PMC:7180008 / 662-9030 JSONTXT 12 Projects

Annnotations TAB TSV DIC JSON TextAE

Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T5 0-137 Sentence denotes During these challenging times, how can we best balance the competing demands of clinical work and the educational needs of our learners?
T6 139-231 Sentence denotes Ujas Parikh, MD, Chief Resident, Department of Radiology, New York University Langone Health
T7 232-379 Sentence denotes Situated in the epicenter of the COVID-19 pandemic, addressing coronavirus and the safety of our residents and patients is the number one priority.
T8 380-607 Sentence denotes And although our residents are working to ensure imaging studies are rapidly dictated and necessary interventional procedures are performed, many are stepping up to the front lines alongside our medical and surgical colleagues.
T9 608-754 Sentence denotes Despite these challenges, we continue to learn in adaptive ways through consistency, flexibility, innovation, and, importantly, social distancing.
T10 755-868 Sentence denotes Along with free open access education, strategies to aid learning generally fall into the following four areas.1.
T11 869-927 Sentence denotes Consistency with the “status quo” using virtual platforms.
T12 928-1053 Sentence denotes Traditional radiology teaching stems from clinical “at the workstation” learning as well as didactic and case-based teaching.
T13 1054-1125 Sentence denotes Continuing this approach virtually gives residents a sense of normalcy.
T14 1126-1245 Sentence denotes Residents now read out with a dedicated teaching attending through a built-in chat function and virtual screen sharing.
T15 1246-1383 Sentence denotes Daily didactic teaching is delivered virtually via Cisco WebEx (Milpitas, California), with residents logging in from their workstations.
T16 1384-1455 Sentence denotes Residents can also host “virtual rounds” with clinicians on the floors.
T17 1456-1570 Sentence denotes For example, senior residents lead pediatric intensive care unit rounds via video conferencing and screen sharing.
T18 1571-1669 Sentence denotes Residents gather clinical information from the team and interpret or review radiographic findings.
T19 1670-1856 Sentence denotes Even in this time of social distancing, residents add value by maintaining open lines of communication with referring teams, thereby improving workflow efficiency and patient management.
T20 1857-1859 Sentence denotes 2.
T21 1860-1913 Sentence denotes Continuity of learning through innovative approaches.
T22 1914-2082 Sentence denotes The key is to be creative and find innovative ways to meet resident educational needs without burdening radiologists who are trying to meet increasing clinical demands.
T23 2083-2257 Sentence denotes For example, our neuroradiology section now sends out weekly articles (ie, radiographics) with accompanying multiple-choice questions that can be answered on a mobile device.
T24 2258-2415 Sentence denotes In contrast, our abdominal imaging section hosts a virtual “body club” in which residents discuss body imaging cases encountered when on rotation or on call.
T25 2416-2418 Sentence denotes 3.
T26 2419-2481 Sentence denotes Informatics: PACS database and radiologic-pathologic learning.
T27 2482-2592 Sentence denotes Institutions should update their teaching files and accessible databases of existing cases for trainee review.
T28 2593-2835 Sentence denotes By harnessing the power of informatics, a quick search of the PACS database can quickly identify COVID-19 cases, which could then be reviewed by residents and faculty to “train their eye” on the multimodality appearance of COVID-19 pneumonia.
T29 2836-3068 Sentence denotes Radiology-pathology correlation can be streamlined by creating a module that sends automated e-mails once pathology or operative reports become available for imaging cases, thereby enhancing resident learning and improving accuracy.
T30 3069-3071 Sentence denotes 4.
T31 3072-3094 Sentence denotes Residents as teachers.
T32 3095-3325 Sentence denotes As medical schools transition to a virtual platform, radiology trainees can play a prominent role in teaching, particularly using imaging as a means to teach anatomy and disease pathology, possibly in an interdisciplinary setting.
T33 3326-3417 Sentence denotes Perhaps a “virtual radiology elective” would offer students a structured learning platform.
T34 3419-3513 Sentence denotes Teresa Chapman, MD, Program Director, Diagnostic Radiology Residency, University of Washington
T35 3514-3773 Sentence denotes A recent statement by Tom Nasca, MD, president and chief executive officer of the ACGME, acknowledged the many changes we are experiencing across the country and specifically addressed the use of telemedicine and the impact of COVID-19 on clinical volume [1].
T36 3774-3999 Sentence denotes His communication emphasizes that as needs and policies evolve, the program director, with consideration of the program’s Clinical Competency Committee, will assess the competence of each individual trainee before graduation.
T37 4000-4128 Sentence denotes Program directors must remain committed to providing excellent training to residents and fellows despite our current challenges.
T38 4129-4371 Sentence denotes In response to the need for social distancing, the first adaptation in our educational environment was to eliminate side-by-side supervision and to reduce congestion in reading rooms by establishing remote office spaces and home workstations.
T39 4372-4463 Sentence denotes Faculty and trainees have quickly become facile using screen-sharing software for teaching.
T40 4464-4554 Sentence denotes This rapid and widespread change in behavior has both immediate and long-lasting benefits.
T41 4555-4665 Sentence denotes The ability to share a teaching session allows medical students and visiting learners to participate remotely.
T42 4666-4845 Sentence denotes Furthermore, setting up a text page system for announcing upcoming interesting case conferences can bring residents together, thereby benefitting education and overall well-being.
T43 4846-5020 Sentence denotes Postponing nonurgent and elective procedures has led to a profound decrease in clinical work for some subspecialties leading to a reduced daily workforce, including trainees.
T44 5021-5180 Sentence denotes While at home, residents are available to assist at any moment and can also participate in readout sessions, lectures, and multidisciplinary sessions remotely.
T45 5181-5465 Sentence denotes Multiple radiology societies, including the ACR, Association of University Radiologists (AUR), Association of Program Directors in Radiology (APDR), and RSNA, quickly organized and disseminated free learning material for residents with the aim of providing a core resident curriculum.
T46 5466-5641 Sentence denotes In addition, senior residents with an interest in radiology education can help develop curricular materials in their area of interest when they are on a remote study rotation.
T47 5642-5797 Sentence denotes The impact of decreased clinical volumes as it relates to meeting graduation and program requirements is of concern to both trainees and program directors.
T48 5798-5880 Sentence denotes ACGME has posted communications from several specialties, including radiology [2].
T49 5881-6130 Sentence denotes Accrediting and certifying bodies, including the ABR, ACGME, FDA, and Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC), recognize the impact of this pandemic on trainees’ education, and specific allowances may be granted for those residents impacted by COVID-19.
T50 6131-6270 Sentence denotes For example, creative solutions such as interpretation of blinded, historical patient cases may become necessary for some senior residents.
T51 6271-6450 Sentence denotes As always and especially at this time, program directors should pay close attention to senior residents’ clinical experiences and ensure their readiness to practice independently.
T52 6452-6459 Sentence denotes Cari L.
T53 6460-6559 Sentence denotes Motuzas, MD, Program Director, Diagnostic Radiology Residency, Vanderbilt University Medical Center
T54 6560-6692 Sentence denotes How do we adapt to the restrictions related to this pandemic in a way that allows us to continue to support the educational mission?
T55 6693-6823 Sentence denotes Continuing educational activities preserves some “normalcy” for residents and can decrease anxiety, given the current uncertainty.
T56 6824-6847 Sentence denotes First, do what is easy.
T57 6848-6963 Sentence denotes Keep the lecture schedule and use technology to allow all parties to participate irrespective of physical location.
T58 6964-7106 Sentence denotes A virtual platform such as Zoom (San Jose, California), Cisco WebEx, or Go To Meeting (Boston, Massachusetts) can facilitate virtual meetings.
T59 7107-7209 Sentence denotes Assigning one or two technologically savvy residents to support faculty can facilitate rapid adoption.
T60 7210-7372 Sentence denotes For faculty uncomfortable talking to a computer screen, the session could still take place in a conference room provided on-site attendees are socially distanced.
T61 7373-7510 Sentence denotes With medical students, virtual learning can be as interactive as in-person learning provided the faculty explicitly encourages questions.
T62 7511-7652 Sentence denotes This can be accomplished by either stating up front that questions are encouraged at any time or pausing frequently and asking for questions.
T63 7653-7791 Sentence denotes Sometimes providing prompts, such as asking for the modality, plane of imaging, or imaging finding, can engage students more successfully.
T64 7792-7941 Sentence denotes With workstations spread out and sometimes in different buildings, faculty must find new ways to provide meaningful feedback and facilitate learning.
T65 7942-8039 Sentence denotes Most PACS systems have direct messaging that can allow faculty to provide case-specific feedback.
T66 8040-8163 Sentence denotes Faculty can also share interesting cases and provide trainees with a list of teaching cases to review at their convenience.
T67 8164-8265 Sentence denotes Finally, having a virtual town hall can help trainees reconnect, share updates, and express concerns.
T68 8266-8368 Sentence denotes These conversations can break the feeling of isolation and remind us that we are all in this together.