PMC:7074424 / 4293-8982 JSONTXT 13 Projects

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Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T19 0-47 Sentence denotes Molecular Basics of Transmission of Coronavirus
T20 48-429 Sentence denotes In case of SARS-CoV, transmission is through droplet infection (respiratory secretions) and close person-to-person contact.[1112] It can also spread through sweat, stool, urine, and respiratory secretions.[13] When virus enters into the body, it binds to the primary target cells such as enterocytes and pneumocytes,[1112] thereby establishing a cycle of infection and replication.
T21 430-570 Sentence denotes Other target cells of CoV are epithelial renal tubules, tubular epithelial cells of kidney, immune cells, and cerebral neuronal cells.[1112]
T22 571-786 Sentence denotes CoV attaches to the target cells with the help of spike protein–host cell protein interaction (angiotensin converting enzyme-2 [ACE-2] interaction in SARS-CoV[14] and dipeptidyl peptidase-4 [DPP-4] in MERS-CoV[15]).
T23 787-907 Sentence denotes After the receptor recognition, the virus genome with its nucleocapsid is released into the cytoplasm of the host cells.
T24 908-1241 Sentence denotes The viral genome contains ORF1a and ORF1b genes, which produce two PPs that are pp1a and pp1b,[16] which help to take command over host ribosomes for their own translation process.[17] Both pp1a and pp1b take part in the formation of the replication transcription complex.[16] After processing of PP by protease, it produces 16 NSPs.
T25 1242-1641 Sentence denotes All NSPs have their own specific functions such as suppression of host gene expression by NSP1 and NSP2, formation of a multidomain complex by NSP3, NSP5 which is a M protease which has role in replication,[17] NSP4 and NSP6 which are transmembrane (TM) proteins,[18] NSP7 and NSP8 which act as a primase,[16] NSP9 – a RNA-binding protein, the dimeric form of which is important for viral infection.
T26 1642-2092 Sentence denotes Induction of disturbance to the dimerization of NSP9[19] can be a way to overcome CoV infection.[20] NSP10 acts as a cofactor for the activation of the replicative enzyme.[21] NSP12 shows RNA-dependent RNA polymerase activity, NSP13 shows helicase activity, NSP14 shows exoribonuclease activity, NSP15 shows endoribonuclease activity, and NSP16 has methyltransferase activity.[18] All NSPs have an important role in replication and transcription.[18]
T27 2093-2381 Sentence denotes Synthesized proteins such as M, E, and S are entered into the endoplasmic reticulum (ER)-Golgi intermediate compartment (ERGIC) complex and make the structure of viral envelope.[22] On the other hand, the replicated genome binds to N protein and forms the ribonucleoprotein (RNP) complex.
T28 2382-2752 Sentence denotes The outer cover is formed by the M, E, and S proteins.[22] Finally, the virus particle comes out of the ERGIC by making a bud-like structure.[23] These mature virions form a vesicle, which fuses with the plasma membrane and releases the virus particles into the extracellular region.[2324] The detailed structure of CoV and its life cycle is depicted in Figures 1 and 2.
T29 2753-2972 Sentence denotes On infection, the SARS-CoV and MERS-COV cause a surge of pro-inflammatory cytokines and chemokines, which cause damage to lung tissue,[13] deterioration of lung function, and then finally lung failure in some cases.[25]
T30 2973-3016 Sentence denotes Figure 1 Structural details of Coronavirus
T31 3017-3063 Sentence denotes Figure 2 The life cycle of CoV in host cells.
T32 3064-3294 Sentence denotes The S proteins of CoV binds to cellular receptor angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2) which is followed by entry of the viral RNA genome into the host cell and translation of structural and non structural proteins (NSP) follows.
T33 3295-3464 Sentence denotes ORF1a and ORF1ab are translated to produce pp1a and pp1ab polyproteins, which are cleaved by the proteases that are encoded by ORF1a to yield 16 non-structural proteins.
T34 3465-3589 Sentence denotes This is followed by assembly and budding into the lumen of the ERGIC (Endoplasmic Reticulum Golgi Intermediate Compartment).
T35 3590-3658 Sentence denotes Virions are then released from the infected cell through exocytosis.
T36 3659-3711 Sentence denotes S: spike, E: envelope, M: membrane, N: nucleocapsid.
T37 3712-3734 Sentence denotes PP: polyproteins, ORF:
T38 3735-3867 Sentence denotes Open reading frame, CoV: coronavirus Currently, there is no specific antiviral drug for the treatment of CoV-associated pathologies.
T39 3868-4438 Sentence denotes Most treatment strategies focus on symptomatic management and supportive therapy only.[2627] Some therapeutic agents that are under development or being used off-label are ribavirin, interferon (IFN)-α, and mycophenolic acid.[7] There are many newspaper articles citing effectiveness of anti-HIV drugs: ritonavir,[2829] lopinavir,[29] either alone or in combination with oseltamivir,[29] remdesivir, and chloroquine;[28] and among these, ritonavir, remdesivir, and chloroquine showed efficacy at cellular level[28] which further need experimental support and validation.
T40 4439-4689 Sentence denotes As there is no well-defined therapy available, which specifically targets CoV, in this article, we have reviewed the possible protein structures, which could be potential targets for the development of a therapeutic approach for the treatment of CoV.