PMC:7054964 / 161-1093 JSONTXT 11 Projects

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Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T7 0-204 Sentence denotes The novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) infection caused pneumonia. we retrospectively analyzed the virus presence in the pharyngeal swab, blood, and the anal swab detected by real-time PCR in the clinical lab.
T8 205-329 Sentence denotes Unexpectedly, the 2109-nCoV RNA was readily detected in the blood (6 of 57 patients) and the anal swabs (11 of 28 patients).
T9 330-543 Sentence denotes Importantly, all of the 6 patients with detectable viral RNA in the blood cohort progressed to severe symptom stage, indicating a strong correlation of serum viral RNA with the disease severity (p-value = 0.0001).
T10 544-636 Sentence denotes Meanwhile, 8 of the 11 patients with annal swab virus-positive was in severe clinical stage.
T11 637-846 Sentence denotes However, the concentration of viral RNA in the anal swab (Ct value = 24 + 39) was higher than in the blood (Ct value = 34 + 39) from patient 2, suggesting that the virus might replicate in the digestive tract.
T12 847-932 Sentence denotes Altogether, our results confirmed the presence of virus RNA in extra-pulmonary sites.