PMC:7211077 / 13504-13811 JSONTXT 5 Projects

Annnotations TAB TSV DIC JSON TextAE-old TextAE

Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T116 0-13 Sentence denotes Contributors:
T117 14-42 Sentence denotes Study design: LL, GZ and JW.
T118 43-78 Sentence denotes Data collection: LC, MC, ZH and NX.
T119 79-138 Sentence denotes Analysis and interpretation of the data: ZZ, KQ, TH and ML.
T120 139-165 Sentence denotes Writing of the report: LC.
T121 166-203 Sentence denotes Revision of the draft: LC, ZZ and GZ.
T122 204-307 Sentence denotes Making the decision to submit the paper for publication: LL, GZ, JW, LC, MC, ZH, NX, ZZ, KQ, TH and ML.