PMC:7306567 / 14429-15327 JSONTXT 12 Projects

Annnotations TAB TSV DIC JSON TextAE

Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T95 0-128 Sentence denotes Corticosteroids should not be given to influenza patients as their use may be associated with increased risk of IAPA [7, 37–39].
T96 129-278 Sentence denotes A recent Cochrane review on this topic concluded that the use of corticosteroids in patients with influenza was associated with a worse outcome [40].
T97 279-338 Sentence denotes However, the evidence was almost exclusively observational.
T98 339-526 Sentence denotes Furthermore, patients are often given steroids in the first few days preceding or after ICU admission for a variety of reasons including COPD exacerbation or complications such as sepsis.
T99 527-713 Sentence denotes With surveys suggesting that approximately half of the physicians are not aware of IAPA [24], many physicians may additionally not be aware of the potential drawbacks of corticosteroids.
T100 714-898 Sentence denotes Whenever the use of corticosteroids is unavoidable, more efforts (bronchoscopy with GM detection in BAL fluid or serum β-D-glucan test) should be made to exclude or diagnose IAPA [41].