PMC:7275133 / 1543-3450 JSONTXT 6 Projects

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Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T14 0-153 Sentence denotes As our world has become upended with the arrival of COVID-19, the way in which healthcare will be provided in the future is likely to change drastically.
T15 154-336 Sentence denotes This pandemic is a big wake-up call for limiting in-person visits, especially during the flu season that put vulnerable patients at undo risk coming into the office for routine care.
T16 337-515 Sentence denotes We have had the technology to perform telemedicine visits for years, but patients’ hesitancy and poor insurance reimbursement have always been barriers for widespread acceptance.
T17 516-675 Sentence denotes In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, most primary care and specialty offices transitioned to a telemedicine-focused approach within a matter of days to weeks.
T18 676-839 Sentence denotes In response, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) relaxed many requirements for Medicare patients and the states followed suit for Medicaid patients.
T19 840-1019 Sentence denotes Insurance companies also loosened restrictions giving healthcare providers increased flexibility to provide care for their patients from the comfort and safety of their own homes.
T20 1020-1244 Sentence denotes 2020 will be the ultimate testing ground for various telehealth services and remote monitoring applications, and it is the hope of the authors that recent changes in access and reimbursement will remain in place permanently.
T21 1245-1427 Sentence denotes To meet the needs of this growing market, new technologies including wearable devices will play an important role in providing real-time data to objectively monitor patients at home.
T22 1428-1622 Sentence denotes These devices will be especially important for improving the health and control of chronically ill patients and for those with conditions like asthma, COPD, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease.
T23 1623-1737 Sentence denotes The focus of this paper revolves around wearable devices for asthma, but can be applied for any chronic condition.
T24 1738-1907 Sentence denotes If these home devices can provide usable data in a reliable, cheap, and easy-to-use format, then the need for in-person visits in the future will be drastically reduced.