PMC:7102583 / 8687-9359 JSONTXT 12 Projects

Annnotations TAB TSV DIC JSON TextAE-old TextAE

Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T58 0-72 Sentence denotes Fig. 1 Pathogenesis of COVID-19 and potential adjuvant use of melatonin.
T59 73-280 Sentence denotes We postulated that lungs infected by SARS-CoV-2, and a suppressed immune response, elevated inflammation and excessive oxidation stress proceed unabated, this results in the activation of the cytokine storm.
T60 281-411 Sentence denotes ALI/ARDS may ensue, accompanied by a series of complications, the outcomes of which vary according to the severity of the disease.
T61 412-605 Sentence denotes Melatonin may play a role of adjuvant medication in the regulation of immune system, inflammation and oxidation stress, and provide support for patients with ALI/ARDS and related complications.
T62 606-610 Sentence denotes ALI:
T63 611-635 Sentence denotes Acute lung injury; ARDS:
T64 636-672 Sentence denotes Acute respiratory distress syndrome.