PMC:7105881 / 26340-30935 JSONTXT 11 Projects

Annnotations TAB TSV DIC JSON TextAE

Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T158 0-137 Sentence denotes Name Antigenicity and functionality Adjuvant Route Animal models Antibody response Cellular immune response Protection References
T159 138-206 Sentence denotes Subunit vaccines based on SARS-CoV full-length or trimeric S protein
T160 207-299 Sentence denotes FL-S and EC-S proteins Bind to SARS-CoV S1, NTD, RBD, and S2-specific mAbs MPL + TDM S.C.
T161 301-355 Sentence denotes BALB/c mice Elicit SARS-CoV S-specific Abs (IgG, > 1:
T162 356-473 Sentence denotes 2 × 105), neutralizing (> 1:2.4 × 104) pseudotyped SARS-CoV (Tor2, GD03, and SZ3 strains) N/A N/A He et al., 2006a
T163 474-546 Sentence denotes S andS-foldon proteins N/A TiterMax Gold; Alum Hydro+MPL S.C. or I.M.
T164 548-842 Sentence denotes BALB/c mice Elicit SARS-CoV S-specific Abs (IgG, > 1:104) in mice, neutralizing (∼2.4 × 102 for S; ∼1:7 × 102 for S-foldon) live SARS-CoV (Urbani strain) N/A Protect vaccinated mice from challenge of SARS-CoV (Urbani strain, 105 TCID50) with undetectable viral load in lungs Li et al., 2013
T165 843-890 Sentence denotes triSpike protein N/A Alum hydro I.P. or S.C.
T166 892-1273 Sentence denotes BALB/c mice; Hamsters Elicits SARS-CoV S-specific mucosal and serum Abs (IgA and IgG) in mice and hamsters, blocking S-ACE2 receptor binding and neutralizing live SARS-CoV (HKU-39849 strain); induces ADE N/A Protects vaccinated hamsters from challenge of SARS-CoV (Urbani strain, 103 TCID50) with undetectable or reduced viral load in lungs Kam et al., 2007; Jaume et al., 2012
T167 1274-1320 Sentence denotes Subunit vaccines based on SARS-CoV RBD protein
T168 1321-1364 Sentence denotes RBD-Fc protein N/A Freund’s I.D. or I.M.
T169 1366-1514 Sentence denotes BALB/c mice; Rabbits Elicits SARS-CoV S/RBD-specific Abs (IgG) in mice and rabbits, neutralizing pseudotyped (rabbits: ≥ 7.3 × 104) and live (mice:
T170 1515-1762 Sentence denotes 1:4 × 103; rabbits: > 1:1.5 × 104) SARS-CoV (BJ01 strain) N/A Protects majority (4/5) of vaccinated mice from challenge of SARS-CoV (BJ01 strain, 106 TCID50), with one mouse showing mild alveolar damage in lungs He et al., 2004; Du et al., 2007
T171 1763-1915 Sentence denotes RBD193-CHO; RBD219-CHO proteins Binds to SARS-CoV RBD-specific mAbs (neutralizing 24H8, 31H12, 35B5, 33G4, 19B2; non-neutralizing 17H9) Freund’s S.C.
T172 1917-2484 Sentence denotes BALB/c mice Elicit SARS-CoV RBD-specific Abs, neutralizing pseudotyped (< 1:104 for RBD193-CHO; 1:5.8 × 104 for RBD219-CHO) and live (< 1:103 for RBD193-CHO; 1:103 for RBD219-CHO) SARS-CoV (GZ50 strain) Induce SARS-CoV RBD-specific cellular immune responses (IFN-γ, IL-2, IL-4, IL-10) in mice Protect all (for RBD219-CHO) or majority (3/5, for RBD219-CHO) of vaccinated mice from challenge of SARS-CoV (GZ50 strain, 100 TCID50 for RBD193-CHO; 5 × 105 TCID50 for RBD219-CHO) with undetectable viral RNA or no, to reduced, viral load in lungs Du et al., 2009c, 2010
T173 2485-2617 Sentence denotes RBD-293T protein Binds to SARS-CoV RBD-specific mAbs (neutralizing 24H8, 31H12, 35B5, 33G4, 19B2; non-neutralizing 17H9) SAS S.C.
T174 2619-2915 Sentence denotes BALB/c mice Elicits SARS-CoV RBD-specific Abs (IgG), neutralizing pseudotyped (1:6.9 × 105) and live (1:1.6 × 103) SARS-CoV (GZ50 strain) N/A Protects all vaccinated mice from challenge of SARS-CoV (GZ50 strain, 100 TCID50) with undetectable viral RNA and viral load in lungs Du et al., 2009b
T175 2916-2961 Sentence denotes S318-510 protein N/A Alum; Alum + CpG S.C.
T176 2963-3041 Sentence denotes 129S6/SvEv mice Elicits SARS-CoV-specific Abs (IgG, IgG1, and IgG2a) in mice.
T177 3042-3196 Sentence denotes Reduces neutralization after removing glycosylation Induces SARS-CoV S-specific cellular immune responses (IFN-γ) in mice N/A Zakhartchouk et al., 2007
T178 3197-3259 Sentence denotes Subunit vaccines based on non-RBD SARS-CoV S protein fragments
T179 3260-3337 Sentence denotes S1 and S1-foldon proteins N/A TiterMax Gold; Alum Hydro + MPL S.C. or I.M.
T180 3339-3630 Sentence denotes BALB/c mice Elicit SARS-CoV S-specific Abs (IgG, > 1:104) in mice, neutralizing (1:1.7 × 102 for S1; 1:90 for S1-foldon) live SARS-CoV (Urbani strain) N/A Protect vaccinated mice from challenge of SARS-CoV (Urbani strain, 105 TCID50) with undetectable viral load in lungs Li et al., 2013
T181 3631-3662 Sentence denotes S2 protein N/A Freund’s S.C.
T182 3664-3870 Sentence denotes BALB/c mice Elicits SARS-CoV S2-specific Abs (IgG, 1:1.6 × 103) in mice with no neutralizing activity Induces SARS-CoV S2-specific cellular immune responses (IFN-γ and IL-4) in mice N/A Guo et al., 2005
T183 3871-3946 Sentence denotes Subunit vaccines based on SARS-CoV non-S structural proteins (i.e. N and M)
T184 3947-3978 Sentence denotes rN protein N/A Freund’s I.P.
T185 3980-4181 Sentence denotes BALB/c mice Elicits SARS-CoV N-specific Abs (IgG (1:1.8 × 103), IgG1, and IgG2a) in mice Induces cellular immune responses with up-regulated IFN-γ and IL-10 cytokines in mice N/A Zheng et al., 2009
T186 4182-4230 Sentence denotes rN protein N/A Montanide + CpG; Freund’s S.C.
T187 4232-4385 Sentence denotes BALB/c mice Elicits SARS-CoV N-specific Abs (IgG) in mice Induces SARS-CoV N-specific cellular immune responses (IFN- γ) in mice N/A Liu et al., 2006
T188 4386-4492 Sentence denotes M1-31 and M132-161 peptides Bind to sera from SARS patients or immunized mice and rabbits Freund’s I.D.
T189 4494-4595 Sentence denotes BALB/c mice; NZW rabbits Induce SARS-CoV M-specific Abs (IgG) in rabbits N/A N/A He et al., 2005b