PMC:7152526 / 14389-15197 JSONTXT 11 Projects

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Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T108 0-127 Sentence denotes In Case 2, the patient showed lymphopenia from day 1, and it persisted even after clinical improvement with corticosteroid use.
T109 128-310 Sentence denotes When the convalescent plasma was administered on day 6, lymphocyte count immediately rose to normal level (from 0.52 × 103/µL to 1.21 × 103/µL) and then remained in the normal range.
T110 311-808 Sentence denotes Patients with severe COVID-19 pneumonia and ARDS also presented with lymphopenia in other studies.11 Some authors hypothesized that continuous and gradual increases in lymphocyte count might be required for immunity against SARS-CoV-2 infection.11 In SARS patients, lymphopenia existed at the onset of illness and persisted until the recovery period.1819 These findings were consistent with the recovery of lymphocyte count with clinical improvement of Case 2 after the use of convalescent plasma.