PMC:7029449 / 11379-14081 JSONTXT 10 Projects

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Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T64 0-57 Sentence denotes Domain Priorities Study designs / data sources required
T65 58-282 Sentence denotes Transmission dynamics Provide robust estimates of the serial interval and generation time Detailed exposure and illness onset information from unselected case clusters in line lists, preferably from more than one epicentre
T66 283-565 Sentence denotes Estimate effective reproductive number (Rt) in other cities (i.e. ex-Wuhan) in China and elsewhere Epidemic curves for each city by dates of illness onset, preferably stratified by likely source of infection (zoonotic, environmental point source, local case vs imported index case)
T67 566-799 Sentence denotes Clarify the relative importance of pre-symptomatic / asymptomatic transmission Detailed reports of transmission events and symptomatic status of infectors; viral shedding data; special studies in households and other closed settings
T68 800-964 Sentence denotes Determine the role of different age groups in transmission, particularly children Transmission studies in households and other closed settings; serological studies
T69 965-1221 Sentence denotes Determine the relative importance of possible modes of transmission Outbreak investigations, in particular for superspreading events; environmental sampling, air sampling and exhaled breath sampling; special studies in households and other closed settings
T70 1222-1370 Sentence denotes Determine environmental effects on virus survival and transmission Virus survival studies in situ vivo and in vitro; environmental sampling studies
T71 1371-1581 Sentence denotes Severity Provide robust estimates of the risk of fatality of hospitalised cases, by age or other important groupings Reports from unselected clinical cohorts of times to death or recovery among resolved cases
T72 1582-1760 Sentence denotes Provide robust estimates of the risk of fatality of symptomatic cases, by age or other important groupings Estimates of incidence from population-wide surveillance of mild cases
T73 1761-1847 Sentence denotes Identify groups at high risk of severe infection Case–control studies; cohort studies
T74 1848-2016 Sentence denotes Susceptibility Determine if children are infected, and if so, if they are infectious Transmission studies in households and other closed settings; serological studies
T75 2017-2152 Sentence denotes Determine if all infections result in neutralising immunity Convalescent serology from mild as well as severe cases, in all age groups
T76 2153-2341 Sentence denotes Control measures Provide impact estimates of travel restrictions, border screening and quarantine policies on non-local spread Modelling analyses of local and global spread of infections
T77 2342-2520 Sentence denotes Estimate the effects of social distancing measures and other non-pharmaceutical interventions on transmissibility Comparative analyses of transmissibility in different locations