PMC:7162774 / 95-5736 JSONTXT 13 Projects

Annnotations TAB TSV DIC JSON TextAE

Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T2 0-120 Sentence denotes In December 2019, an outbreak of a severe respiratory viral illness was first identified in the Hubei province of China.
T3 121-275 Sentence denotes The illness was later discovered to be caused by infection with a novel coronavirus known as severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2).
T4 276-421 Sentence denotes To the best of our knowledge, we present here the first confirmed case of COVID-19 in a patient on left ventricular assist device (LVAD) support.
T5 422-760 Sentence denotes Our case patient is a 66-year-old man with a history of end-stage ischemic cardiomyopathy, on HeartMate II (Abbott Laboratories, Abbott Park, IL) LVAD as destination therapy, hypertension, atrial flutter, and ischemic stroke who presented with a 4-day history of fever, cough, and shortness of breath after recent 2-month travel to Egypt.
T6 761-922 Sentence denotes Initial physical examination revealed a body temperature of 100.9°F (38.3°C), normal mean arterial pressure by Doppler, and oxygen saturation of 70% on room air.
T7 923-1093 Sentence denotes Arterial blood gas revealed a partial pressure of oxygen in arterial blood of 46 mm Hg despite delivery of 100% fraction of inspired oxygen via nonrebreather ventilation.
T8 1094-1138 Sentence denotes LVAD parameters were stable on presentation.
T9 1139-1243 Sentence denotes A chest radiograph showed bilateral pulmonary infiltrates suggestive of multifocal pneumonia (Fig. 1 a).
T10 1244-1343 Sentence denotes The patient seemed to be in moderate respiratory distress, with tachypnea and accessory muscle use.
T11 1344-1508 Sentence denotes Owing to concern for developing respiratory muscle fatigue and impending respiratory failure, the decision was made to pursue intubation and mechanical ventilation.
T12 1509-1667 Sentence denotes Fig. 1 (a) Chest radiograph showing bilateral patchy opacities suspicious for multifocal pneumonia on hospital day 1. (b) Chest radiograph on hospital day 13.
T13 1668-1760 Sentence denotes Testing for novel coronavirus returned positive for SARS-CoV-2 by polymerase chain reaction.
T14 1761-1977 Sentence denotes Salient features of the patient's initial clinical laboratory trend include lymphocytopenia, transaminitis, and hyperbilirubinemia, as well as elevated creatinine, lactate dehydrogenase, d-dimer, and ferritin levels.
T15 1978-2252 Sentence denotes In the following days, the patient developed progressive hypotension requiring initiation of vasopressor agents, acute oliguric renal failure requiring continuous renal replacement therapy, and refractory hypoxemia consistent with acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS).
T16 2253-2379 Sentence denotes Right ventricular failure was considered as a potential etiology of hypotension in the setting of LVAD and inflammatory surge.
T17 2380-2509 Sentence denotes The patient was unable to be transferred to the catheterization laboratory for invasive hemodynamic assessment owing to COVID-19.
T18 2510-2604 Sentence denotes Pulmonary artery catheterization was attempted at the bedside, but placement was unsuccessful.
T19 2605-2739 Sentence denotes A central line was used to measure central venous pressure (17 mm Hg) and oxygen saturation (central venous oxygen saturation of 75%).
T20 2740-2826 Sentence denotes Transthoracic echocardiogram revealed baseline moderate right ventricular dysfunction.
T21 2827-2869 Sentence denotes LVAD parameters otherwise remained stable.
T22 2870-2968 Sentence denotes Management of ARDS was further complicated by refractory hypoxemia despite mechanical ventilation.
T23 2969-3127 Sentence denotes Implementation of prone positioning was considered to assist with oxygenation; however, the presence of LVAD was determined to be a relative contraindication.
T24 3128-3459 Sentence denotes Although it has previously been shown that prone positioning unloads the right ventricle in ARDS owing to improved pulmonary pressures,1 the use of this maneuver in the setting of LVAD has not been well-described and may be adversely associated with increase in right ventricular pressures and subsequent right ventricular failure.
T25 3460-3801 Sentence denotes The patient's clinical course was later complicated by septic shock in the setting of Escherichia coli and Lactobacillus species bacteremia, hyperbilirubinemia secondary to acalculous cholecystitis with requirement for percutaneous cholecystostomy, and acute blood loss anemia secondary to gastrointestinal bleed requiring blood transfusion.
T26 3802-3911 Sentence denotes Owing to prolonged ventilator-dependent respiratory failure, the patient underwent placement of tracheostomy.
T27 3912-4007 Sentence denotes The patient was treated with hydroxychloroquine 600 mg twice daily after the initial diagnosis.
T28 4008-4287 Sentence denotes Oseltamivir 75 mg twice daily was added and, once liquid lopinavir-ritonavir was available at our institution, the patient was switched to lopinavir–ritonavir 400–100 mg twice daily on treatment day 5, but was discontinued in the setting of hyperbilirubinemia on treatment day 9.
T29 4288-4388 Sentence denotes He was transitioned back to hydroxychloroquine 200 mg twice daily to complete a total 14-day course.
T30 4389-4503 Sentence denotes The patient was deemed not a candidate for the compassionate use of remdesivir owing to poor creatinine clearance.
T31 4504-4631 Sentence denotes This report describes the first known presentation of illness secondary to SARS-CoV-2 in a patient with long-term LVAD support.
T32 4632-4737 Sentence denotes At the time of writing, the patient remains critically ill; however, there has been clinical improvement.
T33 4738-5163 Sentence denotes Recent evidence suggests that patients with cardiovascular comorbidities seem to be at increased risk of morbidity and mortality with COVID-19.2 Notably, prior studies have shown that cellular immunity is compromised among long-term LVAD recipients.3 , 4 This “functionally immunocompromised state” may in part explain the patient's rapid clinical deterioration and prolonged critical illness after infection with SARS-CoV-2.
T34 5164-5307 Sentence denotes Increased susceptibility to viral infections, particularly COVID-19, in the setting of LVAD has not been reported previously in the literature.
T35 5308-5490 Sentence denotes Furthermore, this case highlights an important consideration for the management of ARDS, as the safety and efficacy of prone positioning in the presence of LVAD is currently unknown.
T36 5491-5641 Sentence denotes Finally, we propose the establishment of a COVID-LVAD registry to further understand the impact of COVID-19 on this advanced heart failure population.