PMC:6986229 / 439-1569 JSONTXT 2 Projects

Annnotations TAB TSV DIC JSON TextAE-old TextAE

Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T8 0-15 Sentence denotes New coronavirus
T9 16-215 Sentence denotes The World Health Organization (WHO) was working with officials in Thailand and China last month, following confirmation of an infection with the novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) in a person in Thailand.
T10 216-338 Sentence denotes The person was a traveller from Wuhan, China and was identified by Thai officials on 8 January, and hospitalized that day.
T11 339-411 Sentence denotes The person was recovering from the illness, according to Thai officials.
T12 412-652 Sentence denotes This is the first exported case of novel coronavirus from Wuhan, China, as of 14 January, after China reported 41 cases with a preliminary diagnosis of 2019-nCoV infection, including 1 death in a person with an underlying medical condition.
T13 653-794 Sentence denotes Exported cases were expected and this first identified case reinforces WHO’s calls for active monitoring and preparedness in other countries.
T14 795-863 Sentence denotes WHO has issued guidance on how to detect and treat infected persons.
T15 864-959 Sentence denotes The genetic sequencing data shared by China enable more countries to rapidly diagnose patients.
T16 960-1108 Sentence denotes WHO reiterated that investigations need to continue in China to identify the source of the outbreak and any animal reservoirs or intermediate hosts.
T17 1109-1130 Sentence denotes