PMC:7079563 / 15565-20186 JSONTXT 10 Projects

Annnotations TAB TSV DIC JSON TextAE

Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T118 0-81 Sentence denotes The prerequisite of coronaviruses invading the host-cell is to bind to receptors.
T119 82-283 Sentence denotes Following receptor binding, the viral spike protein is cleaved via acid-dependent proteolysis by cathepsin, TMPRRS2 or furin protease, followed by fusion of the viral envelop to the cellular membranes.
T120 284-459 Sentence denotes Spike is a large, clove-shaped trimer, which can be cleaved by proteases into an N-terminal S1 subunit containing the receptor binding domain (RBD) and a C-terminal S2 region.
T121 460-750 Sentence denotes Compared to other proteins of coronavirus, the spike protein has the most variable amino acid sequences which results from the strongest positive selection among all genes of coronavirus to adapt to its hosts [27].The RBD is a major determinant of host range and cross-species transmission.
T122 751-857 Sentence denotes Recently results showed that 2019-nCoV uses the same cell entry receptor, ACE2, as SARS-CoV [21,24,20,28].
T123 858-984 Sentence denotes Besides human ACE2, 2019-nCoV can use Chinese horseshoe bats, civet, or pig ACE2 but not mouse ACE2 as an entry receptor [24].
T124 985-1281 Sentence denotes One explanation is that human ACE2 has high homology with Chinese horseshoe bats, civet, pig and mouse, which are 80.75%, 83.48%, 81.37%, 82.11% respectively (Table 2 ), while the residues 82 and 353 of mouse ACE2 are different from human ACE2 which are important residues for bind to spike [29].
T125 1282-1378 Sentence denotes But the homology of human ACE2 and pangolin ACE2, cat ACE2 are also high with 84.84% and 85.22%.
T126 1379-1451 Sentence denotes The homology of human ACE2 with other ACE2 varies from 59.73% to 83.23%.
T127 1452-1505 Sentence denotes In summary, 2019-nCoV may have extensive host ranges.
T128 1506-1514 Sentence denotes Fig. 2 .
T129 1515-1590 Sentence denotes Table 2 The amino acid sequence identities of ACE2 among different species.
T130 1591-1658 Sentence denotes Species Pairwise identities (%) of the amino acid sequences of ACE2
T131 1659-1874 Sentence denotes African green monkey Civet Bat (R. sinicus) Swine Malayan pangolin Mouse Cat Camel Goat Bos mutus Erinaceus europaeus Cavia porcellus Phascolarctos cinereus Sarcophilus harrisii Tiger Snake Parus major Gallus gallus
T132 1875-1982 Sentence denotes Human 93.93 83.48 80.75 81.37 84.84 82.11 85.22 83.23 81.61 81.24 79.01 77.29 71.17 70.51 59.73 67.08 65.31
T133 1983-2098 Sentence denotes African green monkey 81.78 79.93 79.93 83.77 81.78 83.15 81.91 81.41 80.92 77.94 76.85 70.38 69.84 59.21 65.6 64.13
T134 2099-2198 Sentence denotes Civet 81.78 81.49 82.73 85.59 81.61 93.29 83.85 81.86 81.74 79.75 75.55 71.66 71.63 59.6 67.44 66.3
T135 2199-2305 Sentence denotes Bat (R. sinicus) 79.93 81.49 80 82.86 78.26 83.73 81.37 80.37 80 78.51 74.56 69.68 70.02 58.61 65.11 65.19
T136 2306-2402 Sentence denotes Swine 79.93 82.73 80 82.61 80.62 83.98 89.81 87.7 87.58 77.64 75.3 71.17 71.01 61.09 66.95 65.56
T137 2403-2514 Sentence denotes Malayan pangolin 83.77 85.59 82.86 82.61 82.73 87.33 84.72 82.11 81.86 80.87 77.17 71.66 70.89 59.6 67.44 65.07
T138 2515-2615 Sentence denotes Mouse 81.78 81.61 78.26 80.62 82.73 81.74 80.99 80.12 80.37 78.63 78.16 71.05 71.13 61.21 67.2 66.17
T139 2616-2714 Sentence denotes Cat 83.15 93.29 83.73 83.98 87.33 81.74 85.71 83.23 83.11 81.49 76.42 72.65 72.25 59.6 67.81 66.79
T140 2715-2814 Sentence denotes Camel 81.91 83.85 81.37 89.81 84.72 80.99 85.71 88.2 88.57 79.25 77.29 71.79 72.12 61.34 67.2 66.42
T141 2815-2913 Sentence denotes Goat 81.41 81.86 80.37 87.7 82.11 80.12 83.23 88.2 97.76 78.14 76.54 72.04 71.38 60.84 66.09 65.44
T142 2914-3016 Sentence denotes Bos mutus 80.92 81.74 80 87.58 81.86 80.37 83.11 88.57 97.76 78.39 77.04 71.42 71.01 61.09 66.09 65.31
T143 3017-3131 Sentence denotes Erinaceus europaeus 77.94 79.75 78.51 77.64 80.87 78.63 81.49 79.25 78.14 78.39 74.56 70.67 69.65 60.59 68.8 66.42
T144 3132-3241 Sentence denotes Cavia porcellus 76.85 75.55 74.56 75.3 77.17 78.16 76.42 77.29 76.54 77.04 74.56 66.61 66.82 59.38 63.9 63.12
T145 3242-3359 Sentence denotes Phascolarctos cinereus 70.38 71.66 69.68 71.17 71.66 71.05 72.65 71.79 72.04 71.42 70.67 66.61 81.92 60.7 67.08 64.83
T146 3360-3475 Sentence denotes Sarcophilus harrisii 69.84 71.63 70.02 71.01 70.89 71.13 72.25 72.12 71.38 71.01 69.65 66.82 81.92 60.9 64.62 63.84
T147 3476-3577 Sentence denotes Tiger Snake 59.21 59.6 58.61 61.09 59.6 61.21 59.6 61.34 60.84 61.09 60.59 59.38 60.7 60.9 64.5 63.71
T148 3578-3678 Sentence denotes Parus major 65.6 67.44 65.11 66.95 67.44 67.2 67.81 67.2 66.09 66.09 68.8 63.9 67.08 64.62 64.5 82.2
T149 3679-3786 Sentence denotes Gallus gallus 64.13 66.3 65.19 65.56 65.07 66.17 66.79 66.42 65.44 65.31 66.42 63.12 64.83 63.84 63.71 82.2
T150 3787-4283 Sentence denotes Accession numbers: human (NP_068576.1), monkey (AY996037.1), civet (AAX63775.1), bat (R.sinicus) (AGZ48803.1), swine (NP_001116542.1), Malayan pangolin (XP_017505752.1), mouse (NP_001123985.1), cat (NP_001034545.1), camel (XP_010991717.1), goat (NP_001277036.1), Bos mutus (XP_005903173.1), Erinaceus europaeus (XP_007538670.1), Phascolarctos cinereus (XP_020863153.1), Sarcophilus harrisii (XP_031814825.1), tiger Snake (XP_026530754.1), Parus major (XP_015486815.1), Gallus gallus (QEQ50331.1).
T151 4284-4354 Sentence denotes Fig. 2 Phylogenetic analysis of ACE2 from humans and 18 other animals.
T152 4355-4532 Sentence denotes The tree was constructed based on the complete amino acid sequences of ACE2s derived from humans and other animals by using the neighbor-joining (NJ) method with 1000 bootstrap.
T153 4533-4583 Sentence denotes The accession numbers were as the same as Table 2.
T154 4584-4621 Sentence denotes Bootstrap values above 50 were shown.