PMC:7143804 / 4055-6684 JSONTXT 9 Projects

Annnotations TAB TSV DIC JSON TextAE

Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T36 0-66 Sentence denotes With respect to heat supply, different methods have been employed.
T37 67-179 Sentence denotes Almassian et al. give a comprehensive overview of different possible heating methods in their review paper [12].
T38 180-329 Sentence denotes Not all of the mentioned methods are easy to implement in low-cost and portable lab-on-a-chip devices due to their bulkiness or implementation costs.
T39 330-439 Sentence denotes Examples of these rather difficult methods are using heating via induction, infrared, or microwave radiation.
T40 440-567 Sentence denotes Others are not useful due ot their challenging temperature control, like with heating up the system using exothermic reactions.
T41 568-651 Sentence denotes Within the field of DNA amplification, different mechanisms of amplification exist.
T42 652-737 Sentence denotes Some are based on thermo cycling processes, e.g., PCR, whereas others are isothermal.
T43 738-825 Sentence denotes The use of an isothermal amplification technique puts less requirements on the heaters.
T44 826-1019 Sentence denotes Isothermal processes are either truly isothermal or consisting of three different temperatures, as they have a thermal denaturation step before and a termination step after the elongation step.
T45 1020-1169 Sentence denotes The switching between these temperature steps does not have to be as fast as with thermal cycling steps in, for example, PCR amplification reactions.
T46 1170-1302 Sentence denotes The use of less temperature variations makes it easier to maintain the set temperature as there is less heating an cooling involved.
T47 1303-1427 Sentence denotes Furthermore, it eliminates the use of a continuous flow approach in systems with low thermal conductivities, e.g., polymers.
T48 1428-1502 Sentence denotes Therefore, it is easier to implement within lab-on-a-chip devices [17,21].
T49 1503-1660 Sentence denotes Isothermal DNA amplification reactions can already be performed by putting the chip on a commercially available hotplate [22,23] or Peltier elements [24,25].
T50 1661-1722 Sentence denotes However, these heating systems are bulky and power-consuming.
T51 1723-1810 Sentence denotes Therefore, they are not useful for portable equipment or operation at remote locations.
T52 1811-1876 Sentence denotes Miniaturizing heaters lowers the bulkiness and power consumption.
T53 1877-2065 Sentence denotes Miniaturized heaters can be integrated as integrated resistive heaters, e.g., as deposited thin-film metal [26,27,28,29] or as laminated Cu foil [30], or as micro-Peltier elements [31,32].
T54 2066-2245 Sentence denotes These miniaturized heaters can be implemented directly onto the microfluidic chip [28] or on a different substrate and leter incorporated onto the microfluidic chip [33,34,35,36].
T55 2246-2369 Sentence denotes The geometry of such a heater contributes significantly to the uniformity of the heat distribution within the chip [26,37].
T56 2370-2496 Sentence denotes One method to accurately control the temperature is the use of a proportional-integral-derivative (PID) controlled thermostat.
T57 2497-2629 Sentence denotes These PID controllers are coupled to the electrical heaters and use a thermocouple as feedback-loop to the controller [22,23,24,25].