Id |
Subject |
Object |
Predicate |
Lexical cue |
T1 |
63-220 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
Abnormalities of red cells, white cells or platelets may be quantitative (increased or reduced numbers) or qualitative (abnormal appearance and/or function). |
T2 |
293-429 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
A simultaneous increase in the cells of more than one cell line suggests overproduction of cells originating in an early precursor cell. |
T3 |
430-518 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
This occurs in myeloproliferative neoplasms in which one cell type may predominate, e.g. |
T4 |
631-745 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
>2 months) raised venous haematocrit (Hct) (>0.52 males, >0.48 females) should be assessed to determine the cause. |
T5 |
746-828 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
Erythrocytosis can be relative or absolute and, if absolute, primary or secondary. |
T6 |
915-1084 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
Absolute: males and females with Hct values above 0.60 and 0.56, respectively, can be assumed to have an absolute erythrocytosis and do not require confirmatory studies. |
T7 |
1085-1161 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
1 However, the reason for the elevation of the Hct must still be elucidated. |
T8 |
1579-1899 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
Secondary polycythaemia can generally be excluded by the clinical history and examination, assessment of serum erythropoietin concentration and arterial oxygen saturation, haemoglobin electrophoresis or high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) plus an oxygen dissociation curve and abdominal ultrasound examination. |
T9 |
2269-2366 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
Additional findings on the full blood count can be helpful to identify the cause of neutrophilia. |
T10 |
2367-2547 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
The combination of anaemia and neutrophilia occurs in chronic infection or inflammation, and also in malignant conditions; a high Hct with neutrophilia suggests polycythaemia vera. |
T11 |
3092-3343 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
In the absence of any underlying cause, a high neutrophil count with immature myeloid cells suggests chronic myelogenous leukaemia (CML), and cytogenetic and molecular studies to look for t(9;22) and the BCR-ABL1 fusion gene are indicated (Chapter 8). |
T12 |
3446-3606 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
It may be especially marked in pertussis, infectious mononucleosis, cytomegalovirus infection, infectious hepatitis, tuberculosis and brucellosis (Table 23-1) . |
T13 |
4029-4147 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
3 If lymph nodes are enlarged, a lymph node biopsy for histology and immunohistochemistry may be helpful in diagnosis. |
T14 |
4148-4244 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
It is occasionally difficult to differentiate between a reactive and a neoplastic lymphocytosis. |
T15 |
4245-4576 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
In this situation, immunophenotyping, to provide evidence of light chain restriction and polymerase chain reaction for immunoglobulin or T-cell receptor gene rearrangements, may indicate the presence of a monoclonal population of lymphocytes, thereby supporting a diagnosis of neoplastic, rather than reactive, lymphoproliferation. |
T16 |
4578-4730 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
A slight to moderate monocytosis may be associated with some protozoal, rickettsial and bacterial infections including malaria, typhus and tuberculosis. |
T17 |
4731-4822 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
Monocytosis associated with neutrophilia is suggestive of chronic myelomonocytic leukaemia. |
T18 |
5257-5358 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
Eosinophilia is typically associated with parasitic infections, skin diseases and allergic disorders. |
T19 |
5529-5751 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
In most cases, the cause of the eosinophilia is indicated by the clinical history, which should include details of all medications and foreign travel, and by examination of the stool and urine for parasites, cysts and ova. |
T20 |
5865-5981 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
However, it is a common feature of myeloproliferative neoplasms, and basophils may be particularly prominent in CML. |
T21 |
5982-6087 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
In this condition, an increasing basophil count may be the first indication of accelerated phase disease. |
T22 |
6088-6259 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
Endocrinopathies such as myxoedema and oestrogen abnormalities, infections and allergic diseases -and rarely, other haematological malignancies -can also cause basophilia. |
T23 |
6260-6488 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
Thrombocytosis can be primary or secondary (reactive) to surgery, infectious and inflammatory conditions, hyposplenism, blood loss and malignancy, and can occur as a rebound phenomenon following recovery from marrow suppression. |
T24 |
6489-6667 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
Spurious thrombocytosis can also occur in severe burns and cryoglobulinaemia because the size of the red cell fragments or cryoglobulin particles is similar to that of platelets. |
T25 |
7108-7302 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
5 Individuals with essential thrombocythaemia have been noted to have JAK2 V617F (50%), MPL (10%) or CALR mutations, with the JAK2 mutation being associated with an increased risk of thrombosis. |
T26 |
7482-7661 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
Reduced production of cells may be the result of aplastic anaemia, a lack of haematinics such as folate or cobalamin or interference with normal haemopoiesis by infiltration (e.g. |
T27 |
7901-8059 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
primary myelofibrosis and myelodysplastic syndromes (MDS), are characterised by cytopenias, which are at least in part the result of ineffective haemopoiesis. |
T28 |
8253-8484 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
A relatively common cause of a global reduction in circulating cells is pooling of the cells in a markedly enlarged spleen (hypersplenism), which may be secondary to conditions such as primary myelofibrosis and portal hypertension. |
T29 |
8485-8647 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
Examination of a bone marrow aspirate and trephine biopsy specimen is often helpful in determining the cause of cytopenias for which no obvious cause is apparent. |
T30 |
8772-9045 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
Anaemia is broadly divided into three types: microcytic (low mean cell volume (MCV)), macrocytic (high MCV) and normocytic (normal MCV Examination of a blood film will usually suggest the quickest route to the diagnosis, though confirmation may require more specific tests. |
T31 |
9046-9173 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
The presence of basophilic stippling with microcytic red cells suggests thalassaemia trait or, much less often, lead poisoning. |
T32 |
9317-9417 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
Pappenheimer bodies suggest that a microcytic anaemia is the result of sideroblastic erythropoiesis. |
T33 |
9418-9525 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
The most common cause of anaemia worldwide is iron deficiency, which can be suspected from a low MCV ( Fig. |
T34 |
9588-9851 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
Laboratory confirmation of iron deficiency can be based on measurement of (1) serum ferritin or (2) serum iron plus either total iron-binding capacity or transferrin or (3) red cell protoporphyrin or (4) staining of bone marrow aspirates for iron (see Chapter 4). |
T35 |
9929-10195 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
This should include specific questions relating to blood loss and dietary insufficiency and may require stool examination for parasites and occult blood, endoscopic examination of the gastrointestinal tract to exclude occult malignancy and tests for coeliac disease. |
T36 |
10327-10556 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
Clinical and laboratory features of inflammation or chronic infection may suggest this diagnosis, which is confirmed by demonstration of normal or high serum ferritin and reduced serum iron, transferrin and iron-binding capacity. |
T37 |
10557-10836 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
Serum soluble transferrin receptors may be helpful in distinguishing between iron deficiency anaemia and anaemia of chronic disease when interpretation of ferritin levels is difficult, though additional research is needed to define the overall diagnostic accuracy of these tests. |
T38 |
10837-11145 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
7 Ferritin normal, RBC high, Hb normal or near normal The thalassaemias also cause microcytosis, but both α and β thalassaemia trait are usually associated with an increased red blood cell count (RBC) and a normal or near-normal Hb despite a considerable reduction of the MCV and mean cell haemoglobin (MCH). |
T39 |
11245-11432 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
Further investigations, such as HPLC or haemoglobin electrophoresis supplemented by measurement of haemoglobin A 2 and haemoglobin F usually confirm the diagnosis of β thalassaemia trait. |
T40 |
11433-11674 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
The diagnosis of α thalassaemia trait is more difficult; detection of infrequent haemoglobin H inclusions is usually possible in α 0 thalassaemia trait, but definitive diagnosis requires deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) analysis (see Chapter 8) . |
T41 |
11675-11806 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
8 A diagnosis of α 0 thalassaemia heterozygosity can be clinically important for prediction of haemoglobin Bart' s hydrops fetalis. |
T42 |
11825-11992 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
23 -2) with oval macrocytes and hypersegmented neutrophils suggests folate or cobalamin deficiency and is an indication for assays of these vitamins (see Chapter 10) . |
T43 |
11993-12152 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
Plasma methylmalonic acid assays may be a useful second-line test to help clarify uncertainties of underlying biochemical or functional cobalamin deficiencies. |
T44 |
12153-12273 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
Serum folate is the first-line test to assess folate status and has equivalent diagnostic capability to red cell folate. |
T45 |
12274-12411 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
9 Subsequent investigations could include malabsorption studies, tests for coeliac disease and screening for intrinsic factor antibodies. |
T46 |
12412-12606 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
In patients with these blood film findings and normal folate and cobalamin assays, haematinic deficiency cannot be completely excluded and further investigations are indicated (see Chapter 10) . |
T47 |
12607-12818 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
As there is no definitive test to define cobalamin deficiency, treatment should be started if there is a strong clinical suspicion of deficiency irrespective of the test results to avoid neurological impairment. |
T48 |
12819-12921 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
In the absence of intrinsic factor antibodies, the diagnosis of pernicious anaemia may be presumptive. |
T49 |
13055-13170 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
A high MCV may also be the result of alcohol excess and liver disease or the use of drugs such as hydroxycarbamide. |
T50 |
13171-13411 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
Macrocytosis resulting from chronic haemolysis is associated with increased numbers of immature red cells, which appear slightly larger and bluer than normal red cells (polychromatic macrocytes) on a Romanowskystained peripheral blood film. |
T51 |
13412-13533 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
An automated reticulocyte count or supravital staining of blood films (see p. 27) can be used to confirm reticulocytosis. |
T52 |
13534-13629 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
Untreated anaemia associated with polychromasia is likely to indicate blood loss or haemolysis. |
T53 |
13753-13914 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
This is a medical emergency because these may be features of thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura, which requires immediate treatment, usually by plasma exchange. |
T54 |
14600-14756 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
Examination of the bone marrow may be helpful in demonstrating haematological causes for a normochromic, normocytic anaemia such as MDS or aplastic anaemia. |
T55 |
14757-14900 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
10 Staining for iron may also show that there is a block in iron metabolism suggestive of anaemia associated with chronic inflammatory disease. |
T56 |
15276-15481 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
Bone marrow examination may assist in determining whether the problem is the result of peripheral destruction (increased marrow myeloid precursors) or stem cell failure (lack of marrow myeloid precursors). |
T57 |
15795-15910 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
Lymphocytes, eosinophils and basophils may all be reduced by physical stress such as surgery, trauma and infection. |
T58 |
16091-16185 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
Lymphopenia, especially affecting the CD4 cells, may occur in HIV infection and renal failure. |
T59 |
16186-16417 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
Monocytopenia (monocyte count <0.2 × 10 9 /1) is typically found in hairy cell leukaemia, which is also associated with pancytopenia, typical bone marrow histology and lymphocytes with a characteristic cytology and immunophenotype. |
T60 |
16736-16956 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
Platelet clumping, which is seen on the blood film, can occur in vitro as the result of a temperaturedependent or anticoagulant-dependent autoantibody or on slides that have been made directly from a finger prick sample. |
T61 |
17295-17397 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
The first step in the assessment of patients with thrombocytopenia is the examination of a blood film. |
T62 |
17398-17555 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
The clinical circumstances, together with blood film and bone marrow examination, usually enable the various causes of thrombocytopenia to be differentiated. |
T63 |
17556-17842 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
An association with thrombosis, disturbed renal or hepatic function and haemolytic anaemia should prompt investigations for other diseases, such as thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura and, in a pregnant woman, the HELLP (haemolysis, elevated liver enzymes, low platelet count) syndrome. |
T64 |
17843-18024 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
The presence of thrombocytopenia with atypical features on the blood film may prompt a bone marrow examination to exclude conditions such as acute leukaemia, especially in children. |
T65 |
18318-18441 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
Careful examination of a blood film is important if the reason for the cytopenia is not apparent from the clinical history. |
T66 |
18442-18534 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
If this does not reveal the cause, bone marrow aspiration and trephine biopsy may be needed. |
T67 |
18535-18613 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
In health, only the most mature forms of cells appear in the peripheral blood. |
T68 |
18614-18836 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
Cells at various stages of immaturity, such as nucleated red blood cells, polychromatic red cells, myelocytes and metamyelocytes, may be released from the bone marrow in conditions where the bone marrow is overactive (e.g. |
T69 |
18917-19007 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
Their presence in the peripheral blood indicates that active haemopoiesis is taking place. |
T70 |
19373-19537 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
Cytogenetic studies are helpful for confirming the diagnosis, especially when cytological abnormalities are minor, and can also assist in determining the prognosis. |
T71 |
19770-19919 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
The type of changes will guide further investigations such as analysis of structural proteins, haemoglobin electrophoresis or HPLC, or enzyme assays. |
T72 |
19920-20000 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
The type of red cell abnormality may also help to indicate underlying pathology. |
T73 |
20001-20197 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
For example, target cells may prompt investigation of liver function, whereas increased rouleaux formation may indicate the need for investigations for multiple myeloma or inflammatory conditions. |
T74 |
20310-20393 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
pseudo-Pelger-Huët cells) may be seen in acquired conditions such as MDS (see Figs. |
T75 |
20568-20758 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
5-90) , which can be diagnosed using an appropriate serological screening test or, if this is negative, by demonstration of immunoglobulin M (IgM) antibodies to the Epstein-Barr virus (EBV). |
T76 |
20759-20862 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
These atypical lymphocytes can sometimes be difficult to differentiate from circulating lymphoma cells. |
T77 |
20863-21051 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
Immunophenotyping studies and determination of lymphocyte clonality, by demonstration of light chain restriction or by gene rearrangement studies, may be needed to reach a firm conclusion. |
T78 |
21063-21210 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
Platelets that function poorly may not necessarily appear morphologically abnormal, although sometimes they are hypogranular or larger than normal. |
T79 |
21516-21696 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
When a qualitative disorder of platelets is suspected, platelets should be examined to assess size and to detect the cytological features of platelet alpha-granule deficiency (i.e. |
T80 |
21722-21842 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
Neutrophils should also be examined for inclusions indicative of MYH9-related disorders such as the May-Hegglin anomaly. |
T81 |
21843-21980 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
Qualitative disorders of platelets can broadly be divided into two categories: abnormalities of the platelet membrane glycoproteins (e.g. |
T82 |
22473-22646 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
Systemic conditions, particularly chronic renal failure and cardiopulmonary bypass, are also associated with a bleeding tendency as a result of qualitative platelet defects. |
T83 |
22647-22871 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
Most of these acquired functional defects are not associated with any abnormality in platelet appearance but in MDS and, to a lesser extent, in the myeloproliferative neoplasms, there may be hypogranular and giant platelets. |
T84 |
22872-23027 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
Common haematological disorders are outlined in the following sections with suggestions for investigations that may be helpful in confirming the diagnosis. |
T85 |
23028-23209 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
The lists are indicative and are not intended to be exhaustive because the protocols and range of tests provided locally will depend on the availability of expertise and technology. |
T86 |
23210-23321 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
The investigations discussed are those that are likely to be available within a general haematology department. |
T87 |
23399-23840 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
• Measurement of serum ferritin or iron plus either total iron-binding capacity or transferrin assay, red cell protoporphyrin or soluble transferrin receptors • Bone marrow aspirate with staining for iron • Stool examination for occult blood • Gastrointestinal imaging and endoscopy, with biopsies if appropriate; rarely, blood loss studies with 51 Crlabelled red cells • Tests for malabsorption • Serological tests for coeliac disease (e.g. |
T88 |
24137-24275 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
If macrocytic, megaloblastic erythroid maturation is demonstrated, further investigations should be undertaken as described in Chapter 10. |
T89 |
24453-24597 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
Macrocytosis may also be secondary to conditions such as alcohol excess, liver disease, MDS, hydroxycarbamide administration and hypothyroidism. |
T90 |
24598-24655 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
Reticulocytosis from any cause can also increase the MCV. |
T91 |
24656-25213 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
• Cobalamin and folate assays (although bone marrow hypoplasia is rare) • Viral studies, particularly for EBV, HIV and hepatitis viruses • Bone marrow aspirate and trephine biopsy including cytogenetic analysis • Flow cytometry for glycosylphosphatidylinositolanchored proteins to detect a paroxysmal nocturnal haemoglobinuria (PNH) clone, followed by urine examination for haemosiderin if positive • Peripheral blood gene mutation analysis for dyskeratosis congenita if there are relevant clinical features or lack of response to immunosuppressive therapy. |
T92 |
25328-25507 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
A haemolytic process may be suspected by the presence of a falling Hb, a reticulocytosis and jaundice with an increase in unconjugated bilirubin level (see Chapters 9, 10 and 11). |
T93 |
25508-25648 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
The blood film is often of critical importance in the differential diagnosis of white cell disorders though it may sometimes be normal (e.g. |
T94 |
25715-25820 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
Changes in white cell numbers or morphology may occur rapidly in response to local or systemic disorders. |
T95 |
25821-26034 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
In chronic leukaemias, bone marrow aspiration may add little to the diagnosis, but the pattern of infiltration of neoplastic cells seen on trephine biopsy can have diagnostic value or prognostic significance (e.g. |
T96 |
26083-26375 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
• Full blood count and peripheral blood film • Bone marrow aspirate and trephine biopsy • Blood or marrow immunophenotyping for monitoring minimal residual disease (cytochemical stains can be used if immunophenotyping is not readily available) • Cytogenetic analysis • Molecular studies (e.g. |
T97 |
26636-26674 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
NPM1, CEBPA and possibly FLT3 in AML). |
T98 |
26675-27088 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
• Cobalamin and folate assays • Autoantibody screen including rheumatoid factor and investigations for systemic lupus erythematosus • Serial neutrophil counts for cyclical neutropenia • Tests for antineutrophil antibodies • Bone marrow aspirate and trephine biopsy • Flow cytometry for PNH (see aplastic anaemia above) • Consider the need for clonality studies for investigation for an abnormal T-cell population. |
T99 |
27417-27637 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
Various specimens can be used for investigations including lymph nodes, bone marrow aspirates, trephine biopsy cores and peripheral blood and other fluids such as cerebrospinal fluid, ascitic fluid and pleural aspirates. |
T100 |
30016-30202 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
The previous French-American-British (FAB) group classifications may be used (1) when these techniques are not all available and (2) in making a provisional morphological diagnosis (e.g. |
T101 |
30269-30413 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
Whichever classification is used, the criteria should be strictly observed so that there is consistency between different centres and countries. |
T102 |
30893-30956 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
It should be noted that the WHO classification is hierarchical. |
T103 |
30957-31043 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
If appropriate, cases are first assigned to the category of therapy-related leukaemia. |
T104 |
31044-31146 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
Next, cases are assigned, if appropriate, to the category of AML with recurrent genetic abnormalities. |
T105 |
31318-31451 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
Blastic plasmacytoid dendritic cell neoplasm and myeloid neoplasms associated with Down syndrome are recognised as specific entities. |
T106 |
31452-31748 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
The WHO classification of acute leukaemia 15 lists cytogenetic abnormalities that, in combination with ≥20 blasts, indicate a diagnosis of AML with myelodysplasiarelated changes; assignment to this category can also be based on a previous history of MDS or on morphological evidence of dysplasia. |
T107 |
32255-32353 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
Remaining cases are then assessed to ascertain whether they meet the criteria for the 5q-syndrome. |
T108 |
33171-33608 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
WHO criteria for a diagnosis of essential thrombocythaemia are: platelet count ≥450 × 10 9 /l; megakaryocyte proliferation with large and mature megakaryocytes on examination of the bone marrow with little or no granulocyte or erythroid proliferation; not meeting WHO criteria for CML, PV, primary myelofibrosis, MDS or other myeloid neoplasm; demonstration of JAK2 V617F or other clonal marker or no evidence of reactive thrombocytosis. |
T109 |
34075-34148 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
WHO criteria for a diagnosis of systemic mastocytosis are highly complex. |
T110 |
34149-34321 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
17 Normal to increased megakaryocytes with hypolobated nuclei <5% blasts Isolated del(5q) cytogenetic abnormality ¶ No Auer rods * Bicytopenia may occasionally be observed. |
T111 |
34322-34376 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
Cases with pancytopenia should be classified as MDS-U. |
T112 |
34509-34595 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
Cases of RCUD and RCMD with 1% myeloblasts in the blood should be classified as MDS-U. |
T113 |
34596-34857 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
† It is proposed that, if an SF3B1 mutation is present, cases with at least 5% ring sideroblasts be included in this category, and should similarly be included in the newly proposed category of MDS with multilineage dysplasia and ring sideroblasts (Arber 2015). |
T114 |
34858-34968 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
‡ Cases with Auer rods and <5% myeloblasts in the blood and <10% in the marrow should be classified as RAEB-2. |
T115 |
34969-35167 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
Although the finding of 5-19% blasts in the blood is, in itself, diagnostic of RAEB-2, cases of RAEB-2 may have <5% blasts in the blood if they have Auer rods or 10-19% blasts in the marrow or both. |
T116 |
35168-35321 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
Similarly, cases of RAEB-2 may have <10% blasts in the marrow but may be diagnosed by the other two findings, Auer rods and/or 5-19% blasts in the blood. |
T117 |
35322-35448 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
¶ It is proposed that one additional cytogenetic abnormality (excluding monosomy 7) be accepted in this category (Arber 2015). |
T118 |
35499-35559 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
Molecular analysis for a KIT mutation can also be important. |
T119 |
35560-35721 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
Recognition of lymphoid and myeloid neoplasms associated with rearrangement of PDGFRA, PDGFRB or FGFR1 and PCM1-JAK2 requires cytogenetic and molecular analyses. |
T120 |
35722-35832 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
Appropriate molecular analysis may be either FISH or reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR). |
T121 |
36127-36549 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
Chronic myelomonocytic leukaemia (CMML) A Ph-negative, BCR-ABL1-negative disorder with monocyte count >1 × 10 9 /l Fewer than 20% blasts plus promonocytes in PB or BM Either dysplasia of one or more myeloid lineages or alternative criteria met (acquired clonal cytogenetic abnormality or monocytosis persisting for at least 3 months and alternative causes of monocytosis excluded) Atypical chronic myeloid leukaemia (aCML) |
T122 |
36550-37045 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
A Ph-negative, BCR-ABL1-negative disorder with leucocytosis resulting from an increase in neutrophils and their precursors, the precursors (promyelocyte to metamyelocytes) constituting a least 10% of PB white cells Basophils <2% of white cells Monocytes <10% of white cells Hypercellular BM with granulocytic hyperplasia and dysplasia, with or without dysplasia of other lineages Fewer than 20% blasts plus promonocytes in peripheral blood or bone marrow Juvenile myelomonocytic leukaemia (JMML) |
T123 |
37046-37520 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
A Ph-negative, BCR-ABL1-negative disorder with monocyte count >1 × 10 9 /l Fewer than 20% blasts plus promonocytes in peripheral blood or bone marrow Plus two or more of the following Haemoglobin F increased for age Immature granulocytes in the PB WBC >10 × 10 9 /l Clonal chromosomal abnormality (monosomy 7 not excluded) GM-CSF hypersensitivity of myeloid precursors in vitro Myelodysplastic/myeloproliferative neoplasm with ring sideroblasts and thrombocytosis (MDS-RS-T) |
T124 |
37521-37861 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
Ring sideroblasts ≥ 15% Platelet count ≥ 450 × 10 9 /l Blast cells < 1% in peripheral blood and < 5% in bone marrow Myelodysplastic/myeloproliferative neoplasm, unclassifiable A myelodysplastic/myeloproliferative disorder in which the criteria of one of the myelodysplastic syndromes are met There are prominent proliferative features (e.g. |