PMC:7068162 / 9079-10043 JSONTXT 6 Projects

Annnotations TAB TSV DIC JSON TextAE

Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T103 0-150 Sentence denotes Automated solutions for molecular diagnostics can help handle large numbers of samples and can be scaled to keep pace with fluctuating demand [10-12].
T104 151-264 Sentence denotes The system used in this study fully automates nucleic acid extraction, purification, amplification and detection.
T105 265-430 Sentence denotes We, among others, have previously demonstrated that laboratory-developed tests can be adapted for fully automated PCR platforms such as the cobas 6800 system [6,13].
T106 431-786 Sentence denotes After brief preparation, clinical samples can be loaded directly into the device; required hands-on time and manual steps are reduced by up to 60% (manual steps reduced from 33 to 14, hands-on time reduced from 74 min to 14 min) compared with conventional workflows which usually involve automated extraction and PCR performed as separate procedures [13].
T107 787-964 Sentence denotes The inclusion of a full-process control for each reaction further facilitates the handling of results, allowing interpretation by personnel not familiar with RT-PCR diagnostics.