PMC:7073332 / 14778-16382 JSONTXT 10 Projects

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Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T92 0-278 Sentence denotes The basis for the proposed network-based drug repurposing methodologies rests on the notions that the proteins that associate with and functionally govern viral infection are localized in the corresponding subnetwork (Fig. 1a) within the comprehensive human interactome network.
T93 279-579 Sentence denotes For a drug with multiple targets to be effective against an HCoV, its target proteins should be within or in the immediate vicinity of the corresponding subnetwork in the human protein–protein interactome (Fig. 1), as we demonstrated in multiple diseases13,22,23,28 using this network-based strategy.
T94 580-747 Sentence denotes We used a state-of-the-art network proximity measure to quantify the relationship between HCoV-specific subnetwork (Fig. 3a) and drug targets in the human interactome.
T95 748-900 Sentence denotes We constructed a drug–target network by assembling target information for more than 2000 FDA-approved or experimental drugs (see Materials and methods).
T96 901-1366 Sentence denotes To improve the quality and completeness of the human protein interactome network, we integrated PPIs with five types of experimental data: (1) binary PPIs from 3D protein structures; (2) binary PPIs from unbiased high-throughput yeast-two-hybrid assays; (3) experimentally identified kinase-substrate interactions; (4) signaling networks derived from experimental data; and (5) literature-derived PPIs with various experimental evidence (see Materials and methods).
T97 1367-1604 Sentence denotes We used a Z-score (Z) measure and permutation test to reduce the study bias in network proximity analyses (including hub nodes in the human interactome network by literature-derived PPI data bias) as described in our recent studies13,28.