PMC:7321036 / 1730-114144 JSONTXT 13 Projects

Annnotations TAB TSV DIC JSON TextAE

Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T50 13-25 SP_7 denotes Severe acute
T51 26-37 SP_7;UBERON:0001004;GO:0045333 denotes respiratory
T52 38-60 SP_7 denotes syndrome coronavirus 2
T53 62-72 SP_7 denotes SARS-CoV-2
T54 105-108 BV_22 denotes RNA
T55 109-114 BV_22;NCBITaxon:10239 denotes virus
T56 145-160 SP_8;NCBITaxon:694002 denotes Betacoronavirus
T57 194-202 SP_10 denotes SARS-CoV
T58 227-231 SP_10 denotes SARS
T59 254-259 SP_6;NCBITaxon:9606 denotes human
T60 284-291 SO:0000704 denotes genetic
T61 317-321 SP_10 denotes SARS
T62 330-343 NCBITaxon:11118 denotes coronaviruses
T63 362-366 SP_2;NCBITaxon:6960 denotes bats
T64 378-385 SO:0000704 denotes genetic
T65 467-478 NCBITaxon:11118 denotes coronavirus
T66 493-501 SP_7 denotes COVID-19
T67 550-558 SP_10 denotes SARS-CoV
T68 589-600 UBERON:0001004 denotes respiratory
T69 657-668 UBERON:0001004 denotes respiratory
T70 684-689 UBERON:0000062 denotes organ
T71 703-708 GO:0016265 denotes death
T72 775-785 SP_7 denotes SARS-CoV-2
T73 816-820 G_3;PG_10;PR:000003622 denotes ACE2
T74 898-905 G_2;PR:000016456 denotes TMPRSS2
T75 912-919 MOP:0000780 denotes cleaves
T76 924-933 PG_1 denotes S protein
T77 945-954 GO:0061025 denotes fusion of
T78 955-960 NCBITaxon:10239;GO:0019012 denotes viral
T79 965-984 GO:0005765 denotes lysosomal membranes
T80 1027-1032 NCBITaxon:10239 denotes viral
T81 1033-1040 SO:0001026 denotes genomic
T82 1048-1058 GO:0006412 denotes translated
T83 1087-1092 PR:P06174 denotes ORF1a
T84 1128-1135 MOP:0000780 denotes cleaved
T85 1139-1144 NCBITaxon:10239 denotes viral
T86 1198-1203 NCBITaxon:10239;GO:0019012 denotes viral
T87 1204-1215 GO:0006260;GO:0005667 denotes replication
T88 1215-1237 GO:0005667 denotes /transcription complex
T89 1273-1299 GO:0044165 denotes host endoplasmic reticulum
T90 1309-1321 GO:0006900 denotes formation of
T91 1329-1337 GO:0016020 denotes membrane
T92 1338-1346 GO:0031982 denotes vesicles
T93 1361-1366 GO:0019012;NCBITaxon:10239 denotes viral
T94 1367-1380 GO:0032774 denotes RNA synthesis
T95 1393-1398 NCBITaxon:10239 denotes viral
T96 1403-1409 SO:0001026 denotes genome
T97 1413-1423 GO:0006260 denotes replicated
T98 1464-1471 SO:0001026 denotes genomic
T99 1494-1504 SO:0001026 denotes subgenomic
T100 1531-1541 GO:0006412 denotes translated
T101 1612-1617 NCBITaxon:10239 denotes viral
T102 1618-1625 SO:0001026 denotes genomes
T103 1642-1669 GO:0005793 denotes endoplasmic reticulum-Golgi
T104 1761-1773 GO:0009986 denotes cell surface
T105 1789-1799 GO:0006887 denotes exocytosis
T106 1845-1855 SP_7 denotes SARS-CoV-2
T107 1903-1911 SP_10 denotes SARS-CoV
T108 1913-1923 SP_7 denotes SARS-CoV-2
T109 1935-1946 NCBITaxon:11118 denotes coronavirus
T110 2023-2031 SP_10 denotes SARS-CoV
T111 2033-2043 SP_7 denotes SARS-CoV-2
T112 2304-2314 SP_7 denotes SARS-CoV-2
T113 2439-2447 SP_7 denotes COVID-19
T114 2472-2480 SP_7 denotes COVID-19
T115 2553-2563 DG_28 denotes remdesivir
T116 2658-2666 SP_7 denotes COVID-19
T117 2677-2681 CHEBI:33290;CHEBI:33290 denotes Food
T118 2686-2690 CHEBI:23888;CHEBI:23888 denotes Drug
T119 2767-2777 DG_28 denotes remdesivir
T120 2808-2816 SP_7 denotes COVID-19
T121 2871-2881 SP_7 denotes SARS-CoV-2
T122 2894-2900 CHEBI:52217;CHEBI:52217 denotes agents
T123 2991-2999 SP_7 denotes COVID-19
T124 3150-3155 NCBITaxon:10239 denotes viral
T125 3425-3434 GO:0065007 denotes regulates
T126 3535-3544 GO:0065007 denotes regulated
T127 3627-3631 CHEBI:23888;CHEBI:23888 denotes drug
T128 3798-3808 SP_7 denotes SARS-CoV-2
T129 3928-3933 CHEBI:23888;CHEBI:23888 denotes drugs
T130 3938-3947 CHEBI:36357;CHEBI:36357 denotes compounds
T131 3976-3986 SP_7 denotes SARS-CoV-2
T132 4072-4082 SP_7 denotes SARS-CoV-2
T133 4110-4120 SP_7 denotes SARS-CoV-2
T134 4129-4141 GO:0045087 denotes host-protein
T135 4142-4151 GO:0035556 denotes signaling
T136 4208-4212 CL_6 denotes Vero
T137 4256-4262 UBERON:0002113 denotes kidney
T138 4289-4295 NCBITaxon:9527 denotes monkey
T139 4297-4308 NCBITaxon:60711 denotes Chlorocebus
T140 4309-4316 NCBITaxon:9606 denotes sabaeus
T141 4406-4416 SP_7 denotes SARS-CoV-2
T142 4521-4531 SP_7 denotes SARS-CoV-2
T143 4818-4829 NCBITaxon:60711 denotes Chlorocebus
T144 4830-4837 NCBITaxon:9606 denotes sabaeus
T145 4842-4847 SP_6;NCBITaxon:9606 denotes human
T146 4884-4905 SO:0001811 denotes phosphorylation sites
T147 4962-4967 SP_6;NCBITaxon:9606 denotes human
T148 4976-4985 SO:0000855 denotes orthologs
T149 5266-5276 SP_7 denotes SARS-CoV-2
T150 5291-5295 CL_6 denotes Vero
T151 5324-5334 SP_7 denotes SARS-CoV-2
T152 5359-5364 NCBITaxon:10239 denotes viral
T153 5460-5464 CL_6 denotes Vero
T154 5673-5678 GO:0019835 denotes lysed
T155 6124-6129 SP_6;NCBITaxon:9606 denotes human
T156 6138-6147 SO:0000855 denotes orthologs
T157 6608-6618 SP_7 denotes SARS-CoV-2
T158 6688-6697 GO:0065007 denotes regulated
T159 6840-6849 GO:0065007 denotes regulated
T160 6965-6969 SO:0000704 denotes Gene
T161 7152-7161 GO:0065007 denotes regulated
T162 7440-7449 GO:0065007 denotes regulated
T163 9912-10832 SP_7 denotes separated by time point and direction of phosphorylation regulation. All terms with significant over-representation (adjusted p value < 0.01) in the regulated gene set are kept, and redundant terms are removed (see STAR Methods). Numbers in cells indicate the number of genes that match the term for a given time point and direction. (G) Gene Ontology enrichment analysis for significantly phosphorylated proteins upon infection, separated by time point and direction of protein regulation. Details same as for (F). As expected, an increase was observed in the number of significantly regulated phosphorylation sites and proteins over the infection time course, with the majority of regulation occurring at the level of phosphorylation (Figures 1E and 1F) as opposed to protein abundance (Figures 1G and 1H). Of the few proteins that significantly increased in abundance upon infection, the vast majority were SARS-CoV-2
T164 11195-11226 CL_6 denotes vealed several terms related to
T165 11950-12175 SP_7 denotes suggesting that phosphorylation signaling represents a primary host response over this time course of infection as opposed to transcriptional regulation, which would influence protein abundance. Phosphorylation of SARS-CoV-2
T166 15171-15271 NCBITaxon:10239 denotes viruses (Figure 2E). This evolutionary pattern suggests that a negative charge in this region may pl
T167 22090-22132 CL_6 denotes viral entry) and were enriched in mRNA pro
T168 28170-28239 GO:0019835 denotes lexes, enrichment of up- or downregulated phosphorylation sites was d
T169 42510-42575 SP_6;NCBITaxon:9606 denotes has been described previously, and the two could be linked mechan
T170 42773-42995 SO:0000855 denotes or SARS-CoV-2 infection, kinase inhibitors were mapped to the most differentially regulated kinase activities (Figure 7 A) and to specific phosphorylation sites (Table S8; STAR Methods). This resulted in a list of 87 drugs
T171 50569-50590 SP_7 denotes shaft. The SARS-CoV-2
T172 51285-51318 GO:0065007 denotes role of this kinase in regulating
T173 52719-52845 GO:0065007 denotes RS-CoV, Dengue virus, and influenza A virus, improving survival in mice (Fu et al., 2014; Growcott et al., 2018; Jimenez-Guard
T174 53933-53959 SO:0000704 denotes gulation of stress granule
T175 55801-55810 GO:0065007 denotes regulated
T176 58526-58597 GO:0065007 denotes rticles ESI SOURCE SOLUTIONS Cat#R119 Crystal Violet Solution Sigma Ald
T177 69634-69699 SP_6;NCBITaxon:9606 denotes RNA-seq dataset for tran
T178 69737-69879 SO:0000855 denotes o et al., 2020 GSE147507 Phosphoproteomics datasets of biological conditions Ochoa et al., 2016
T179 69912-69933 SO:0001811 denotes phosphorylation sites
T180 69953-69992 SP_6;NCBITaxon:9606 denotes
T181 70001-70146 SO:0000855 denotes ookie&client_id=grover& Gene identifier mapping database from BioMart Ens
T182 71865-71906 NCBITaxon:10239 denotes
T183 83155-83304 SO:0001811 denotes p control was set to All. For phosphopeptide enriched samples, data were collected using a resolving power of 30,000 and a maximum ion injection time
T184 83396-83450 NCBITaxon:9527 denotes maximum ion injection time of 22 ms. Spectral library
T185 83478-83704 NCBITaxon:6073 denotes cessing Raw mass spectrometry data from each DDA dataset were used to build separate libraries for DIA searches using the Pulsar search engine integrated into Spectronaut version 13.12.200217.43655 (Bruderer et al., 2015) by s
T186 83718-83754 NCBITaxon:9606 denotes st a database of Uniprot Chlorocebus
T187 83861-83911 SP_6;NCBITaxon:9606 denotes genomic sequence downloaded from GISAID (accession
T188 83974-84035 SO:0000704 denotes G22661T Spike V367F and G26144T ORF3a G251V) detected by RNAS
T189 86390-86413 NCBITaxon:10239 denotes V-2 infected Caco-2 cel
T190 86778-86784 CHEBI:24870;CHEBI:24870 denotes ilicon
T191 88855-88867 SO:0000704 denotes were transfe
T192 89485-89653 GO:0065007 denotes r pLVX-TetOne-Puro empty vector. 48 hours post transduction, 10 μg/mL Puromycin was added to cultures to select transduced cells. Polyclonal stable cell lines were seed
T193 90591-90639 GO:0065007 denotes ro E6 cells were seeded per sample. The followin
T194 91438-91498 GO:0065007 denotes rsus SSC-H plot. Next, typical cellular morphology was gated
T195 91503-91544 SO:0000704 denotes g a FSC-A versus SSC-A plot. These single
T196 92663-92694 SO:0000704 denotes g oligo (dT) primers and SuperS
T197 93158-93162 SO:0000704 denotes gene
T198 94766-94876 GO:0065007 denotes reater than those indicated, including a DMSO control. Plates were then transferred into the BSL-3 facility an
T199 95662-95841 SO:0000855 denotes ound) ∗100 and the DMSO control was then set to 100% infection for analysis. The IC50 for each experiment was determined using the Prism software (GraphPad). For select inhibitors
T200 97239-97480 SO:0001811 denotes pool, using Lipofectamine RNAiMAX (Thermo Fisher Scientific) according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Twenty-four (24) hours post transfection, the cell culture supernatant was removed and replaced with virus inoculum (MOI of 0.1 PFU/ce
T201 104307-104573 SO:0001811 denotes piens proteins Orthologous pairs of gene identifiers between C.sabaeus and H.sapiens were downloaded from Ensembl using the BioMart web interface ( on April 6, 2020. Ensembl gene identifiers
T202 104809-104875 NCBITaxon:9527 denotes man-Wunsch global alignment algorithm implemented in the R package
T203 104900-105011 NCBITaxon:6073 denotes ction pairwiseAlignment with default parameters. The resulting alignments were used to convert the sequence pos
T204 105033-105059 NCBITaxon:9606 denotes sphorylations in C.sabaeus
T205 105146-105165 SP_6;NCBITaxon:9606 denotes h significant up an
T206 105210-105245 SO:0000704 denotes Gene Ontology (GO Biological Proces
T207 107313-107367 NCBITaxon:10239 denotes vities were estimated using known kinase-substrate rel
T208 108101-108104 CHEBI:24870;CHEBI:24870 denotes ion
T209 109969-110036 SO:0000704 denotes g the same Z-test based approach described for estimation of kinase
T210 110561-110799 GO:0065007 denotes rs of non-redundant complexes. The largest complex was selected from each cluster. Transcription factor activity after SARS-CoV-2 infection To evaluate the effect of SARS-CoV-2 infection at the Transcription Factor (TF) level, we applied
T211 111813-111858 GO:0065007 denotes response curve using the lsqcurvefit function