PMC:7040011 / 7796-8642 JSONTXT 12 Projects

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Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T55 0-232 Sentence denotes In summary, we systematically analyzed coding-region variants in ACE2 and the eQTL variants, which may affect the expression of ACE2 using the GTEx database to compare the genomic characteristics of ACE2 among different populations.
T56 233-423 Sentence denotes Our findings indicated that no direct evidence was identified genetically supporting the existence of coronavirus S-protein binding-resistant ACE2 mutants in different populations (Fig. 1a).
T57 424-580 Sentence denotes The data of variant distribution and AFs may contribute to the further investigations of ACE2, including its roles in acute lung injury and lung function12.
T58 581-846 Sentence denotes The East Asian populations have much higher AFs in the eQTL variants associated with higher ACE2 expression in tissues (Fig. 1c), which may suggest different susceptibility or response to 2019-nCoV/SARS-CoV-2 from different populations under the similar conditions.