PMC:7311890 / 44522-47179 JSONTXT 12 Projects

Annnotations TAB TSV DIC JSON TextAE

Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T270 0-20 Sentence denotes Limitations of Study
T271 21-208 Sentence denotes In this study, lipidomic changes were analyzed in plasma and isolated exosomes, but not in lung tissues or sputum of COVID-19 patients, for which viral counts were expected to be highest.
T272 209-367 Sentence denotes Based on the current study design, it is thus not possible to establish a direct association between the lipidomic changes observed with SARS-CoV-2 infection.
T273 368-597 Sentence denotes Nonetheless, in a previous study on mice infected with RSV that analyzed both lung tissues and plasma lipid changes, multiple correlations between plasma and lung lipids altered by RSV infection were reported (Shan et al., 2018).
T274 598-804 Sentence denotes Metabolite spillage from the lungs into the circulation may also be reasonably expected in cases with compromised alveolar-capillary barrier, such as in moderate and severe COVID-19 patients with pneumonia.
T275 805-1008 Sentence denotes While we followed a small group of five patients longitudinally to elucidate plasma metabolites associated with recovery phase (Figure S2), further validation from a larger longitudinal cohort is needed.
T276 1009-1283 Sentence denotes Our results were based on a single Chinese cohort of COVID-19 patients in China, and future studies in different racial, ethnic, and geographical cohorts will be indispensable for extending our current understanding of lipid metabolic dysregulation in COVID-19 pathogenesis.
T277 1284-1625 Sentence denotes In addition, while we included age, sex, and BMI as covariates in our logistic regression analyses, the statistically significant age and BMI differences between healthy controls and patients are potential confounders in the current study, due to technical constraints in recruiting age- and BMI-matched healthy controls during the outbreak.
T278 1626-2023 Sentence denotes Finally, the metabolic dysregulation underlying the observed exosomal enrichment in GM3s awaits further mechanistic validation, although our preliminary evidence suggested that the selective increases in exosomal GM3s might have contributions from non-exosomal plasma components, as indicated by the decreasing GM3 content in exosome-free supernatant with increasing disease severity (Figure S5C).
T279 2024-2137 Sentence denotes In conclusion, our work highlighted that GM3-enriched exosomes were correlated with the pathogenesis of COVID-19.
T280 2138-2304 Sentence denotes We presented the largest, quantitative repository on the plasma lipidome and metabolome distinctly associated with COVID-19, taking into account baseline confounders.
T281 2305-2524 Sentence denotes Accurate quantitation is sine qua non for facilitating metabolic pathway analysis using multiscale embedded differential correlations, which picks up subtle changes in correlations between quantitated metabolite levels.
T282 2525-2657 Sentence denotes Using this approach, we uncovered metabolite clusters pathologically relevant to COVID-19 that warrant further mechanistic pursuits.