PMC:7252011 / 10784-12249 JSONTXT 11 Projects

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Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T75 0-333 Sentence denotes The formation of a strong complex between ACE-2, a self-component, and viral S1 (or S Protein), constitutes the basic context for developing allo-antibodies and generating a delayed autoimmune response, with antibodies first targeted to viral antigens, but which can extend to the associated self-component through epitope spreading.
T76 334-446 Sentence denotes Then, antibodies to ACE-2 could develop, or eventually to another cell protein close to or complexed with ACE-2.
T77 447-760 Sentence denotes We then hypothesize that an allo-immune response can follow the initial immune reaction to the viral infection, and that epitope spreading can induce antibodies to ACE-2, or to proteins with which it is complexed, thus targeting the immune system to cells exposing ACE-2 (abundant in lungs and some other organs).
T78 761-874 Sentence denotes This delayed autoimmune response can contribute to the cytokine storm and generate tissue injury and destruction.
T79 875-1137 Sentence denotes This can activate hemostasis, beyond acute hypercoagulability, stimulate tissue injury, and totally impair the body’s regulation of hypertension and physiological defense mechanisms such as existing pathways of haemostasis/ thrombosis and inflammatory processes.
T80 1138-1350 Sentence denotes We do not know, at this stage, if interaction between ACE-2 and S Protein, or its S1 subunit or with another viral or cell protein, can induce structural modifications of ACE-2 and expose cryptic or neo-epitopes.
T81 1351-1465 Sentence denotes This possibility needs to be considered as it could yet stimulate the immune reaction and generate autoantibodies.