PMC:7156806 / 8342-9020 JSONTXT 2 Projects

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Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T57 0-84 Sentence denotes The Spanish language survey asked two questions not included in the English version.
T58 85-405 Sentence denotes When asked about changes in outpatient rehabilitation services, 125 of 223 (56.1%) respondents reported that those services had been discontinued, 18.4% that treatment hours had been reduced, 16.1% that services had been discontinued but replaced with telemedicine, and 9.4% that work had continued without modification.
T59 406-507 Sentence denotes Those respondents whose outpatient facilities had closed were asked at which point that had occurred.
T60 508-678 Sentence denotes Thirty-nine percent responded that it had happened within 1 week of the first reported case in their country, 30.2% within two weeks, and 16.6% after three weeks or more.