PMC:7014672 / 8092-9506 JSONTXT 10 Projects

Annnotations TAB TSV DIC JSON TextAE

Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T72 0-78 Sentence denotes Table 3 Estimated incubation periods for coronaviruses from different studies
T73 79-152 Sentence denotes Study Virus(location) Distribution Mean (days) 95th percentile (days)
T74 153-187 Sentence denotes Estimate 95% CI Estimate 95% CI
T75 188-248 Sentence denotes This study 2019-nCoV Weibull 6.4 5.6–7.7 10.3 8.6–14.1
T76 249-307 Sentence denotes This study 2019-nCoV Gamma 6.5 5.6–7.9 11.3 9.1–15.7
T77 308-370 Sentence denotes This study 2019-nCoV Lognormal 6.8 5.7–8.8 13.3 9.9–20.5
T78 371-430 Sentence denotes Donnelly, 2003 [14,15] SARS Gamma 3.8 3.0–4.9 9.45 NA
T79 431-497 Sentence denotes Cowling, 2007 [16] SARS Lognormal 5.1 4.6–5.5 12.9 11.7–14.5
T80 498-560 Sentence denotes Lau, 2010 [17] SARS (Hong Kong) Lognormal 4.4 NA 12.4 NA
T81 561-621 Sentence denotes Lau, 2010 [17] SARS (Beijing) Lognormal 5.7 NA 19.7 NA
T82 622-681 Sentence denotes Lau, 2010 [17] SARS (Taiwan) Lognormal 6.9 NA 17.9 NA
T83 682-748 Sentence denotes Lessler, 2009 [18] SARS Lognormal 4.8a 3.6–4.4 10.6 8.9–12.2
T84 749-815 Sentence denotes Assiri, 2013 [19] MERS Lognormal 6.0b 1.9–14.7 12.4 7.3–17.5
T85 816-879 Sentence denotes Cauchemez, 2014 [20] MERS Lognormal 5.5 3.6–10.2 10.2c NA
T86 880-958 Sentence denotes Virlogeux, 2016 [21] MERS (South Korea) Gamma 6.9 6.3–7.5 12.7 11.5–14.4
T87 959-1041 Sentence denotes Virlogeux, 2016 [21] MERS (Saudi Arabia) Lognormal 5.0 4.0–6.6 11.4 8.5–17.5
T88 1042-1094 Sentence denotes CI: credible interval; NA: not available; 2019-nCoV:
T89 1095-1189 Sentence denotes 2019 novel coronavirus; SARS; severe acute respiratory syndrome; SD: standard deviation; MERS:
T90 1190-1223 Sentence denotes Middle East respiratory syndrome.
T91 1224-1289 Sentence denotes a Value calculated from median of 4.0 days provided in reference.
T92 1290-1355 Sentence denotes b Value calculated from median of 5.2 days provided in reference.
T93 1356-1414 Sentence denotes c Value calculated from mean and SD provided in reference.