PMC:7068162 / 2086-3275 JSONTXT 9 Projects

Annnotations TAB TSV DIC JSON TextAE

Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T15 0-144 Sentence denotes A custom-made primer/probe set based on a previously published assay targeting the E gene [4] was optimised for the use on the automated system.
T16 145-235 Sentence denotes Primer and probes were ordered from IDT DNA Technologies (Coralville, United States (US)).
T17 236-350 Sentence denotes Both primers were modified with 2’-O-methyl bases in their penultimate base to prevent formation of primer dimers.
T18 351-438 Sentence denotes The ZEN double-quenched probe (IDT) was used in order to lower background fluorescence.
T19 439-773 Sentence denotes The master mix (Mmx) cassette (for 96 tests) is prepared by combining 84 µL forward primer (400 nM, 5´-ACAGGTACGTTAATAGTTAATAGCmGT-3´), 84 µL reverse primer (400 nM, 5´-ATATTGCAGCAGTACGCACAmCA-3´) and 10.5 µL probe (50 nM, 5´-Fam-ACACTAGCC/ZEN/ATCCTTACTGCGCTTCG-Iowa Black FQ-3’)* together with 182 µL water and 5,640 µl Mmx2 mixture.
T20 774-837 Sentence denotes After mixing, the 6 mL are transferred to the reagent cassette.
T21 838-1020 Sentence denotes The Mmx cassette is delivered with a full-process control: it is preloaded with an internal control (IC) RNA together with primers and probe of the IC detection assay by default [6].
T22 1021-1189 Sentence denotes Instrument settings in the cobas mni Utility Channel software (Roche, Los Gatos, US) and the temperature profile used for the RT-PCR reaction are summarised in Table 1.