PMC:7143804 / 43083-45440 JSONTXT 7 Projects

Annnotations TAB TSV DIC JSON TextAE

Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T334 0-2 Sentence denotes 4.
T335 3-14 Sentence denotes Conclusions
T336 15-238 Sentence denotes The aim of this study was to fabricate biocompatible, low-cost, and disposable chips with integrated heater, which should be able to perform DNA amplification, and possible in situ fluorescence detection in the near future.
T337 239-377 Sentence denotes In this case there is no interest in quantification of the DNA, but only in amplification of DNA until the detection threshold is reached.
T338 378-465 Sentence denotes As proof-of-principle the MDA reaction and ex-situ fluorescence measurements were used.
T339 466-567 Sentence denotes With the proposed fabrication process, low-cost and biocompatible chips (Figure 12b) were fabricated.
T340 568-822 Sentence denotes The integrated resistive heaters on the chips were characterized and showed a temperature stability of ±2 °C over a time period of 25 h, which is at least twelve-fold longer than the required operating times for DNA amplification reactions [6,8,9,10,11].
T341 823-935 Sentence denotes The main cause of this period of lowered temperature was due to the fact that the measurement was run overnight.
T342 936-1061 Sentence denotes With the proof-of-principle device, successful DNA amplifications using MDA inside a disposable polymeric chip were achieved.
T343 1062-1150 Sentence denotes The heat for the reaction was applied using the integrated low-cost Au-resistive heater.
T344 1151-1320 Sentence denotes The device was operated at a suitable temperature for MDA reactions and the amplified DNA was measured using EvaGreen fluorescence dye and an ex situ spectrofluorometer.
T345 1321-1409 Sentence denotes A distinct peak is visible in the reaction mixtures which is absent in the NTC mixtures.
T346 1410-1514 Sentence denotes The operating temperature for MDA reactions is around 30 °C, which is comparable with a nice summer day.
T347 1515-1627 Sentence denotes Using amplification reactions which such low reaction temperatures could encounter problems at warmer locations.
T348 1628-1730 Sentence denotes However, as MDA is not sequence specific, this reaction will not be integrated in the final protocols.
T349 1731-1864 Sentence denotes MDA was only used as proof-of-principle reaction to show the biocompatibility of the device and functioning of the integrated heater.
T350 1865-1991 Sentence denotes Sequence specific amplifications, e.g., HDA and LAMP, are performed at higher temperatures, as will be discussed in Section 5.
T351 1992-2052 Sentence denotes This makes the system less sensitive to the hot summer days.
T352 2053-2204 Sentence denotes The device in its current state is not fully conform the WHO-SDI ASSURED criteria [49] as it still relies on the use of (expensive) external equipment.
T353 2205-2260 Sentence denotes However, the first steps are made to an ASSURED device.
T354 2261-2357 Sentence denotes Future steps which will make the device fully ASSURED are given in the next section (Section 5).