PMC:7014672 / 11891-12486 JSONTXT 4 Projects

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Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T116 0-103 Sentence denotes There are various choices one can make about the parametric form of the incubation period distribution.
T117 104-252 Sentence denotes The results with the three often-used forms we report here suggest that there is little impact on the mean and dispersion of the incubation periods.
T118 253-354 Sentence denotes Of these three, the lognormal distribution assigns higher probabilities to longer incubation periods.
T119 355-595 Sentence denotes Although we found that this distribution provided a poorer description of the data than the Weibull and the gamma distributions, it is prudent not to dismiss the possibility of incubation periods up to 14 days at this stage of the epidemic.