PMC:7267510 / 8584-33808 JSONTXT 10 Projects

Annnotations TAB TSV DIC JSON TextAE

Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T59 0-132 Sentence denotes Anticipated date of surgery Location Patient history Diagnosis Surgical procedure Disposition/risk of viral transmission Notes
T60 133-435 Sentence denotes 1 March 23, 2020 University A 69‐year‐old male with two masses in the left parotid gland, fine‐needle aspiration (FNA) with “reactive lymphoid hyperplasia” and benign epithelial cells Neoplasm of unknown behavior of parotid gland Superficial parotidectomy, sternocleidomastoid muscle flap Delayed
T61 436-465 Sentence denotes Low risk Rescheduled to June
T62 466-641 Sentence denotes 2 Mid‐March, date not specified University Case 1 in the text Metastatic papillary cancer of the thyroid to retropharyngeal nodes Bilateral parapharyngeal/retropharyngeal
T63 642-680 Sentence denotes Exploration, neck dissections Delayed
T64 681-761 Sentence denotes Low risk Repeat magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) (previous study 3 months ago).
T65 762-783 Sentence denotes Plan surgery for June
T66 784-988 Sentence denotes 3 Mid‐March, date not specified University A 53‐y‐old female with a nonpalpable cytologically proven deep recurrence of parotid cancer after surgical treatment several years ago in another institution.
T67 989-1101 Sentence denotes Normal facial nerve function Intermediate‐grade mucoepidermoid cancer of parotid Revision parotidectomy Delay
T68 1102-1153 Sentence denotes Low risk Repeat MRI (previous study 4 months ago).
T69 1154-1180 Sentence denotes Plan surgery for late May.
T70 1181-1218 Sentence denotes Postoperative radation will be needed
T71 1219-1526 Sentence denotes 4 March 23, 2020 University A 43‐y‐old female with 2 cm left parotid mass growing over the last 10 y, previous FNA showing pleomorphic adenoma, now experiencing discomfort, but not rapid growth Pleomorphic adenoma of the parotid gland Superficial parotidectomy, sternocleidomastoid muscle flap Delayed
T72 1527-1562 Sentence denotes Low risk Rescheduled to late April
T73 1563-1830 Sentence denotes 5 March 24, 2020 University A 62‐y‐old male with history of basal cell carcinoma of the left upper lip s/p surgical resection in 2005 now with slow recurrence Recurrent basal cell carcinoma of the lip Lip resection, local advancement flap reconstruction Delayed
T74 1831-1940 Sentence denotes Low risk Patient moved from 3/24 to 5/1 due to COVID‐19 and patient's wife having compromised immune system.
T75 1941-1982 Sentence denotes Combined case with facial plastic surgeon
T76 1983-2319 Sentence denotes 6 March 30, 2020 University A 62‐y‐old female with T4bN0 hypopharyngeal cancer extensively involving supraglottis, who had emergency tracheostomy recently Malignant neoplasm of larynx Total laryngectomy, partial pharyngectomy, possible composite glossectomy and tongue base resection, bilateral neck dissection, free flap Approved
T77 2320-2358 Sentence denotes High risk Operated the following week
T78 2359-2629 Sentence denotes 7 March 30, 2020 University Case 3 in the text Malignant neoplasm of oral cavity Composite procedure with resection of floor of mouth and mandibular resection, neck dissection, anterolateral thigh free flap vs radial forearm free flap vs scapula free flap Approved
T79 2630-2669 Sentence denotes High risk Operated the following week.
T80 2670-2771 Sentence denotes Had false‐positive postoperative SARS‐CoV‐2 Reverse Transcriptase Polymerase Chain Reaction (RT PCR).
T81 2772-2812 Sentence denotes Otherwise he had an uneventful recovery.
T82 2813-3085 Sentence denotes 8 March 30, 2020 County Hospital Case 2 in the text Retrosternal multinodular goiter, severe tracheal compression, hyperparathyroidism Left hemithyroidectomy for retrosternal goiter, possible sternotomy, possible total thyroidectomy, parathyroid exploration Approved
T83 3086-3102 Sentence denotes Low‐risk surgery
T84 3103-3130 Sentence denotes High‐risk airway management
T85 3131-3233 Sentence denotes Change in surgical approach suggested Goiter with severe airway impingement and respiratory distress.
T86 3234-3418 Sentence denotes It was recommended that patient be prepared for standby extracorporeal membrane oxygenation to prior to fiberoptic awake intubation, to reduce likelihood of emergency cricothyroidotomy
T87 3419-3623 Sentence denotes 9 March 30, 2020 County Hospital A 57‐y‐old female with acoustic neuroma, brainstem compression, and symptomatic Acoustic neuroma Right retrosigmoid approach for removal of acoustic neuroma Approved
T88 3624-3651 Sentence denotes Low risk Surgery performed
T89 3652-3885 Sentence denotes 10 March 31, 2020 University A 64‐y‐old female with desmoplastic melanoma, 3.5 mm depth Lower lip melanoma Lip resection, sentinel lymph node biopsy, adjacent tissue transfer or rearrangement for primary reconstruction Approved
T90 3886-3914 Sentence denotes High risk Surgery performed
T91 3915-4328 Sentence denotes 11 March 31, 2020 County A 48‐y‐old female with a history of kidney transplant, immunosuppression, had a large scalp cancer resected with negative margins by a surgical oncologist with plan for staged free flap reconstruction by our service Secondary scalp defect with bone exposure, immunosuppression Latissimus dorsi muscle free flap, scalp debridement, neck exploration for preparation of vessels Delayed
T92 4329-4426 Sentence denotes Low risk It was felt paramount to keep this immunosuppressed transplant patient out of hospital.
T93 4427-4472 Sentence denotes Wound care with wound‐vac, wound granulating.
T94 4473-4562 Sentence denotes 12 March 31, 2020 County A 36‐y‐old female with large right parapharyngeal space mass.
T95 4563-4585 Sentence denotes FNA—salivary neoplasm.
T96 4586-4719 Sentence denotes Well circumscribed on imaging Parapharyngeal space mass of uncertain behavior Transcervical parapharyngeal space resection Delayed
T97 4720-4753 Sentence denotes Low risk Repeat imaging 3 months
T98 4754-4935 Sentence denotes 13 March 31, 2020 County Hospital A 79‐y‐old female from nursing home with sacral ulcer, pneumonia, vent dependence, COVID negative Ventilator dependence Tracheostomy Approved
T99 4936-5012 Sentence denotes High risk Medical intensive care unit, inpatient, add on, surgery performed
T100 5013-5320 Sentence denotes 14 March 31, 2020 University A 54‐y‐old male with tongue squamous cell carcinoma (SCCA) Malignant neoplasm of anterior two‐thirds of tongue Hemiglossectomy, direct laryngoscopy with biopsy, bronchoscopy, esophagoscopy, possible tracheostomy, possible split thickness skin graft from the thigh Approved
T101 5321-5349 Sentence denotes High risk Surgery performed
T102 5350-5702 Sentence denotes 15 March 31, 2020 University A 56‐y‐old male with FNA + SCCA cystic left neck mass Neck mass, progressive, growth, cystic, left tonsil suspicious, but not enough for office biopsy Direct laryngoscopy with biopsy, bronchoscopy, esophagoscopy, tonsillectomy, possible neck mass excision, possible neck dissection Approved, Reduce extent of surgery.
T103 5703-5792 Sentence denotes High risk Left tonsil removed and positive for Human Papilloma Virus (HPV)‐related SCCA.
T104 5793-5875 Sentence denotes Did not perform panendosopy and contralateral tonsillectomy as originally planned.
T105 5876-5948 Sentence denotes Would have been a TORS candidate but will go for radiation therapy (RT).
T106 5949-6183 Sentence denotes 16 March 31, 2020 University A 64‐y‐old female with asymmetric tonsils, lymphoma suspected Tonsil neoplasm, suspect lymphoma Direct laryngoscopy with biopsy, Bronchoscopy, esophagoscopy, possible bilateral tonsillectomy Approved
T107 6184-6193 Sentence denotes High risk
T108 6194-6290 Sentence denotes Changed surgical approach suggested Recommendation was to remove one tonsil and frozen section.
T109 6291-6373 Sentence denotes If suspicious for lymphoma can avoid contralateral tonsillectomy and panendoscopy.
T110 6374-6403 Sentence denotes This is exactly what happened
T111 6404-6562 Sentence denotes 17 March 31, 2020 University A 86‐y‐old male with growing scalp lesion Sarcoma of scalp Radical tumor resection, skin substitute graft to scalp Approved
T112 6563-6591 Sentence denotes Low risk Surgery performed.
T113 6592-6959 Sentence denotes 18 April 1, 2020 University A 67‐y‐old male former smoker Malignant neoplasm of tonsil and tongue base Radical resection of tonsil, tonsillar pillars and/or retromolar trigone, limited pharyngectomy, near complete tongue base resection, neck dissection, tracheostomy, radial forearm free flap vs anterolateral thigh free flap, split thickness autograft Approved
T114 6960-7020 Sentence denotes High risk Salvage surgery after chemotherapy and radiation.
T115 7021-7071 Sentence denotes Prior surgery on a different primary years before.
T116 7072-7089 Sentence denotes Forearm flap used
T117 7090-7464 Sentence denotes 19 April 1, 2020 University A 34‐y‐old male presented with hoarseness and has a diagnosis of superficially invasive cancer Malignant neoplasm of glottis LASER(Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation) direct laryngoscopy‐ bilateral lesion excision with microscope direct laryngoscopy‐ bilateral vocal fold injection, therapeutic with microscope Approved
T118 7465-7546 Sentence denotes High risk Patient is young and strongly prefers surgical therapy over radiation.
T119 7547-7650 Sentence denotes Due to his young age and relatively superficial tumor, it was felt appropriate to proceed with surgery.
T120 7651-7705 Sentence denotes Avoidance of LASER suggested but felt to be difficult.
T121 7706-7767 Sentence denotes Extra suction at high power and N95 mask as in all surgeries.
T122 7768-7848 Sentence denotes 20 April 2, 2020 University A 58‐y‐old female with advanced laryngeal cancer.
T123 7849-8006 Sentence denotes Radiation failure Malignant neoplasm of larynx Total Laryngectomy, bilateral neck dissection, radial forearm free flap, split thickness autograft Approved
T124 8007-8035 Sentence denotes High risk Surgery performed
T125 8036-8199 Sentence denotes 21 April 2, 2020 University A 75‐y‐old male with right‐sided visual loss Nasal/sinus tumor, suspected malignancy Nasal/sinus endoscopy with biopsies Approved
T126 8200-8229 Sentence denotes High risk Surgery performed.
T127 8230-8275 Sentence denotes Result was inflammatory rather than malignant
T128 8276-8432 Sentence denotes 22 April 2, 2020 University A 62‐y‐old male smoker with T4 N1 SCCA larynx Right glottic cancer Total laryngectomy, bilateral neck dissections Approved
T129 8433-8461 Sentence denotes High risk Surgery performed
T130 8462-8736 Sentence denotes 23 April 2, 2020 University A 61‐y‐old male smoker, drinker Tongue Cancer Hemiglossectomy with composite resection of floor of mouth, partial pharyngectomy, neck dissection possible bilateral, tracheostomy, radial forearm free flap, split thickness skin graft Approved
T131 8737-8765 Sentence denotes High risk Surgery performed
T132 8766-8995 Sentence denotes 24 April 2, 2020 University A 67‐y‐old male with T2 N2c base of tongue cancer suspected Neoplasm of uncertain behavior of base of tongue, neck mass Direct laryngoscopy with biopsy, rigid esophagoscopy, bronchoscopy Approved
T133 8996-9027 Sentence denotes High risk Endoscopy performed.
T134 9028-9078 Sentence denotes Biopsy revealed HPV‐related base of tongue cancer.
T135 9079-9219 Sentence denotes Not a good candidate for TransOral Robotic Surgery (TORS), crosses midline, bilateral adenopathy, so chemoradiation regardless of situation.
T136 9220-9377 Sentence denotes 25 April 2, 2020 University A 22‐y‐old female with growing, massive adenopathy Castleman's disease, rule out lymphoma Right Neck Node Excision Approved
T137 9378-9405 Sentence denotes Low risk Surgery performed
T138 9406-9735 Sentence denotes 26 April 2, 2020 University A 46‐y‐old male with high‐grade carcinoma of nasal cavity and ethmoid, presented with eye, sinus pain Malignant neoplasm of ethmoidal sinus Craniofacial approach to anterior cranial fossa with maxillectomy, anterior skull base resection of bilateral lesion, intradural with dural repair Approved
T139 9736-9745 Sentence denotes High risk
T140 9746-9796 Sentence denotes Suggested changes in technique Surgery performed.
T141 9797-9827 Sentence denotes Avoid drill and microdebrider.
T142 9828-9951 Sentence denotes Plastic cover recommended over face and nose with small holes for scope to divert plume from cautery and aerosolized debris
T143 9952-10076 Sentence denotes 27 April 2, 2020 University A 67‐y‐old male presented with hoarseness T4aN2 SCCA of larynx Total Laryngectomy Approved
T144 10077-10105 Sentence denotes High risk Surgery performed
T145 10106-10280 Sentence denotes 28 April 2, 2020 University A 56‐y‐old female with a midline neck mass consistent with a benign thyroglossal duct cyst Thyroglossal duct cyst Sistrunk procedure Delayed
T146 10281-10381 Sentence denotes Low risk Patient rescheduled 6/11/20 due to COVID‐19, and her surgery being elective and non‐urgent
T147 10382-10557 Sentence denotes 29 April 2, 2020 County Hospital A 42‐y‐old female with superficial supraglottic SCCA Malignant neoplasm of the supraglottis Microdirect laryngoscopy with LASER Approved
T148 10558-10567 Sentence denotes High risk
T149 10568-10637 Sentence denotes Suggested changes in technique Recommendation to avoid use of LASER.
T150 10638-10710 Sentence denotes Instead of laser, cold technique used with electrocautery at low setting
T151 10711-10826 Sentence denotes 30 April 2, 2020 County Hospital A 65‐y‐old male with dysphagia, lesion on fiberoptic examination Supraglottic/
T152 10827-10889 Sentence denotes hypopharyngeal mass Direct laryngoscopy with biopsy Approved
T153 10890-10950 Sentence denotes High risk Needs biopsy to proceed with non‐surgical therapy
T154 10951-11098 Sentence denotes 31 April 2, 2020 County Hospital A 41‐y‐old male with tonsil lesion, throat discomfort Tonsil lesion Direct laryngoscopy with biopsy Approved
T155 11099-11178 Sentence denotes High risk Tonsillar fossa ulcer in patient with history of left tonsil cancer.
T156 11179-11214 Sentence denotes Soft tissue radionecrosis vs cancer
T157 11215-11431 Sentence denotes 32 April 2, 2020 County Hospital A 71‐y‐old male with pain in throat, palpable tongue base mass, neck mass Tongue base mass, neck mass Direct laryngoscopy with biopsy, rigid esophagoscopy, bronchoscopy Approved
T158 11432-11479 Sentence denotes High risk Rescheduled 2/2 positive COVID test.
T159 11480-11541 Sentence denotes We will need to wait at least 2 wk and retest COVID‐19 RT‐PCR
T160 11542-11709 Sentence denotes 33 April 3, 2020 County Hospital A 64‐y‐old male with growing neck mass Cervical lymphadenopathy, concern for lymphoma Neck excisional lymph node biopsy Approved
T161 11710-11737 Sentence denotes Low risk Surgery performed
T162 11738-11967 Sentence denotes 34 April 3, 200 University A 88‐y‐old male with advanced laryngeal cancer Malignant neoplasm of larynx Total Laryngectomy, partial pharyngectomy, bilateral neck dissection, adjacent tissue transfer or rearrangement Approved
T163 11968-11996 Sentence denotes High risk Surgery performed
T164 11997-12118 Sentence denotes 35 April 3, 2020 University A 48‐y‐old male smoker with right tail of parotid mass and FNA showing oncocytic neoplasm.
T165 12119-12300 Sentence denotes Growth of tumor has been slow over 2 y Neoplasm of uncertain behavior of the parotid gland Superficial parotidectomy, sternocleidomastoid muscle flap, abdominal fat graft Delayed
T166 12301-12345 Sentence denotes Low risk Concern with low‐grade malignancy.
T167 12346-12429 Sentence denotes Due to COVID‐19 patients elective surgery has been rescheduled for late May 8, 2020
T168 12430-12667 Sentence denotes 36 April 6, 2020 University A 76‐y‐old male smoker with T3N1M0 HPV+ SCCA of the left tonsil (just over 4 cm in vertical dimension) TORS candidate Malignant neoplasm of the tonsil TORS radical tonsillectomy, neck dissection Canceled
T169 12668-12701 Sentence denotes High risk Transfer to radiation.
T170 12702-12735 Sentence denotes Initially was scheduled for TORS.
T171 12736-12905 Sentence denotes Due to COVID‐19 situation, as well as presence of a second node on Positron Emission Tomography Computed Tomography (PET CT), he was strongly advised to proceed with RT.
T172 12906-12970 Sentence denotes Patient was insistent on surgical therapy, but eventually agreed
T173 12971-13156 Sentence denotes 37 April 6, 2020 University A 27‐y‐old male with thyroid nodule, positive FNA for papillary cancer Thyroid cancer Total thyroidectomy, Central compartment neck dissection Delayed,
T174 13157-13296 Sentence denotes Low risk Thyroid Ca with metastases in the neck; plan for repeat FNA to confirm diagnosis in neck; suspected slow growing papillary cancer
T175 13297-13445 Sentence denotes 38 April 6, 2020 University A 71‐y‐old female with prominent growing lymph nodes Lymphadenopathy Excisional biopsy of upper neck node Approved
T176 13446-13502 Sentence denotes Very Low risk since intubation avoided Likely lymphoma.
T177 13503-13557 Sentence denotes Excisional biopsy under local anesthesia with sedation
T178 13558-13844 Sentence denotes 39 April 6, 2020 County Hospital A 58‐y‐old male, smoker with progressive dysphagia Malignant neoplasm of hypopharynx Pharyngectomy, total laryngectomy, bilateral neck dissections, radial forearm vs anterolateral thigh free flap reconstruction, split thickness skin graft Canceled
T179 13845-13908 Sentence denotes High risk It meets criteria for being considered unresectable.
T180 13909-13998 Sentence denotes Borderline for surgery, and plan is for chemotherapy/RT based on tumor board presentation
T181 13999-14299 Sentence denotes 40 April 6, 2020 County Hospital A 31‐y‐old female with cerebrospinal fluid leakage occurring after discharge from craniofacial resection for anterior fossa meningioma Cerebrospinal fluid leak after craniofacial resection Bilateral sinus surgery complex/skull base with CSF leak repair Approved
T182 14300-14309 Sentence denotes High risk
T183 14310-14363 Sentence denotes Suggested changes in technique Proceed with surgery.
T184 14364-14383 Sentence denotes Plastic face cover.
T185 14384-14420 Sentence denotes Avoid use of microdebrider and drill
T186 14421-14595 Sentence denotes 41 April 9, 2020 University A 64‐y‐old male with growing neck mass Neck mass, + FNA for SCCA Direct laryngoscopy with biopsy, rigid esophagoscopy, bronchoscopy Approved
T187 14596-14648 Sentence denotes High risk Tonsil cancer suspected but not definite.
T188 14649-14675 Sentence denotes May require tonsillectomy.
T189 14676-14863 Sentence denotes 42 April 9, 2020 University A 63‐y‐old male, progressive odynophagia Malignant neoplasm of base of tongue Direct laryngoscopy with biopsy, rigid esophagoscopy, bronchoscopy Approved
T190 14864-14932 Sentence denotes High risk Submucosal recurrence in BOT; risk of bleeding and airway
T191 14933-15017 Sentence denotes 43 April 9, 2020 University A 79‐y‐old female with painful growing tongue lesion.
T192 15018-15155 Sentence denotes Biopsy + SCCA Tongue SCCA Partial glossectomy, possible hemiglossectomy, neck dissection, possible split thickness skin graft Approved
T193 15156-15165 Sentence denotes High risk
T194 15166-15223 Sentence denotes Change in surgical approach suggested Surgery performed.
T195 15224-15334 Sentence denotes Original plan for tracheostomy changed to intubation for one to two nights and avoid tracheostomy if possible.
T196 15335-15393 Sentence denotes Original indication for tracheostomy felt to be borderline
T197 15394-15592 Sentence denotes 44 April 9, 2020 University A 64‐y‐old male with painful tongue lesion Tongue SCCA Hemiglossectomy, neck dissection, trachesotomy, radial forearm free flap, split thickness skin graft Approved
T198 15593-15621 Sentence denotes High risk Surgery performed
T199 15622-15988 Sentence denotes 45 April 9, 2020 University A 63‐y‐old male with change in voice and tongue mobility Neoplasm of uncertain behavior midline skull base, progressive 10th and 12th nerve weakness Endoscopic endonasal clival tumor biopsy, probable subtotal resection or excision of neoplastic, vascular, or infectious lesion of base of anterior cranial fossa, intradural, Approved
T200 15989-16018 Sentence denotes High risk Surgery performed.
T201 16019-16091 Sentence denotes Plastic cover used and minimized drill and microdebrider during approach
T202 16092-16206 Sentence denotes 46 April 9, 2020 University A 20‐y‐old female transferred from a hospital in Tampa with periorbital cellulitis.
T203 16207-16419 Sentence denotes Eye swollen closed, pain with eye movement, no loss of vision Subperiosteal abscess of left orbit with orbital involvement Nasal/sinus endoscopy surgical with ethmoidectomy, possible orbitotomy Delay or Cancel
T204 16420-16468 Sentence denotes High risk Patient tested Positive for COVID‐19.
T205 16469-16576 Sentence denotes Delay and temporize with intravenous antibiotics and operate if becomes negative or if vision deteriorates.
T206 16577-16643 Sentence denotes Watch vision closely and symptoms for signs of COVID‐19 infection.
T207 16644-16676 Sentence denotes Repeat testing when appropriate.
T208 16677-16750 Sentence denotes Patient signed out against medical advice and was given oral antibiotics.
T209 16751-16803 Sentence denotes He will follow‐up with an otolaryngologist in Tampa.
T210 16804-17065 Sentence denotes 47 April 10, 2020 University A 50‐y‐old male with recurrent laryngeal cancer after RT Malignant neoplasm of larynx Total laryngectomy, bilateral neck dissection, left anterolateral thigh free flap, possible pectoralis major muscle flap Canceled by patient
T211 17066-17238 Sentence denotes High risk The patient is from our area but opted to drive 7 hours away to Jacksonville for consultation with plan to receive surgery there due to lowerCOVID‐19 prevalence.
T212 17239-17680 Sentence denotes 48 April 10, 2020 University A 60‐y‐old male, Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV)+, diabetic, renal failure on dialysis, with new oral lesion on frenulum, nasal vestibular lesion Oral mass, Neoplasm of uncertain behavior of base of tongue, cancer vs papilloma, nasal papilloma Direct laryngoscopy with biopsy, rigid esophagoscopy, midline oral vestibule lesion excision with complex repair, left benign lesion excision of the nose Delay
T213 17681-17783 Sentence denotes High risk Nasal vestibule and floor of mouth papillomatous lesion; Recommend biopsy in office for now
T214 17784-18067 Sentence denotes 49 April 10, 2020 University A 73‐y‐old male with hoarseness Fiberoptic exam and review of outside pathology consistent with severe dysplasia Direct laryngoscopy with biopsy, rigid esophagoscopy, bronchoscopy, microdirect laryngoscopy with removal of lesion, tracheoscopy Delay
T215 18068-18159 Sentence denotes High risk Tumor board review of pathology confident lesion is “in situ” carcinoma at most.
T216 18160-18185 Sentence denotes Microlaryngoscopy in 8 wk
T217 18186-18391 Sentence denotes 50 April 10, 2020 University A 62‐y‐old male with papillary thyroid cancer requesting surgery as soon as possible Thyroid cancer Total thyroidectomy, Possible paratracheal lymph node dissection Delay
T218 18392-18450 Sentence denotes Low risk Well‐differentiated cancer and no airway issues.
T219 18451-18477 Sentence denotes Recommend waiting 3 months
T220 18478-18689 Sentence denotes 51 April 10, 2020 University A 72‐y‐old male painful superficial oral lesion, equivocal biopsy Tongue cancer Partial glossectomy, direct laryngoscopy with biopsy, rigid esophagoscopy, bronchoscopy Approved
T221 18690-18718 Sentence denotes High risk Surgery performed
T222 18719-18828 Sentence denotes 52 April 10, 2020 University A 91‐y‐old male with excellent performance status with growing parotid tumor.
T223 18829-18852 Sentence denotes History of skin cancer.
T224 18853-19100 Sentence denotes FNA reveals carcinoma with squamous features Malignancy of parotid Parotidectomy, neck dissection, sternocleidomastoid flap, possible pectoralis major muscle flap, cervicofacial advancement, radical resection of tumor neck, auriculectomy Cancel
T225 19101-19158 Sentence denotes Low risk Patient presented at Tumor board April 9, 2020.
T226 19159-19188 Sentence denotes Patient has likely metastases
T227 19189-19429 Sentence denotes 53 April 10, 2020 University A 77‐y‐old female with dysphagia and history of hypopharyngeal stenosis Dysphagia, hypopharyngeal stenosis Pharyngoplasty, dilation, direct laryngoscopy with biopsy, rigid esophagoscopy, bronchoscopy Delay
T228 19430-19509 Sentence denotes High risk Attempt at radiologic gastrostomy first to allow delay in procedure.
T229 19510-19540 Sentence denotes Ultimately this was successful
T230 19541-19670 Sentence denotes 54 April 13, 2020 University A 38‐y‐old female with tongue lesion Tongue SCCA Partial glossectomy, neck dissection Approved
T231 19671-19719 Sentence denotes High risk Depth of invasion was 3 mm on biopsy.
T232 19720-19778 Sentence denotes Clinical examination consistent with a superficial lesion.
T233 19779-19889 Sentence denotes Surgeon questioned whether there was any benefit to deferring neck dissection and performing watchful waiting.
T234 19890-20075 Sentence denotes Recommendation per Tumor board was to maintain standard of care and perform the neck dissection, particularly since the neck dissection represented the low‐risk portion of the procedure
T235 20076-20188 Sentence denotes 55 April 14, 2020 University A 81‐y‐old female with supraclavicular mass, chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL).
T236 20190-20258 Sentence denotes Metastatic SCCA of skin Neck dissection, advancement flap Approved
T237 20259-20286 Sentence denotes Low risk Surgery performed
T238 20287-20607 Sentence denotes 56 April 15, 2020 University A 52‐y‐old male with SCCA floor of mouth Oral cancer, Neck mass Composite resection of oral cavity cancer, left neck dissection, direct laryngoscopy, rigid esophagoscopy, bronchoscopy, tracheostomy, radial forearm free flap vs fibula free flap, left split thickness skin graft Approved
T239 20608-20636 Sentence denotes High risk Surgery performed
T240 20637-20868 Sentence denotes 57 April 16, 2020 University A 63‐y‐old female with recurrent laryngeal SCCA after RT Malignant neoplasm of larynx Direct laryngoscopy with biopsy, rigid esophagoscopy, bronchoscopy, total laryngectomy, possible flap Approved
T241 20869-20916 Sentence denotes High risk Surgery scheduled in the near future
T242 20917-20998 Sentence denotes 58 April 16, 2020 University A 37‐y‐old male with parotid mass, equivocal FNA.
T243 20999-21208 Sentence denotes Surgeon concerned regarding risk of malignancy in a young person and wants to proceed Neoplasm of uncertain behavior of parotid gland Parotidectomy, sternocleidmastoid flap, possible neck dissection Delayed
T244 21209-21256 Sentence denotes Low risk Case was discussed with our ethicist.
T245 21257-21381 Sentence denotes Low‐grade malignancy is a possibility, but imaging (CT) is stable between December and April and tumor is well encapsulated.
T246 21382-21413 Sentence denotes Recommend delay for two months.
T247 21414-21474 Sentence denotes Surgeon and patient are comfortable with the recommendation.
T248 21475-21733 Sentence denotes 59 April 16, 2020 University A 75‐y‐old female with tongue SCCA Malignant neoplasm determined by biopsy of tongue Direct laryngoscopy with biopsy, rigid esophagoscopy, partial glossectomy, neck dissection, adjacent tissue transfer of the mouth Approved
T249 21734-21762 Sentence denotes High risk Surgery performed
T250 21763-22052 Sentence denotes 60 April 17, 2020 University A 63‐y‐old female with a large pigmented lesion of face which has undergone recent changes Invasive Melanoma, at least 0.9 mm depth, occurring withing a larger insitu lentigo maligna Wide resection of face, cheek, integra graft face, sentinel node biopsy.
T251 22053-22128 Sentence denotes Secondary reconstruction will occur after final margins available Approved
T252 22129-22370 Sentence denotes Low risk Committee suggested consideration for doing only wide local excision and not performing sentinel node biopsy, in order to simplify the procedure and reduce chance of inpatient stay, particularly in a lesion of borderline thickness.
T253 22371-22483 Sentence denotes However biopsy was felt potentially to underrepresent depth and the surgeon proceeded with sentinel node biopsy.
T254 22484-22525 Sentence denotes False positive RT PCR led to 4 day delay.
T255 22526-22789 Sentence denotes 61 April 16, 2020 University A 83‐y‐old female for transfer from another hospital, with respiratory deterioration, chronic aspiration, after previous chemoradiation failure and subsequent pharyngectomy with laryngeal preservation, and free flap by our service.
T256 22790-22921 Sentence denotes She has a tracheostomy and gastric tube and was just weaned from 5 weeks of mechanical ventilation related to aspiration pneumonia.
T257 22923-23070 Sentence denotes Chronic aspiration, recurrent aspiration pneumonia Total laryngectomy, narrow field, possible regional flap, possible free flap Initially delayed
T258 23071-23220 Sentence denotes Later approved a week later after the patient showed further signs of respiratory deterioration.Visible aspiration reported on fiberoptic examination
T259 23221-23265 Sentence denotes High risk Case was discussed with ethicist.
T260 23266-23430 Sentence denotes Patient was initially refused with a request that they temporize at her inpatient facility with tracheostomy cuff inflation and increased suctioning and ambulation.
T261 23431-23548 Sentence denotes The patient continued to deteriorate and we agreed to accept in transfer for urgent laryngectomy to treat aspiration.
T262 23549-23574 Sentence denotes She has been transferred.
T263 23575-23622 Sentence denotes Surgery was delayed by a false positive RT PCR.
T264 23623-23736 Sentence denotes After multiple subsequent negative tests she underwent a successful total laryngectomy and pectoralis major flap.
T265 23737-23913 Sentence denotes 62 April 17, 2020 University A 46‐y‐old obese male with submandibular mass growing slowly for 2 y Submandibular gland mass Submandibular gland excision Delay for 3 months
T266 23914-24089 Sentence denotes Low risk FNA suggestive of myoepithelial cell‐rich neoplasm with differential diagnosis of myoepithelial cell‐rich pleomorphic adenoma, basal cell adenoma, and myoepithelioma
T267 24090-24180 Sentence denotes 63 April 17, 2020 University A 75‐y‐old male with T2N0M0 HPV+ SCCA of the right tonsil.
T268 24181-24362 Sentence denotes TORS candidate Malignant neoplasm of the tonsil TORS radical tonsillectomy, neck dissection Canceled TORS canceled, referred for radiation, due to risks associated with COVID‐19
T269 24363-24682 Sentence denotes 64 April 15, 2020 University A 42‐y‐old male with history of chemoradiation and 4 wk postoperative from major head and neck surgery, with fistula, suspected late necrosis of radial forearm free flap Oropharyngeal cancer, fistula, free flap loss Wound debridement, pectoralis major flap, pharyngeal repair Approved
T270 24683-24737 Sentence denotes High risk Surgery pending repeat COVID‐19 PCR testing
T271 24738-24823 Sentence denotes 65 April 17, 2020 University A 55‐y‐old male with right neck mass and sore throat.
T272 24824-24904 Sentence denotes No office throat exam done due to COVID and fact that seen only by telemedicine.
T273 24905-25020 Sentence denotes FNA suspicious for lymphoma New neck mass Direct Laryngoscopy, rigid esophagoscopy, rigid bronchoscopy Approved.