PMC:7166305 / 9093-10062 JSONTXT 8 Projects

Annnotations TAB TSV DIC JSON TextAE

Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T116 0-103 Sentence denotes Fig. 1 Ratio changes for LDL (A), HDL (B) and TC (C) in COVID-19 patients during the course of disease.
T117 104-222 Sentence denotes For each data point, the ratio is normalized to the levels of LDL, HDL and TC prior to infection for the same patient.
T118 223-313 Sentence denotes The days listed are the duration (median (IQR)) for each period during the disease course.
T119 314-354 Sentence denotes The date on admission is set as “day 0”.
T120 355-571 Sentence denotes Data is presented as “mean ± 95% confidence interval”. # indicates p < 0.05 as compared to the levels of pre-infection stage, and * indicates p < 0.05 as compared to the levels on admission, by a Mann-Whitney U test.
T121 572-648 Sentence denotes The sample actual values at each stage are listed in Supplementary Table S1.
T122 649-757 Sentence denotes The ratios of hsCRP at each time point are normalized to the levels prior to infection in the same patients.
T123 758-969 Sentence denotes Pearson correlation coefficient analysis show the ratios of hsCRP significantly inversely correlated with the ratios of LDL (D), HDL (E) and TC (F) during the disease course; n = 33 data pairs for each analysis.