Id |
Subject |
Object |
Predicate |
Lexical cue |
T6 |
0-101 |
Sentence |
denotes |
At the end of December 2019, an outbreak caused by a novel coronavirus was announced in Wuhan, China. |
T7 |
102-278 |
Sentence |
denotes |
Since then, the number of cases has increased, especially in China but also in other countries, and public health authorities are in need to rapidly implement diagnostic tools. |
T8 |
279-465 |
Sentence |
denotes |
In this paper, we describe our laboratory experiences with the novel real-time RT-PCR assays comparing different one-step PCR systems and a commercial kit, using a Bio-Rad CFX 96 cycler. |
T9 |
467-528 |
Sentence |
denotes |
Timely implementation of molecular diagnostics for SARS-CoV-2 |
T10 |
529-928 |
Sentence |
denotes |
In connection with the ongoing outbreak of a novel coronavirus in the province Hubei and surrounding areas in China, it was expected that Europe would also be confronted with the emerging severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), as infections in travellers in several Asian countries outside of China were confirmed shortly after the announcement of the outbreak in Wuhan [1-4]. |
T11 |
929-1095 |
Sentence |
denotes |
Therefore, it was necessary to rapidly implement adequately quick and sensitive diagnostic assays for outbreak management of SARS-CoV-2 in public health laboratories. |
T12 |
1096-1267 |
Sentence |
denotes |
As soon as the World Health Organization (WHO) published the first protocols for real-time RT-PCR assays, the Bavarian Food and Health Authority started to implement them. |
T13 |
1268-1406 |
Sentence |
denotes |
We ordered control material and oligonucleotides (see details below) in week 4 and ran our first SARS-CoV-2 assays on 27 January (week 5). |
T14 |
1407-1514 |
Sentence |
denotes |
On the same day, the first German case of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) was diagnosed in Bavaria [1]. |
T15 |
1515-1676 |
Sentence |
denotes |
In the following days, health authorities implemented comprehensive measures to prevent further transmission of SARS-CoV-2, including testing of contact persons. |
T16 |
1677-1842 |
Sentence |
denotes |
We initially used the protocol based on the E gene and RdRp gene developed by the German Consiliary Laboratory for Coronaviruses hosted at the Charité in Berlin [5]. |
T17 |
1843-2040 |
Sentence |
denotes |
Real-time RT-PCR was initially performed with the QuantiTect Virus +Rox Vial kit (QIAGEN, Hilden, Germany) on the Bio-Rad CFX96 Touch Real-Time PCR Detection System (Bio-Rad, Feldkirchen, Germany). |
T18 |
2041-2163 |
Sentence |
denotes |
The kit was chosen for its frequent and successful use in our laboratory with other assays and its immediate availability. |
T19 |
2164-2256 |
Sentence |
denotes |
Primers and probes were used as described [5] and provided by TIB Molbiol (Berlin, Germany). |
T20 |
2257-2483 |
Sentence |
denotes |
Control material was ordered from the European Virus Archive (EVAg) and consisted of synthetic Wuhan coronavirus 2019 E gene control (reference number 026N-03866) and SARS-CoV Frankfurt 1 RNA (reference number 004N-02005) [6]. |
T21 |
2484-2622 |
Sentence |
denotes |
In addition, the control of LightMix Modular Wuhan CoV RdRP-gene (TibMolbiol, Berlin, Germany) was used for the SARS-CoV-2 specific assay. |
T22 |
2623-2724 |
Sentence |
denotes |
Respiratory samples (nasopharyngeal swabs or sputum) were obtained from patients and contact persons. |
T23 |
2725-2793 |
Sentence |
denotes |
Sputum samples were diluted in 2 mL phosphate buffered saline (PBS). |
T24 |
2794-2913 |
Sentence |
denotes |
RNA was extracted using the QIAamp Bio Robot kit (QIAGEN) on a Hamilton Microlab Star (Hamilton, Bonaduz, Switzerland). |
T25 |
2914-3232 |
Sentence |
denotes |
Each sample was tested by three PCRs: the screening assay for the E gene and two confirmatory assays targeting the RdRp gene, all performed as recommended in [5], with either both probes (RdRP_SARSr-P1 and RdRP_SARSr-P2), detecting SARS-CoV and SARS-CoV-2, or only with the SARS-CoV-2-specific probe RdRP_SARSr-P2 [5]. |
T26 |
3233-3289 |
Sentence |
denotes |
We used human RNAse P as control for RNA extraction [7]. |
T27 |
3290-3357 |
Sentence |
denotes |
The cumulative numbers of all tested samples are shown in Figure 1. |
T28 |
3358-3506 |
Sentence |
denotes |
Two weeks after starting the SARS-CoV-2 diagnostics, we had analysed 669 respiratory samples at the Bavarian Health and Food Safety Authority (LGL). |
T29 |
3507-3568 |
Sentence |
denotes |
Among them, seven showed positive results for SARS CoV-2 RNA. |
T30 |
3569-3632 |
Sentence |
denotes |
By 11 February, 14 COVID-19 cases had been detected in Bavaria. |
T31 |
3633-3742 |
Sentence |
denotes |
Figure 1 Cumulative numbers of suspected COVID-19 samples tested during week 5 and 6 2020, Bavaria (n = 675) |
T32 |
3743-3832 |
Sentence |
denotes |
COVID: coronavirus disease; PHEIC: public health emergency of international concern; LGL: |
T33 |
3833-3880 |
Sentence |
denotes |
Bavarian Health and Food Safety Authority; WHO: |
T34 |
3881-3907 |
Sentence |
denotes |
World Health Organization. |
T35 |
3908-4047 |
Sentence |
denotes |
The figure shows all samples tested at LGL, negative and positive, as well as six positive samples tested in other laboratories in Bavaria. |
T36 |
4048-4116 |
Sentence |
denotes |
All data are cumulative, with a final total of positive tests of 13. |
T37 |
4118-4155 |
Sentence |
denotes |
Comparison of one-step RT-PCR systems |
T38 |
4156-4328 |
Sentence |
denotes |
During the 2 weeks after the first PCR test on 27 January, a rapidly increasing number of case contacts in Bavaria was identified and their respiratory samples were tested. |
T39 |
4329-4664 |
Sentence |
denotes |
We found that the SARS-CoV E gene screening assay with the QuantiTect Virus +Rox Vial kit showed moderate to high amounts of unspecific signals in late cycles in 61% (451/743) of the tested patient samples and also of negative extraction and non-template controls (Table, Figure 2), which complicated the evaluation of the qPCR result. |
T40 |
4665-4745 |
Sentence |
denotes |
The RdRp assays were basically free from such unspecific signals in late cycles. |
T41 |
4746-4884 |
Sentence |
denotes |
Cycle threshold (Ct) values of the control SARS-CoV Frankfurt 1 RNA were reached three cycles earlier in E gene assay than in RdRp assays. |
T42 |
4885-5074 |
Sentence |
denotes |
Table Comparison of two different one-step real-time RT-PCR systems with SARS-CoV-2 assays from Corman et al. [5] and a commercial test kit with kit-specific assays, Bavaria, February 2020 |
T43 |
5075-5284 |
Sentence |
denotes |
Real-time RT-PCR system PCR efficiency (%)a, linearity (R2) Limit of detection (copies/reaction) Unspecific signals count in E gene assay in totalb Unspecific signals in E gene assay (%)b Run time (hours) |
T44 |
5285-5389 |
Sentence |
denotes |
QuantiTect Virus +Rox Vial kit (QIAGEN) ND ND 451/743(75/126 NC, 376/617 patient samples) 60.7 1:50 |
T45 |
5390-5541 |
Sentence |
denotes |
SuperScript III One-step RT-PCR System with Platinum TaqDNA Polymerase (Invitrogen) 95 / 0,99c 50c 13/257(2/38 NC,11/219 patient samples) 5.1 1:28 |
T46 |
5542-5651 |
Sentence |
denotes |
RealStar SARS-CoV-2 RT-PCR kit 1.0 (Altona) 125 / 0,97d 10d 0/111(0/38 NC, 0/73 patients samples) 0 2:15 |
T47 |
5652-5701 |
Sentence |
denotes |
NC: negative control samples; ND: not determined. |
T48 |
5702-5723 |
Sentence |
denotes |
a E = 10−1/slope − 1. |
T49 |
5724-5944 |
Sentence |
denotes |
b Indicated counts and percentage values of unspecific background signals in the SARS-CoV E gene assay are based on the total number of tested patient samples as well as the negative extraction and non-template controls. |
T50 |
5945-6076 |
Sentence |
denotes |
c Only for RdRp gene assays, tested with four replicates of SARS-CoV Frankfurt 1 RNA [6]; 10-fold serial dilutions were determined. |
T51 |
6077-6118 |
Sentence |
denotes |
For the E gene, the assay was not linear. |
T52 |
6119-6300 |
Sentence |
denotes |
d Only for the E gene, tested with two replicates of synthetic Wuhan coronavirus 2019 E gene control and SARS-CoV Frankfurt 1 RNA each [6]; 10-fold serial dilutions were determined. |
T53 |
6301-6434 |
Sentence |
denotes |
Figure 2 Example image of real-time RT-PCR curves of the E gene assay with unspecific signals at late cycles, Bavaria, February 2020 |
T54 |
6435-6468 |
Sentence |
denotes |
RFU: relative fluorescence units. |
T55 |
6469-6476 |
Sentence |
denotes |
Curves: |
T56 |
6477-6479 |
Sentence |
denotes |
1: |
T57 |
6480-6674 |
Sentence |
denotes |
Wuhan coronavirus 2019 E gene positive control; 2: SARS-CoV Frankfurt 1 RNA positive control; 3,4,6,8: negative patient samples; 5: extraction negative control; 7: non-template negative control. |
T58 |
6675-6725 |
Sentence |
denotes |
Signal is given in log scale with threshold = 200. |
T59 |
6726-6821 |
Sentence |
denotes |
PCR was performed with SuperScript III system and E gene primers and probe as published in [5]. |
T60 |
6822-6889 |
Sentence |
denotes |
Curves of positive controls (1 and 2) show expected sigmoid curves. |
T61 |
6890-6955 |
Sentence |
denotes |
Curves 3–6 show unspecific signals with increase above threshold. |
T62 |
6956-7032 |
Sentence |
denotes |
Curves below threshold were not considered as significant signals (7 and 8). |
T63 |
7033-7577 |
Sentence |
denotes |
Three additional one-step real-time PCR systems were compared with the initially used QuantiTect Virus +Rox Vial kit (QIAGEN) (Table): (i) OneStep RT-PCR kit (QIAGEN; data not shown in the Table because only a limited number of samples were tested in only one run), (ii) LightCycler Multiplex RNA Virus Master (Roche, Mannheim, Germany; data not shown because only a limited number of samples were tested in only one run) and (iii) SuperScript III One-Step RT-PCR system with Platinum TaqDNA Polymerase (Invitrogen, Darmstadt, Germany) (Table). |
T64 |
7578-7740 |
Sentence |
denotes |
Each assay protocol and thermoprofile was adjusted to the recommendations of the manufacturer, but primer and probe concentrations were the same as published [5]. |
T65 |
7741-7818 |
Sentence |
denotes |
They all showed comparable results in reduction of unspecific E gene signals. |
T66 |
7819-8180 |
Sentence |
denotes |
Using SuperScript III, the unspecific signals in the E gene screening assay were significantly reduced to 5% (13/257) in tested patient samples and negative extraction and non-template controls (Table), whereas Ct values for positive controls (Wuhan coronavirus 2019 E gene and SARS-CoV Frankfurt 1 genomic RNA [3]) were in the same range in QuantiTect (median: |
T67 |
8181-8193 |
Sentence |
denotes |
29.1; range: |
T68 |
8194-8240 |
Sentence |
denotes |
26.8–32.4; n = 85) and Superscript (median Ct: |
T69 |
8241-8253 |
Sentence |
denotes |
28.1; range: |
T70 |
8254-8280 |
Sentence |
denotes |
26.4–31.0; n = 30) setups. |
T71 |
8281-8448 |
Sentence |
denotes |
In the following, we decided to switch to the SuperScript III system as recommended by Corman et al. [5], also because of its decreased thermoprofile run-time (Table). |
T72 |
8449-8534 |
Sentence |
denotes |
Moreover, we additionally included a newly launched commercial test kit in our study: |
T73 |
8535-8643 |
Sentence |
denotes |
RealStar SARS-CoV-2 RT-PCR kit 1.0 (Altona, Hamburg, Germany), which did not show unspecific E gene signals. |
T74 |
8644-8752 |
Sentence |
denotes |
A summary of the assay features of the three PCR setups tested and compared in detail is shown in the Table. |
T75 |
8753-8950 |
Sentence |
denotes |
For evaluation of assay performance regarding efficiency, linearity and unspecific signals, we used the SuperScript protocol in a direct comparison of 73 samples with the RealStar SARS-CoV-2 assay. |
T76 |
8951-9183 |
Sentence |
denotes |
The E gene assays showed 97% (71/73) identical results in both assays (60 negative and 11 positive results as well as two divergent results, both with a positive Real Star SARS-CoV-2 assay and a negative SuperScript protocol assay). |
T77 |
9184-9309 |
Sentence |
denotes |
The specific SARS-CoV-2 assays gave in 67 (92%) identical results (60 negative and seven positive) and six divergent results. |
T78 |
9310-9375 |
Sentence |
denotes |
Overall, the RealStar SARS-CoV-2 kit seemed to be more sensitive. |
T79 |
9377-9385 |
Sentence |
denotes |
Workflow |
T80 |
9386-9552 |
Sentence |
denotes |
With increasing sample numbers, it is crucial to implement a new assay into routine laboratory workflows that already exist for diagnostic testing of other pathogens. |
T81 |
9553-9717 |
Sentence |
denotes |
Sample preparation and RNA extraction were carried out at BSL2 level under a safety class 2 cabinet wearing FFP3 filter masks following the WHO recommendations [8]. |
T82 |
9718-9875 |
Sentence |
denotes |
Samples arriving at our laboratory before 10:00 h were analysed on the same day and results were reported 6–7 h later to local health authorities (Figure 3). |
T83 |
9876-9918 |
Sentence |
denotes |
Our daily test capacity was ca 80 samples. |
T84 |
9919-10092 |
Sentence |
denotes |
It should be taken into account that well trained and experienced personnel is needed and seasonal pathogens, e.g. influenza and noroviruses, had to be analysed in parallel. |
T85 |
10093-10174 |
Sentence |
denotes |
Overall, we managed to report the results for 97% of samples within the same day. |
T86 |
10175-10288 |
Sentence |
denotes |
Figure 3 Flowchart and routine timeline of the SARS-CoV-2 diagnostic workflow at the LGL, Bavaria, February 2020 |
T87 |
10289-10293 |
Sentence |
denotes |
LGL: |
T88 |
10294-10336 |
Sentence |
denotes |
Bavarian Health and Food Safety Authority. |
T89 |
10338-10348 |
Sentence |
denotes |
Discussion |
T90 |
10349-10480 |
Sentence |
denotes |
On 7 January 2020, a novel coronavirus was identified and shortly after, the first sequence of the new strain was published [9,10]. |
T91 |
10481-10601 |
Sentence |
denotes |
The main task of public health authorities is to react quickly to emerging pathogens of global threat to prevent spread. |
T92 |
10602-10739 |
Sentence |
denotes |
These responses include containment strategies, which means that close contacts of patients have to be identified and tested immediately. |
T93 |
10740-10968 |
Sentence |
denotes |
Reusken et al. identified the availability of positive control material and primer/probes as well as the lack of skilled personnel and time as the most prominent challenges in the implementation of the new SARS-CoV-2 assay [11]. |
T94 |
10969-11065 |
Sentence |
denotes |
National and local public health laboratories play a crucial role in testing emerging pathogens. |
T95 |
11066-11424 |
Sentence |
denotes |
The Public Health Microbiology Laboratory in Bavaria was confronted with SARS-CoV-2-related events very early: once the assays and control materials arrived and the PCR assays were performed for the first time, a large contact investigation around the first German COVID-19 patient (data not shown) was immediately started, with so far more than 700 samples. |
T96 |
11425-11554 |
Sentence |
denotes |
Evaluation and verification of the new assays and testing real samples had to take place simultaneously within a very short time. |
T97 |
11555-11721 |
Sentence |
denotes |
We realised soon that the SARS-CoV E gene assay was more sensitive than the two RdRp gene assays combined with the one-step RT-PCR system available in our laboratory. |
T98 |
11722-11821 |
Sentence |
denotes |
However, our E gene assay showed high background levels hampering a clear evaluation of the assays. |
T99 |
11822-11950 |
Sentence |
denotes |
Each mastermix has its own proprietary composition, which may explain the differences in the performance of a certain PCR assay. |
T100 |
11951-12115 |
Sentence |
denotes |
Using commercial kits with optimised target regions and primer sequences (in the E gene and SARS-CoV-2-specific S gene) ruled out the unspecific signals completely. |
T101 |
12116-12426 |
Sentence |
denotes |
Hence, reasons for the observed unspecific signals may be dimerisation of primers and probes and/or unspecific primer binding and polymerase activity in the targeted region of the E gene, probably also depending on thermal profile and cycler-specific differences, or most likely a combination of these factors. |
T102 |
12427-12695 |
Sentence |
denotes |
Contamination as a reason for unspecific signals was ruled out, as stringent prevention measures were taken, e.g. strict separation of working areas: oligonucleotides and PCR mastermix reagents were handled in one room under a PCR hood with specified laboratory coats. |
T103 |
12696-12762 |
Sentence |
denotes |
Sample preparation and RNA extraction took place in a second room. |
T104 |
12763-12817 |
Sentence |
denotes |
Sample RNA was added in a third room under a PCR hood. |
T105 |
12818-12879 |
Sentence |
denotes |
The synthetic E gene control was added last to the mastermix. |
T106 |
12880-12936 |
Sentence |
denotes |
All reagents were aliquoted and aliquots used once only. |
T107 |
12937-13219 |
Sentence |
denotes |
Contaminations from synthetic E gene present in primer batches upon delivery can be ruled out as well, although only one batch of E gene primers and probes was used with the QuantiTect and Superscript III setup, as only a certain proportion of samples showed the unspecific signals. |
T108 |
13220-13386 |
Sentence |
denotes |
Furthermore, the unspecific signals were significantly reduced in the Superscript III setup, which showed that its sensitivity was comparable to the QuantiTect setup. |
T109 |
13387-13635 |
Sentence |
denotes |
In addition, the initially used E gene primers and probe were separately used as templates with the RealStar kit and no amplification was observed, whereas the corresponding artificial E gene template delivered a clear S-shaped curve with this kit. |
T110 |
13637-13647 |
Sentence |
denotes |
Conclusion |
T111 |
13648-13841 |
Sentence |
denotes |
The SARS-CoV-2 assay from Corman et al. [7] could be used rapidly with the published SuperScript III system, but further optimisation especially of the E gene assay may enhance the sensitivity. |
T112 |
13842-14149 |
Sentence |
denotes |
The RealStar kit outperformed the two other tested one-step PCR systems in sensitivity and by absence of unspecific signals with the used primer set and the RealStar workflow enhanced laboratory efficiency combining two coronavirus assays (lineage B CoV and specific SARS-CoV-2) with an IC in a triplex PCR. |
T113 |
14150-14315 |
Sentence |
denotes |
Overall, fast assay development and publication of protocols by expert laboratories allowed public health laboratories to establish diagnostics quickly and act fast. |
T114 |
14316-14409 |
Sentence |
denotes |
Assay optimisation will further speed up and improve the management of this ongoing outbreak. |