PMC:7253482 / 29119-29887 JSONTXT 16 Projects

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Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T171 0-253 Sentence denotes Prior to ion-mobility electrospray ionisation MS and tandem MS analysis, PNGase F released N-linked glycans were purified on a Nafion® 117 membrane (Sigma-Aldrich) and a trace amount of ammonium phosphate was added to promote phosphate adduct formation.
T172 254-670 Sentence denotes Glycans were analyzed by direct infusion using a Synapt G2Si instrument (Waters) with the following settings: capillary voltage, 0.8–1.0 kV; sample cone, 150 V; extraction cone, 150 V; cone gas, 40 l/h; source temperature, 80 °C; trap collision voltage, 4–160 V; transfer collision voltage, 4 V; trap DC bias, 60 V; IMS wave velocity, 450 m/s; IMS wave height, 40 V; trap gas flow, 2 ml/min; IMS gas flow, 80 ml/min.
T173 671-768 Sentence denotes Data were acquired and processed with MassLynx v4.1 and Driftscope version 2.8 software (Waters).