PMC:7146663 / 1976-4912 JSONTXT 9 Projects

Annnotations TAB TSV DIC JSON TextAE

Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T14 0-45 Sentence denotes Why Have There Been So Many Cases and Deaths?
T15 46-48 Sentence denotes 1.
T16 49-383 Sentence denotes A first point of discussion is that in other countries, including South Korea, a wider sample of the population was tested, whereas in Italy and especially in the north, diagnostic tests were mainly reserved for symptomatic cases seen in the emergency department or symptomatic cases at home with recent contact with a confirmed case.
T17 384-547 Sentence denotes Therefore, the actual number of positive patients could be even 10-fold higher than the estimated number, thus considerably reducing the percentage of fatal cases.
T18 548-635 Sentence denotes However, this assumption cannot be confirmed until extended population testing is done.
T19 636-638 Sentence denotes 2.
T20 639-709 Sentence denotes Epidemiological and demographic differences should also be considered.
T21 710-804 Sentence denotes For instance, mortality rates have been higher in the elderly as well as in men than in women.
T22 805-914 Sentence denotes This could be because men are more frequent smokers and have more cardiovascular comorbidities than do women.
T23 915-1002 Sentence denotes In both China and South Korea, life expectancy is lower than that in Western countries.
T24 1003-1153 Sentence denotes In South Korea, most infected patients are young, nonsmoking women, who, generally and in the absence of COVID-19, have a lower overall risk of death.
T25 1154-1329 Sentence denotes This argument may partially explain the differences between Italy on the one hand and South Korea or China, on the other, but not with the rest of Europe or the United States.
T26 1330-1504 Sentence denotes An additional hypothesis is that Italian grandparents spend more time with their young grandchildren, the latter possibly representing asymptomatic carriers of the infection.
T27 1505-1574 Sentence denotes Further epidemiological research is needed with regard to this issue.
T28 1575-1577 Sentence denotes 3.
T29 1578-1776 Sentence denotes A relevant issue is that the Italian health system, which experienced financial cuts in the past years, was poorly positioned and resourced to deal with the emergency imposed by the COVID-19 crisis.
T30 1777-1948 Sentence denotes The lack of an appropriate number of intensive care units, managed care organization, and lifesaving devices such as ventilators may have compromised the care of patients.
T31 1949-2254 Sentence denotes The paucity of personal protective equipment throughout the country caused a spread of the contagion among medical staff and consequently patients.4 Furthermore, the lack of renovation in health care facilities with inappropriate air ducts could have facilitated virus circulation in compromised patients.
T32 2255-2257 Sentence denotes 4.
T33 2258-2420 Sentence denotes The Chinese “disaster response plan” allowed the construction of 2 dedicated hospitals in only 10 days, whereas Italy was unprepared to face emergency conditions.
T34 2421-2423 Sentence denotes 5.
T35 2424-2628 Sentence denotes The Chinese experience emphasized not just the quarantine of asymptomatic and mildly symptomatic cases but also follow-up of possible contacts and of the infectious status so as to attenuate viral spread.
T36 2629-2786 Sentence denotes Finally, virus mutation and the appearance of more virulent genotypes may contribute to geographic differences in morbidity and mortality caused by COVID-19.
T37 2787-2936 Sentence denotes Different genotypes for 2019-nCoV exist, and it is thus intriguing whether genotypes determine the infectivity of and mortality caused by 2019-nCoV.5