PMC:7127386 / 17452-18221 JSONTXT 11 Projects

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Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T114 214-678 Sentence denotes The percentage of viral inhibition was normalized based on viral load in logarithm scale (log10RNA copies/mL), using the maximal viral RNA copies with no drug controls as 0% inhibition and the minimal RNA copies determined at 50 μM remdesivir as references. (B) The three-dimensional interaction landscapes of remdesivir and emetine were generated by SynergyFinder (Ianevski et al., 2017) based on (B) the Loewe additive model and (C) the Bliss independence model.
T115 679-769 Sentence denotes Red colour indicates synergy while the green colour indicates antagonism of the two drugs.