PMC:7205724 / 28043-29432 JSONTXT 18 Projects

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Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T227 0-196 Sentence denotes Lack of specific treatments for COVID-19 and the very time-consuming process of vaccine development lead us to trust traditional notions of immunization using passive transfer of humoral immunity.
T228 197-268 Sentence denotes Passive immunization can be done using plasma therapy and IVIG therapy.
T229 269-418 Sentence denotes Plasma from patients recovered from COVID-19 that contains antibodies against SARS-CoV2 has shown promising results in patients with severe COVID-19.
T230 419-526 Sentence denotes Also, SARS-CoV and SARS-CoV2 are ideally similar in the structure and the cell entry receptor and protease.
T231 527-676 Sentence denotes Studies show that serum from convalescent SARS patients and serum from rabbits immunized with SARS are both able to neutralize SARS-CoV2 efficiently.
T232 677-781 Sentence denotes However, serum from bats immunized with SARS-lice coronavirus SL-CoV Rp3 could not exert such an effect.
T233 782-911 Sentence denotes It is due to a noticeable degree of difference in the S1 domain in the S1 domain between the bat SL-CoV Rp3 strain and SARS-CoV2.
T234 912-1025 Sentence denotes A short-term moderate dose of IVIG combined with moderate-dose of corticosteroids might improve patient outcomes.
T235 1026-1257 Sentence denotes Studies show that the viral RNA of SARS-CoV2 reaches its peak during the first week and then gradually decreases and that IgG and IgM begin to rise from the 10th day so that most patients have anti-viral antibodies by the 14th day.
T236 1258-1389 Sentence denotes Passive immunization protects against disease, and so it should be administered as early as possible when the patient is diagnosed.