PMC:7077337 / 19447-20734 JSONTXT 12 Projects

Annnotations TAB TSV DIC JSON TextAE

Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T129 0-2 Sentence denotes 6.
T130 3-30 Sentence denotes Placental Pathology of SARS
T131 31-189 Sentence denotes In the only reported study of the placental pathology of mothers with SARS, Ng et al. [41] reported the findings from 7 pregnant women infected with SARS-CoV.
T132 190-336 Sentence denotes In the case of 2 women who were convalescing from SARS-CoV infection during the 1st trimester of pregnancy, the placentas were found to be normal.
T133 337-603 Sentence denotes Three placentas were delivered from pregnancies in which the mothers had acute SARS-CoV infection—these were abnormal and demonstrated increased subchorionic and intervillous fibrin, a finding that can be associated with abnormal maternal blood flow to the placenta.
T134 604-747 Sentence denotes In the placentas of 2 women who were convalescing from SARS-CoV infection in the 3rd trimester of pregnancy the placentas were highly abnormal.
T135 748-888 Sentence denotes They showed extensive fetal thrombotic vasculopathy with areas of avascular chorionic villi—chronic findings of fetal vascular malperfusion.
T136 889-1016 Sentence denotes These 2 pregnancies also were complicated by oligohydramnios and had poor obstetrical outcomes—both infants had developed IUGR.
T137 1017-1287 Sentence denotes It is interesting that villitis, the microscopic finding of inflammation of the chorionic villi that is the histologic hallmark of many maternal hematogenous infections that are transmitted through the placenta to the fetus, was not identified in any of these placentas.