PMC:7074424 / 12363-13372 JSONTXT 13 Projects

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T88 0-359 Sentence denotes The spike protein is a clove-shaped, type I-TM protein.[2] The spike protein has three segments that are ectodomain (ED) region, TM region, and intracellular domain, which comprises the intracellular short tail part.[2] The receptor-binding S1 domain (three S1 heads) and the membrane fusion subunit S2 (trimeric stalk) on C-terminal together comprise the ED.
T89 360-1009 Sentence denotes Spike proteins gather in the trimeric form on the outer surface of the virion, giving it the appearance of a crown, due to which it is called CoV.[2] The spike protein plays an important role in virus entry into the host.[10] Initial interactions between the S1 domain and its host receptor (ACE2 in case of SARS-CoV and PP 4 In case of MERS-CoV) and subsequent S2 segment mediated fusion of the host and viral membranes allow the CoV- RNA genome to enter inside the host cells and thus, these proteins represent as important targets from drug discovery side.[10] The spike protein also activates the immune response of the host cell toward CoV.[10]