PMC:7252011 / 13653-16315 JSONTXT 12 Projects

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Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T91 0-14 Sentence denotes 8 Conclusions
T92 15-234 Sentence denotes This concise manuscript is intended to spotlight some of the factors involved in the COVID-19 process focusing on our current efforts to shine some light by proving laboratory evidence to support our working hypothesis.
T93 235-415 Sentence denotes People respond differently to COVID-19 some without major clinical problems, others, especially older population or with comorbidities, develop severe or fatal complications [1,2].
T94 416-699 Sentence denotes This virus does not recognize age or rank and where the individual variability appears to matter is how people respond to viral infectivity: the good responders overcome the virus by developing high affinity antibodies, whereas the poor responders are doomed to severe health Issues.
T95 700-905 Sentence denotes It is nevertheless more than intriguing to note that the highest antibody concentrations are noted in the most severe patients, and this does not always correspond to the viral load detected by PCR [5,15].
T96 906-1181 Sentence denotes We emphasize that, in addition to the viral deleterious effects of infection in lungs and organs, and stimulation of the immune system, a possible rebound trigger could be induced by an autoimmune response, especially when complications are delayed from the initial symptoms.
T97 1182-1417 Sentence denotes The mechanisms of viral infection and entry into cells through the ACE-2 receptor create a unique context for development of allo- or autoantibodies, which can induce their harmful effect on the body’s cells and tissues exposing ACE-2.
T98 1418-1526 Sentence denotes This mode of action is similar to that of 2002 SARS-CoV [16], but SARS-CoV-2 has a higher affinity for ACE2.
T99 1527-1676 Sentence denotes Therefore COVID-19-induced activation of hemostasis and immune reactions remains, for a while, in the spotlight to be fully proven without any doubt.
T100 1677-1881 Sentence denotes Autoimmune complications, although rare, have been observed in many infectious diseases, as for example anti-coagulation Protein S in varicella, anti-prothrombine, anti-Platelet Factor 4, anti-FXIII, etc.
T101 1882-2018 Sentence denotes Autoantibodies are investigated only because of the associated clinical syndromes induced (as Lupus Anticoagulant, thrombosis, bruises).
T102 2019-2187 Sentence denotes Understanding the various routes of pathology development can help to design the most efficient diagnostic tools and therapeutic approaches as recently reviewed [9,12].
T103 2188-2277 Sentence denotes Recombinant ACE2 is being developed for treating the acute respiratory distress syndrome.
T104 2278-2416 Sentence denotes Other strategies in the spirit of unities in these massive risky periods, in the real crisis time, requiring prompt action, are warranted.
T105 2417-2574 Sentence denotes Specific recommendations for a standardized preparation, and an optimal use of convalescent plasma at a global level are greatly needed in COVID 19 patients.
T106 2575-2662 Sentence denotes This will be helpful in designing future clinical trials in this area of investigation.