is also responsible for virus amplification in cells.
T339 2103-2212 Sentence denotes SA-binding activity-deficient TGEV can propagate in cells through pAPN, known as CD13, as a receptor [62,63].
T340 2213-2299 Sentence denotes The SA-binding activity potentiates infection and is crucial for intestinal infection.
T341 2301-2321 Sentence denotes 6.1.2. β-Coronavirus
T342 2322-2433 Sentence denotes In β-CoV, HE mediates viral attachment to O-Ac-SAs and its function relies on the combined CBD and RDE domains.
T343 2434-2551 Sentence denotes Most β-CoVs target 9-O-Ac-SAs (type I), but certain strains switched to alternatively targeting 4-O-Ac-SAs (type II).
T344 2552-2701 Sentence denotes For example, the SA-acetylesterase enzyme in BCoVs and HCoV-OC43 is known to have hemagglutinizing activities as a type of SA-9-O-acetylesterase [8].
T345 2702-2763 Sentence denotes The SA-acetylesterase is the HE surface glycoprotein in BCoV.
T346 2764-2847 Sentence denotes The three-dimensional structure of BCoV HE is similar to other viral esterases [9].
T347 2848-2893 Sentence denotes The HE gene is found only in the β-CoV genus.
T348 2894-3065 Sentence denotes The acetylesterase of murine CoVs differs in its substrate binding specificity from that of BCoV and HCoV-OC43, which is specific for O-acetyl residue release from SA C-9.
T349 3066-3119 Sentence denotes Murine CoVs prefer to esterize 4-O-acetyl-NeuAc [64].
T350 3120-3229 Sentence denotes The β-CoV acetylesterase destroys the receptors and this specificity is similar to that of influenza viruses.
T351 3230-3355 Sentence denotes Acetylesterase activity can be inhibited by diisopropyl fluorophosphate and this agent decreases viral infection levels [65].
T352 3356-3511 Sentence denotes As deduced from the SA acetylesterase of HCoV-OC43 [8], the 9-O-Ac-SA species is a receptor binding determinant for erythrocytes and entry into cells [59].
T353 3512-3579 Sentence denotes The BCoV HE protein has dual activity of acetylesterase and HA [9].
T354 3580-3701 Sentence denotes BCoV widely agglutinates erythrocytes and purified HE only agglutinates Neu5,9Ac2-enriched erythrocytes of rats and mice.
T355 3702-3784 Sentence denotes BCoV and HCoV-OC43 can agglutinate chicken erythrocytes, while purified HE cannot.
T356 3785-3972 Sentence denotes In contrast to the HE protein, purified S glycoprotein can agglutinate chicken erythrocytes [52], indicating that the major HA is the S protein which acts as the major SA-binding protein.
T357 3973-4148 Sentence denotes However, the role of O-Ac-SAs is not certain to be essential in receptors, and SA-binding activity may be essential only to the HE protein, but not to the S glycoprotein [54].
T358 4150-4170 Sentence denotes 6.1.3. γ-Coronavirus
T359 4171-4275 Sentence denotes In γ-CoVs, IBV strains, known as poultry respiratory infectious pathogens, can agglutinate erythrocytes.
T360 4276-4377 Sentence denotes IBV prefers to recognize α2,3-NeuAc and the SA functions as a host entry receptor for infection [66].
T361 4378-4556 Sentence denotes Glycosylation of IBV M41 S1 protein RBD is crucial for interaction with chicken trachea tissue and RBD N-glycosylation confers receptor specificity and enables virus replication.
T362 4557-4615 Sentence denotes The heavy glycosylated M41 RBD has 10 glycosylation sites.
T363 4616-4671 Sentence denotes N-glycosylation of IBV determines receptor specificity.
T364 4672-4722 Sentence denotes However, the host receptor has not yet been found.
T365 4723-4809 Sentence denotes NA treatment reduces the binding of soluble S to kidney and tracheal epithelial cells.
T366 4810-4881 Sentence denotes The IBV S protein recognizes epithelial cells in a SA-dependent manner.
T367 4882-5011 Sentence denotes The SA-binding ability of IBV is necessary for infection of tracheal epithelial cells and lung respiratory epithelial cells [67].
T368 5012-5127 Sentence denotes The SA-binding site is located on S1 of the IBV S protein, although the IBV-specific protein receptor is not known.
T369 5128-5179 Sentence denotes In contrast to BCoV or HCoV-OC43, IBV lacks an RDE.
T370 5180-5258 Sentence denotes SA binding of IBV is likely more essential than in other viruses such as TGEV.
T371 5260-5266 Sentence denotes 6.1.4.
T372 5267-5276 Sentence denotes Torovirus
T373 5277-5417 Sentence denotes In torovirus, which belongs to the family Coronaviridae, the toroviruses are grouped into the Torovirinae subfamily and the Torovirus genus.
T374 5418-5533 Sentence denotes The known toroviruses can infect four species of hosts, constituting bovine, equine, porcine and human toroviruses.
T375 5534-5640 Sentence denotes They mildly infect swine and cattle through the HE protein, which is similar to the β-CoV HE protein [68].
T376 5641-5734 Sentence denotes The HE protein is a class I membrane glycoprotein which forms homodimers with a MW of 65 kDa.
T377 5735-5810 Sentence denotes The RDE protein HE reversibly binds to glycans [15] through binding to SAs.
T378 5811-5860 Sentence denotes The acetyl-esterase activity disrupts SA binding.
T379 5861-6016 Sentence denotes HE hemagglutinates mouse erythrocytes and cleaves the acetyl-ester linkage of glycans and acetylated synthetic substrate p-nitrophenyl acetate (pNPA) [69].
T380 6017-6180 Sentence denotes Similar to CoV, torovirus HE is an acetylesterase type, which cleaves the O-acetyl group from the SA C-9 position using Neu5,9Ac2 and N-acetyl-7(8),9-O-NeuAc [64].
T381 6181-6433 Sentence denotes However, torovirus HE exhibits a restricted specificity for the Neu5,9Ac2 substrate, but not for the Neu5,7(8),9Ac3 substrate, with a unique SA-binding site generated by a single amino acid difference in porcine Thr73 and bovine Ser64 for each HE [70].