PMC:7068163 / 13088-14296 JSONTXT 6 Projects

Annnotations TAB TSV DIC JSON TextAE

Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T102 0-268 Sentence denotes Contamination as a reason for unspecific signals was ruled out, as stringent prevention measures were taken, e.g. strict separation of working areas: oligonucleotides and PCR mastermix reagents were handled in one room under a PCR hood with specified laboratory coats.
T103 269-335 Sentence denotes Sample preparation and RNA extraction took place in a second room.
T104 336-390 Sentence denotes Sample RNA was added in a third room under a PCR hood.
T105 391-452 Sentence denotes The synthetic E gene control was added last to the mastermix.
T106 453-509 Sentence denotes All reagents were aliquoted and aliquots used once only.
T107 510-792 Sentence denotes Contaminations from synthetic E gene present in primer batches upon delivery can be ruled out as well, although only one batch of E gene primers and probes was used with the QuantiTect and Superscript III setup, as only a certain proportion of samples showed the unspecific signals.
T108 793-959 Sentence denotes Furthermore, the unspecific signals were significantly reduced in the Superscript III setup, which showed that its sensitivity was comparable to the QuantiTect setup.
T109 960-1208 Sentence denotes In addition, the initially used E gene primers and probe were separately used as templates with the RealStar kit and no amplification was observed, whereas the corresponding artificial E gene template delivered a clear S-shaped curve with this kit.