PMC:7324763 / 57975-58909 JSONTXT 12 Projects

Annnotations TAB TSV DIC JSON TextAE

Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T355 0-119 Sentence denotes In addition to IFN cytokine therapy, interleukin cytokine therapy can enhance the effector functions of NK cells (158).
T356 120-254 Sentence denotes The use of whole, unmodified recombinant cytokines as a monotherapy has resulted in minimal success in humans in cancer immunotherapy.
T357 255-405 Sentence denotes The earliest cytokine therapies to gain FDA-approval were IFN-α and recombinant IL-2, approved for renal cell carcinoma and metastatic melanoma (187).
T358 406-527 Sentence denotes Although approved, they were limited by their in vivo half-life, marginal anti-tumor activity, and associated toxicities.
T359 528-814 Sentence denotes The next generation of cytokine therapies were created to address these issues by first improving their biological stability through pegylation and fusion to chaperone molecules and secondly improving their specificity by fusing cytokines with antibodies or intratumoral administration.
T360 815-934 Sentence denotes These advances in the field have allowed for the reassessment of the therapeutic potential of specific cytokines (187).