@davidecho:2 / 685-697
Q1, Please document the patient's abnormal findings
A1-1, abscess
A1-2, ascites
A1-3, aspergillosis
A1-4, atelectasis
A1-5, atherosclerosis
A1-6, bronchiectasis
A1-7, bulla
A1-8, cancer
A1-9, cardiomegaly
A1-10, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
A1-11, congestion
A1-12, congestive heart failure
A1-13, contusion
A1-14, edema
A1-15, effusion
A1-16, emphysema
A1-17, fibrosis
A1-18, fungus
A1-19, granuloma
A1-20, hemothorax
A1-21, infection
A1-22, interstitial lung disease
A1-23, lymphadenopathy
A1-24, mass
A1-25, metastasis
A1-26, nodule
A1-27, perforation
A1-28, pleural effusion
A1-29, pleurisy
A1-30, pneumomediastinum
A1-31, pneumonia
A1-32, pneumothorax
A1-33, pulmonary hypertension
A1-34, thromboembolism
A1-35, tuberculosis
A1-36, tumor
Q2, Select the anatomical location(s) for the abnormal findings documented in the previous item
A2-1, Parenchyme
A2-2, Right Upper Lobe
A2-3, Right Middle Lobe
A2-4, Right Lower Lobe
A2-5, Left Upper Lobe
A2-6, Left Lower Lobe
A2-7, Pleural
A2-8, Right Pleural
A2-9, Left Pleural
A2-10, Trachea/Bronchi
A2-11, Trachea
A2-12, Right Main Bronchus
A2-13, Left Main Bronchus
A2-14, Right Upper Lobe Bronchus
A2-15, Bronchusintermedius
A2-16, Right Lower Lobe Bronchus
A2-17, Left Upper Lobe Bronchus
A2-18, Left Lower Lobe Bronchus
A2-19, Right Hilum
A2-20, Left Hilum
A2-21, Subcarina
A2-22, Artery
A2-23, Pulmonary Trunk
A2-24, Right main Pulmonary Artery
A2-25, Left main Pulmonary Artery
A2-26, Mediastinum
A2-27, Anterior Mediastinum
A2-28, Middle Mediastinum
A2-29, Posterior Mediastinum
A2-30, Diaphragm
A2-31, Costal bone
A2-32, Venacava
A2-33, superior Venacava
A2-34, Inperior Venacava
A2-35, Right Atrium
A2-36, Left Atrium
A2-37, Right Ventricle
A2-38, Left Ventricle
A2-39, Subcutaneous tissue
Q3, Select the thoracic spine level for the abnormal findings documented in the previous item
A3-1, T1
A3-2, T2
A3-3, T3
A3-4, T4
A3-5, T5
A3-6, T6
A3-7, T7
A3-8, T8
A3-9, T9
A3-10, T10
A3-11, T11
A3-12, T12
Q4, Select words to be included in the interpretation report, (Up to 3 words)
A4-1, abscess
A4-2, ascites
A4-3, aspergillosis
A4-4, atelectasis
A4-5, atherosclerosis
A4-6, bronchiectasis
A4-7, bulla
A4-8, cancer
A4-9, cardiomegaly
A4-10, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
A4-11, congestion
A4-12, congestive heart failure
A4-13, contusion
A4-14, edema
A4-15, effusion
A4-16, emphysema
A4-17, fibrosis
A4-18, fungus
A4-19, granuloma
A4-20, hemothorax
A4-21, infection
A4-22, interstitial lung disease
A4-23, lymphadenopathy
A4-24, mass
A4-25, metastasis
A4-26, nodule
A4-27, perforation
A4-28, pleural effusion
A4-29, pleurisy
A4-30, pneumomediastinum
A4-31, pneumonia
A4-32, pneumothorax
A4-33, pulmonary hypertension
A4-34, thromboembolism
A4-35, tuberculosis
Q5, Please respond to the instructions and sub-questions below for each word selected in Q4
A5-1, Trace down the trachea to the carina
A5-2, Is there tracheal deviation?
A5-3, Is there narrowing or widening of tracheal diameter?
A5-4, Trace down both main bronchi
A5-5, Is carina wide(Carina Angle : more than 100 degrees)?
A5-6, Is there bronchial narrowing or cut-off?
A5-7, Is there any inhaled foreign body(Battery, Nail, Coin, etc, )?
A5-8, Both lungs should be well expanded and similar in volume
A5-9, Is one lung prominently larger than the other?
A5-10, Compare the apical, upper, middle and lower zones in turn
A5-11, Are they symmetrical?
A5-12, Are there areas of abnormal increased density?
A5-13, Trace both hilum
A5-14, Is the left hilum higher than right? (1-2cm higher)
A5-15, Are both hilum in good inverted C shape?
A5-16, Are both hilar angle in normal range? (120 degrees <)
A5-17, Trace the lung vessels (Normal pulmonary vascular marking)
A5-18, Do they branch out progressively and uniformly?
A5-19, Are there extra lines in the periphery that aren't vessels?
A5-20, Trace the lateral margins of the lung to the costophrenic angles,
A5-21, Is there costophrenic angle blunting?
A5-22, Trace the hemidiaphragms in to the vertebra
A5-23, Is the right diaphragm higher than left?
A5-24, Trace the cardiac borders
A5-25, Can you clearly see the left and right heart border?
A5-26, Check the cardiac position
A5-27, Is 1/3 to the right and 2/3 to the left?
A5-28, Assess cardiac size
A5-29, Is the cardiothoracic ratio in its normal range(Ratio : less than 50)?
A5-30, Check the position and size of the aortic arch and pulmonary trunk
A5-31, Is the Aortic knob diameter in its normal range? (Diameter < 3, 5cm)
A5-32, Is Rt pulmonary artery diameter in its normal range? (Diameter < 20mm)
A5-33, Is Lt pulmonary artery diameter in its normal range? (Diameter < 20mm)
A5-34, Check the width of the upper mediastinum
A5-35, Is there mediastinal widening? (Mediastinum width >8cm)
A5-36, Look at the hilar vessels
A5-37, Can you see them clearly on both sides?
A5-38, Trace along each posterior (horizontal) rib on one side of the chest
A5-39, Is there any fracture or abnormal lesions?
A5-40, Trace along other bony structures
A5-41, Is there any fracture or abnormal lesions in both clavicle, scapula, spine and other bony structures?
A5-42, Review the upper abdomen, soft tissues and take a look at some final check areas,
A5-43, Is there free gas under the diaphragms?
A5-44, Is there subcutaneous emphysema?
A5-45, Is there a hiatus hernia?
last updated at 2024-01-18 22:26:17 UTC
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