PMC:7143804 / 9319-10920 JSONTXT 10 Projects

Annnotations TAB TSV DIC JSON TextAE

Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T79 0-4 Sentence denotes 1.2.
T80 5-23 Sentence denotes The Presented Work
T81 24-377 Sentence denotes The work presented at the 4th Microfluidic Handling Systems conference and which is extended in this paper aims at the development of a disposable, polymer-based DNA amplification lab-on-chip system with integrated resistive heater based on the World Health Organization (WHO) Sexually Transmitted Diseases Diagnostics Initiative (SDI) ASSURED criteria.
T82 378-565 Sentence denotes Devices which are ASSURED are (A) affordable, (S) sensitive, (S) specific, (U) user-friendly, (R) robust and rapid, (E) equipment-free, and (D) deliverable to those who need them [20,49].
T83 566-641 Sentence denotes The first step towards such a device is the development of the chip itself.
T84 642-741 Sentence denotes This paper focuses on the choice of substrate material, metal deposition method, and type of metal.
T85 742-899 Sentence denotes Although, it is mentioned above that PCR and HDA are sequence specific, the reaction chosen is the isothermal multiple displacement amplification (MDA) [50].
T86 900-1178 Sentence denotes This reaction is more straightforward [51], as it amplifies any present DNA, and is therefore better suitable as a proof-of-principle amplification reaction to show the functioning of the integrated heater and the biocompatibility of the substrate after the fabrication process.
T87 1179-1318 Sentence denotes The use of an isothermal amplification technique also simplifies the final device and lowers its footprint, as there are no pumps required.
T88 1319-1474 Sentence denotes In this research, external analysis methods are used which do not contribute to the WHO-SDI ASSURED criteria due to their bulkiness, costs, and difficulty.
T89 1475-1601 Sentence denotes However, suggestions and comments on the integration of low-cost detection methods, which are ASSURED, are given in Section 5.