PMC:7096775 / 2569-4045 JSONTXT 11 Projects

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Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T19 0-7 Sentence denotes Concept
T20 8-271 Sentence denotes With a simple approach, we give a preliminary assessment of individual seriousness of COVID-19 using well-described case series of hospitalised COVID-19 pneumonia patients from the cities of Wuhan, Beijing, Shenzhen and the provinces of Hubei and Zhejiang [5-12].
T21 272-661 Sentence denotes We defined a reference group from a well-known setting: in 73 German sentinel hospitals, we extracted the data of all inpatients diagnosed with pneumonia (International Classification of Diseases, 10th revision codes J12-J18, primary diagnosis [13]) that were admitted during three consecutive weeks, after the start and before the peak of the influenza epidemic in the years 2015 to 2019.
T22 662-861 Sentence denotes We compared severity parameters that were described for COVID-19 patients (acute respiratory distress syndrome, ventilation, intensive care, case fatality) with those from the German sentinel system.
T23 862-968 Sentence denotes Furthermore, we stratified parameters by potential risk groups such as age, sex and chronic comorbidities.
T24 969-1092 Sentence denotes We also compared outcomes and risk factors for critically ill patients (i.e. received intensive care and ventilation) [14].
T25 1093-1312 Sentence denotes As the Chinese population is younger, with a larger proportion of males compared with the German population, we applied weights and provided crude and adjusted proportions for the sentinel pneumonia patients (SPP) [15].
T26 1313-1476 Sentence denotes This approach, which can be used by other countries using syndromic surveillance, attempts to replicate the uncertainty of initial results for the new coronavirus.