PMC:7029452 / 1304-3229 JSONTXT 7 Projects

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Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T12 0-10 Sentence denotes Background
T13 11-228 Sentence denotes A novel coronavirus (severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2, SARS-CoV-2) causing a cluster of respiratory infections (coronavirus disease 2019, COVID-19) in Wuhan, China, was identified on 7 January 2020 [1].
T14 229-397 Sentence denotes Twenty-seven patients with pneumonia had initially been reported, with an epidemiological link to a live animal market that was closed and disinfected on 1 January [1].
T15 398-574 Sentence denotes From 20 January, the number of notifications of cases rose dramatically, and as at 12 February 2020, 45,179 cases of SARS-CoV-2 have been confirmed, including 1,116 deaths [2].
T16 575-767 Sentence denotes Most of the cases (n = 44,665) were reported in 31 provinces and autonomous regions of China and 514 cases were reported in 25 other countries in Asia, Australia, Europe and North America [2].
T17 768-851 Sentence denotes To date, the primary source of infection remains unknown and could still be active.
T18 852-1008 Sentence denotes Human-to-human transmission was observed early after the emergence of this new virus in China and abroad, including family clusters and healthcare settings.
T19 1009-1095 Sentence denotes The current outbreak dynamics strongly indicate sustained human-to-human transmission.
T20 1096-1185 Sentence denotes Strengthened surveillance of COVID-19 cases was implemented in France on 10 January 2020.
T21 1186-1353 Sentence denotes The objective of the surveillance is to identify imported cases early and to prevent secondary transmission whether in the community or among healthcare workers (HCW).
T22 1354-1521 Sentence denotes Investigations are carried out among contacts immediately upon illness onset and a follow-up procedure is initiated according to the evaluated level of infection risk.
T23 1522-1742 Sentence denotes Here we describe the real-time implementation of this surveillance scheme for the first three imported cases of COVID-19 identified in France, who were confirmed on 24 January 2020 in persons with a recent stay in Wuhan.
T24 1743-1797 Sentence denotes Two cases were diagnosed in Paris and one in Bordeaux.
T25 1798-1925 Sentence denotes We present data until 12 February on the follow-up of the cases’ contacts initiated immediately upon confirmation of infection.