Id |
Subject |
Object |
Predicate |
Lexical cue |
T1 |
0-179 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
The effect of chlortracycline treatment on enteric bacteria in pigs SoA1.3 Delsol AA a Analysis of Helicobacter pylori resistance to antimicrobial agents in Polish children SoA4.2 |
T2 |
190-394 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
Purpose: There are concerns within the medical profession that antimicrobial agents used in livestock production contribute to the increased antibiotic resistance observed in zoonotic bacterial pathogens. |
T3 |
395-475 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
To minimise this risk, evidence-based control strategies need to be implemented. |
T4 |
2188-2309 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
Mutations in the 23S rRNA gene associated with clarithromycin resistance were analysed by PCR-RFLP and direct sequencing. |
T5 |
2548-2666 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
Primary resistance to clarithromycin was mainly associated with an A2143G mutation in the 23S rRNA gene of H. pylori . |
T6 |
2667-2749 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
However, isolates containing an A2142G mutation had higher MICs of clarithromycin. |
T7 |
2923-3018 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
23S rRNA genotype in Helicobacter pylori strains resistant to clarithromycin in children SoA4.3 |
T8 |
3019-3229 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
Objectives: To study the primary resistance to clarithromycin (CLA) in children, to analyse the point mutations associated with CLA resistance and to compare these data with the resistance obtained from adults. |
T9 |
4118-4340 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
As no single mutation type has been identified that directly correlates with resistance acquisition, we examined rdxA and frxA in paired Mtz sensitive (S) and resistant (R) isolates and in mixed Mtz-S/R strain populations. |
T10 |
4583-4759 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
Results: Several different mutations were identified in rdxA , but rarely in frxA , of Mtz-R strains (post-treatment) that were absent in matched Mtz-S strains (pre-treatment). |
T11 |
5011-5141 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
Observed mutations in the post-treatment Mtz-R isolates may therefore be coincidental and not contributing to the Mtz-R phenotype. |
T12 |
5230-5304 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
Other mechanisms therefore may contribute to Mtz resistance in H. pylori . |
T13 |
5847-5998 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
Our aims were to determine if mutation type and high level CLA resistance was linked and to test for cross-associations with high level MTZ resistance. |
T14 |
6835-6938 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
Our findings indicate that an A2142G mutation predicts a 81.4% likelihood of high level CLA resistance. |
T15 |
7387-7553 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
In a significant subgroup of infected hosts, H. pylori is associated with the aetiology of a number of gastric diseases, most notably gastric and duodenal ulceration. |
T16 |
7682-7763 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
However, resistance to clarithromycin is an important cause of treatment failure. |
T17 |
7764-7910 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
Clarithromycin resistance is associated with mutations in 23S rRNA nucleotides 2142 and 2143 that inhibit the binding of the drug to the ribosome. |
T18 |
8585-8771 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
The LightCycler assay was successfully applied to DNA extracted from 20 gastric biopsy samples, thus offering the potential to inform patient management without the necessity of culture. |
T19 |
9093-9177 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
This study determined the emm -types associated to erythromycin resistance in Spain. |
T20 |
12588-12698 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
Geographical variations of resistance were noticed, which could be related to different prescribing practices. |
T21 |
13563-13756 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
The world-wide problem of betalactam resistance (R) in Streptococcus pneumoniae (SP) has been complicated by increasing R to macrolides and some older fluoroquinolones (FQ) (ciprofloxacin CIP). |
T22 |
14665-14823 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
Our results show that rate of acquisition of resistance to FQ is strongly related to alteration of susceptibility to P, probably by modification of cell wall. |
T23 |
14876-15019 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
Clinical relevance of phase variation in pneumococcal opacity: nasopharyngeal (NP) colonization in children from day care centers (DCC) SoA8.11 |
T24 |
15020-15355 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
Carsenti H, Mancini G, Bensoussan M, Dunais B, Pradier CH, Dellamonica P. Archet Hospital, Infectious Disease, Nice, France Streptococcus pneumoniae (SP) adherence to nasopharyngeal (NP) epithelium is a prerequisite for induction of otitis Transparent SP (T) have been shown to colonize the NP of infant rats better than opaque (O) SP. |
T25 |
16547-16637 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
O variants may be present in NP of children while T are predominant form for colonization. |
T26 |
16746-16828 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
They may persist in NP and explain the absence of eradication by active molecules. |
T27 |
18348-18478 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
Purpose: The aim of our study was to establish an internationally compatible regional database in a Hungarian county Hajdú -Bihar. |
T28 |
20875-21094 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
Notwithstanding the effects of HAART on the natural history of HIV disease, the consequences on ADD distribution and related immunodeficiency were negligible, since most p could not benefit from HAART before AIDS onset. |
T29 |
21095-21204 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
A high clinical suspicion for ADD should be maintained when facing p with missed or undertreated HIV disease. |
T30 |
21205-21374 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
Radata */communication internet platform management of resistance analysis guided haart switch for implementation in clinical practice of HIV-infected individuals SoA9.3 |
T31 |
21375-21489 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
Paech V, Lorenzen T, Stoehr A, Plettenberg A. IFI, interdisciplinary Infectiology and Immunology, Hamburg, Germany |
T32 |
21490-21630 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
Purpose: HIV-resistance analyses are indicated to prepare switch of HAART in HIV-infected individuals with failure to ongoing HAART regimen. |
T33 |
21796-21973 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
Clinical benefits from resistance analysis assays are sigfnificantly higher for those physicians, who can access external advice from HIV-experts for possible treatment options. |
T34 |
22421-22536 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
Expert advice is generated after all data are evaluated and based on recommendations of 2 Á/4 external HIV-experts. |
T35 |
23521-23647 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
This was correlated to an increased P-gp cell surface expression and activity, and an increased TNF-alpha production and mRNA. |
T36 |
23887-24169 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
Conclusion: These results showed that: (1) HIV infection by increasing ABC transporter expression could favorise the efflux of antiretroviral drugs and decrease their pharmacological effects; and (2) specific inhibitors of these transporters could reverse these deleterious effects. |
T37 |
25301-25563 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
Conclusion: (1) HCV-specific immune responses might be more prone to tissue compartmentalization than HIV-specific ones; (2) immune defects induced by HIV infection might not be responsible for the low level of HCV-specific responses observed in HIV-progressors; |
T38 |
25564-25700 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
(3) IFN-alpha'/ribavirine therapy influence on HCV-and HIVspecific CD4-T-cell frequencies after 6 months of treatment will be discussed. |
T39 |
25701-25847 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
Frequencies of HIV-1-p24 specific Th1 cells (ELISPOT) are correlated with plasma HIV-1 viral load in a cohort of LT-NP and slow progressors SoA9.6 |
T40 |
25848-25957 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
Martinez V a , Alatrakchi N a , Costagliola D b , Bonduelle O a , Agut H c , Autran B a , ALT Study Group a . |
T41 |
25958-26417 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
a Hopital Pitié-Salpêtrière, Laboratoire d'Immunologie Cellulaire, Paris, France , b Faculté de Medecine Saint-Antoine, INSERM SC4, Paris, France , c Hopital Pitié-Salpêtrière, Laboratoire de Virologie, Paris, France Background: HIV-1-specific T helper-1 cell responses have been associated with long-term-non-progression (LT-NP) in HIV infection but the correlation between frequencies of HIV-1-p24-specific Th1 cells and viral load has not yet been studied. |
T42 |
26943-27159 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
These frequencies were negatively correlated with viral load (r0/(/0.304, P 0/0.026) but not with CD4 counts and associated with a low level of T cell activation assessed by CD71 on CD4 cells (r0/(/0.266, P 0/0.035). |
T43 |
27242-27566 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
Conclusion: Interestingly, the numbers of HIV-1-p24-specific Th1 cells correlate with plasma viral load, independently of CD4 counts indicating that: (1) the defect in HIV-1-specific CD4 Th1 cells does not reflect the global CD4 depletion; and (2) these responses are strongly correlated to the control of virus replication. |
T44 |
29638-29708 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
Adherence is essential to the effectiveness of antiretroviral therapy. |
T45 |
29709-29763 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
A pharmacy visit would improve the patient advisement. |
T46 |
30015-30074 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
However, 72% of them would like to attend a pharmacy visit. |
T47 |
30075-30198 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
The topics they would prefer to be tackled were drug interactions (51%), side effects (49%) and effect of forgetting (44%). |
T48 |
30369-30582 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
However, inaccurate pattern of treatment was frequent ( !/50%) and bad adherence was observed: treatment forgotten occasionally (60%), regularly (30%) or inadequate attitude when the treatment was forgotten (76%). |
T49 |
30583-30678 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
Number of pills, dose frequency, length of the treatment would be risk factors of nonadherence. |
T50 |
33358-33516 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
However, the high rate of MRSA and the presence of teicoplanin intermediate S. aureus isolates prove that prevention and control measures need to be improved. |
T51 |
34092-34229 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
The aim of this study is to compare the disc-diffusion test (DDT), oxacillin agar screen test (OAST) and PCR for detection of mec A gene. |
T52 |
35170-35398 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
The PCR assay (first time in our country) appears to be more reliable than routine susceptibility testing for the rapid diagnosis of MRSA infections at hospitals, particularly due to the heterogeneous resistance of many strains. |
T53 |
36865-36982 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
Interestingly, trimethoprim'/ sulfarmetoxazole combination could inhibit more than 75% of Enterobacteriaceae strains. |
T54 |
36983-37115 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
Piperacillin'/tazobactam (89%), imipenem (83%), and ciprofloxacin (82%) could be the drog of choice against Pseudomonas aeruginosa . |
T55 |
37883-38155 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
When evaluating sensitivity levels of 2070 community-acquired pathogens (1999 Á/2001), a significant resistance rise was limited to cotrimoxazole (P B/0.01) and nalidixic acid (P B/0.02), while a tendency towards increased resistance regarded norfloxacin (P 0/ 0.05) (Fig. |
T56 |
38161-38552 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
When 1570 community-acquired E. coli isolates were compared with 2687 nosocomial strains (tested in the years 2000 Á/ 2001), a greater susceptibility of community-acquired E. coli isolates was limited to cotrimoxazole versus all other compounds in the year 2000 (P B/0.03), while it was extended to amoxicillin, cephalotin, nitrofurantoin and piperacillin in the year 2001 (P B/0.0001) (Fig. |
T57 |
39145-39331 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
Conclusion: In UTI, the antimicrobial agents such as 1st CG combined with aminoglycosides are recommended as initial treatment as well as the 3rd cephalosporin generation at monotherapy. |
T58 |
42123-42263 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
For 11 samples results were obtained from both methods, two samples could not be analysed by phenotyping and four samples not by genotyping. |
T59 |
42264-42388 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
Only 3/11 samples showed total and 2/11 samples partial concordance, 6/11 samples showed discordance between the two assays. |
T60 |
42456-42655 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
Conclusion: HIV-1 virus isolation and phenotyping from PBMCs may overcome the problem of currently used resistance assays, which analyse only the Reverse Transcriptase and the Protease gene of HIV-1. |
T61 |
42656-42791 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
Possible mutations in other regions may influence viral fitness and therefore contribute to the growth of the virus population present. |
T62 |
42792-42891 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
The lack of concordance between the two assays is related to the different blood compartments used. |
T63 |
42892-42966 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
The clinical value of resistance tests using PBMCs is under investigation. |
T64 |
43169-43465 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
a CEA, DRM, Fontenay-aux-Roses, France , b INRA, Physiologie Animale, Jouy-en-Josas, France , c CEA, CRSSA, EPHE, DRM, Fontenay-aux-Roses, France Background: Type I interferons (IFN) exhibit efficient antiviral activities notably against HIV, but severe side effects restrict their clinical uses. |
T65 |
43660-43934 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
The antiretroviral activity of IFN-tau seems to involve antiviral and immunomodulatory mechanisms: IL-6 synthesis is increased in dose-dependent manner in MDM treated with IFN-tau and a specific inhibition of IL-6 biological activity decreases its antiretroviral efficiency. |
T66 |
44162-44340 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
These results suggest either an inhibition of HIV nucleocapsid uptake or an immediate HIV RNA degradation, and the expression of 2?,5?-OAS, MxA protein and PKR was then measured. |
T67 |
45305-45511 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
Although the levels of Bcr (100/200 mg/ml) in the Bcr mutants could be raised only by persistent efforts, an increase in the levels of Lzr (as cross-resistance) in the same mutants could be easily achieved. |
T68 |
45512-45795 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
A correlation of actinomycin-D resistance with Lzr and Bcr of the mutant bacteria and the effects of lipase treatment on the same showed a 4 Á/20-fold rise in actinomycin-D resistance of the Lzr and Bcr mutants of Gram-positive bacteria compared with their correspondence wild-types. |
T69 |
45796-46011 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
These findings suggest that Lzr and Bcr are controlled by several genes accounting for reduced cell-wall and cell-membrane permeability and indirectly, by phenotypic alteration of the lipid content of the cell-wall. |
T70 |
46012-46202 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
Thus, the alteration of cell-walls and membranes and a phenotypic extra lipid layer can work in conjunction with the efflux pump mechanisms finally determining the levels of drug-resistance. |
T71 |
47729-47818 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
The explanation of such a phenomenon in terms of possible efflux pumps will be discussed. |
T72 |
49872-49969 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
The use of these antibiotics was correlated to the rate of resistance in Pseudomonas aeruginosa . |
T73 |
50510-50681 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
We found positive regression coefficients quantifying an association with imipenem use in the same month (P B/0.01) and with the use during the preceding month (P B/0.05). |
T74 |
50839-51018 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
Neither the use of ceftadizime nor of PT could be identified as factors creating resistance to one of the three antibiotics under consideration within a reasonable period of time. |
T75 |
51019-51106 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
Conclusion: There might be a strong pressure towards resistance created by carbapenems. |
T76 |
51107-51175 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
This could limit the use of carbapenems for initial empiric therapy. |
T77 |
51176-51295 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
Treat hard and fast: short course antibiotic treatment and its relation with patient compliance and effectiveness S12.6 |
T78 |
51296-51346 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
Perez-Gorricho BPG a , Ripoll M b , Pechere JC c . |
T79 |
51347-51629 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
a Niño Jesus Hospital, Infectious Diseases, Madrid, Spain , b INSALUD, Outpatient Consult, Madrid, Spain , c University of Geneve, Microbiology, Geneve, Switzerland 'Treat hard and fast ': Short course antibiotic treatment and its relation with patient compliance and effectiveness. |
T80 |
51939-52241 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
In a pan-European market research study of more than 3000 patients, designed to determine behaviour to the antibiotic management of mild-moderate respiratory tract infections, patient expectations of antibiotic therapy were identified, particularly those aspects that relate to efficacy and compliance. |
T81 |
52828-53008 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
The perception of efficacy with short course therapy also correlates with overall satisfaction with management by the physician and with patient compliance with antibiotic therapy. |
T82 |
53103-53262 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
Consensus guidelines have recommended an intrapartum antibioprophylaxis by amoxicillin, which has reduced the incidence of early-onset neonatal GBS infections. |
T83 |
53263-53368 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
However, an increased incidence of beta-lactam-resistant Gram-negative neonatal sepsis has been reported. |
T84 |
53369-53502 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
The aim of our study was to analyse the consequences of this antibioprophylaxis on the intestinal microbial colonization of newborns. |
T85 |
54051-54242 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
However, the colonization by clostridia was modified: the number of newborns colonized was significantly less important in group A than in group B (group A: 3/25 and group B: 10/25 P B/0.05). |
T86 |
54243-54436 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
Conclusion: In our study, intrapartum antibioprophylaxis did not affect intestinal colonization by aerobes but reduced significantly colonization by clostridia, potentially anaerobic pathogens. |
T87 |
55996-56145 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
There was no change in the incidence of nosocomial bacteraemia with quinolone-resistant coliforms or MRSA, despite the increased use of levofloxacin. |
T88 |
56146-56293 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
Conclusions: Hospital-wide reduction of b-lactam and macrolide use in medical patients can result in a significant and immediate reduction in CDAD. |
T89 |
56294-56354 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
Longer follow-up will determine if this effect is sustained. |
T90 |
56662-56742 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
Valdoni', Rome, Italy , b S. Camillo-Forlanini, Intensive Care Unit, Rome, Italy |
T91 |
56743-57024 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
Ventilator associated pneumonia (VAP) is considered the most frequent infection in the intensive care unit (ICU), occurring in 9 Á/24% of patients intubated for longer than 48 h besides nosocomial pneumonia is a common complication in the critically ill surgical or trauma patient. |
T92 |
57025-57149 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
Inadequate treatment can lead to the complications of acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS), empyema, and lung abscess. |
T93 |
57839-58135 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
Except one patient deceased for causes related to his very poor general conditions and three cases in which has been necessary the addition of an aminoglycoside, in all the other patients the imipenem/ cilastatin (tienam) monotherapy has shown satisfactory clinical and bacteriological responses. |
T94 |
58136-58217 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
Clinical auditing of the impact of recommendations on antibiotic treatment S12.11 |
T95 |
58218-58293 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
Kinoo J a , David-Ouaknine F a , Hacquard B a , Echard Y a , Decazes JM b . |
T96 |
58294-58401 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
a Centre Hospitalier Lagny Marne la Vallée, Lagny sur Marne, France , b Hospital Saint Louis, Paris, France |
T97 |
58402-58577 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
The aim of this study was to assess the impact of curative antibiotic recommendations on suitable prescriptions at Lagny-Marne la Vallée Hospital (general hospital, 714 beds). |
T98 |
58578-58815 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
Two prospective exhaustive audits were made (all complete hospitalizations, excluding psychiatry, February Á/May 1997 and 2000) of the detailed curative antibiotic prescriptions, before and after distribution of internal recommendations. |
T99 |
58956-59153 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
The prescriptions were assessed by an infectious diseases specialist and a pharmacist using pre-established criteria: literature recommendations (1997 audit), internal recommendations (2000 audit). |
T100 |
59776-59910 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
Local recommendations improved prescriptions, but efforts have to be done in order to go on the improvement of the practice behaviour. |
T101 |
60246-60391 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
A scientific approach considering also the economic aspects of each therapeutic decision may gain optimal treatment objectives at pondered costs. |
T102 |
60519-60838 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
From 1997 to 2001 , 1058 Our retrospective study results support previous pharmaco-economic considerations according which in choosing an antibiotic regimen for AE-COPD we must take into consideration the expected clinical and microbiological results without forgetting to consider the economic burden of our decisions. |
T103 |
61327-61530 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
This observation is especially important as non-albicans Candida species are generally non-susceptible to azole derivatives and empirical use of azoles in suspected Candidaemia should not be recommended. |
T104 |
61604-61639 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
Echinocandin may be an alternative. |
T105 |
62276-62523 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
We have noted that like many free-living fungi, the M-Z fungi are facultatively chemoautotrophic (can grow on simple sources of carbon and nitrogen and a solution of mineral salts), like the human pathogenic chemoautotrophic nocardioform bacteria. |
T106 |
62984-63245 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
Experiments with immunocompromised mice showed that these drugs at the concentrations used are well tolerated; mice experimentally infected with several clinical isolates of M-Z fungi and receiving these chemicals showed that these fungi could not grow in vivo. |
T107 |
64238-64380 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
Though increasing fluoroquinolones resistance has been described among this kind of strains, no resistance to fluoroquinolones was found here. |
T108 |
65761-65929 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
The misuse of the antibiotics by the community may be an important factor (among others) in the emergence of these high rates of resistance by the salmonellae examined. |
T109 |
66096-66263 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
a Department of Medicine and Public Health-Pharmacology Section, University of Verona, Verona, Italy , b Department of Paediatrics, University of Verona, Verona, Italy |
T110 |
66264-66337 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
Oral bacteriotherapy during antibiotic treatment is a much debated topic. |
T111 |
66338-66492 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
Aim: To study whether different probiotics can prevent imbalance of the intestinal ecosystem (dysbiosis) in children during therapy with ceftriaxone (Cx). |
T112 |
67481-67622 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
Conclusions: The probiotics administration seems to protect against dysbiosis caused by Cx and to contain the increase in faecal BL activity. |
T113 |
67729-67773 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
These preliminary data need further studies. |
T114 |
69182-69407 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
In contrast to WHO's guideline, due to high rate of primary resistance especially to STM in our area, we do not recommend addition of STM for treatment of patients whose initial four-drug regimens have been failed (group II). |
T115 |
70516-70638 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
They seem to be promising antigens for the development of new methods of diagnosis or for the development of new vaccines. |
T116 |
70996-71120 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
It is likely that poorer living conditions, influenced by war and emotional stress, may promote such rising incidence of TB. |
T117 |
71816-71982 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
PCR as simple, fast and highly sensitive method enabled diagnosis in incipient stadium of disease, so antituberculous therapy could be instituted some months earlier. |
T118 |
71983-72119 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
Prompt diagnosis of renal tuberculosis (using PCR, besides standard methods) is necessary, otherwise delayed diagnosis may be dangerous. |
T119 |
73595-73751 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
M. kansasi is detected as the most common atypical mycobacterium agent in pulmonary infections and attention to antibiogram is recommended before treatment. |
T120 |
76522-76702 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
A direct intestinal localization of HIV may be responsible for severe diarrhoea, malabsorption, and wasting, though the morphological features of HIV enteropathy are still unclear. |
T121 |
80753-80863 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
The condition at admission was critical due to trombocytopenia ( B/2000 platelets/ml) and hemorrhage syndrome. |
T122 |
81411-81485 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
She had uneventful recovery despite remaining granulocyto-trombocytopenic. |
T123 |
81486-81715 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
Conclusions: Treatment of infections with emerging agents in immunocompromised patients is difficult, guidance by results of susceptibility testing being misleading with a poor correlation between the tests and treatment outcome. |
T124 |
81716-81844 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
Early disseminated listeriosis in a liver transplant recipient (LTR): a rare case due to an in vitro multiresistant strain OR1.6 |
T125 |
81845-81977 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
Manfredi R, De Ruvo N, Vivarelli M, Bellusci R, Montalti R, La Barba G, Abtueli Aden A, Cucchetti A, Attard L, Calza L, Cavallari A. |
T126 |
82664-82963 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
Underlying immunodeficiency may prompt unusual/severe Lm infection, but because of its usual community-acquired origin, Lm disease remains infrequent in hospitalized p. Only seven anecdotal reports of Lm infection were described in LTR, 1986 Á/2000, all but 1 occurring months Á/years after surgery. |
T127 |
83216-83317 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
An epidemiological survey retrieved the possible source of this usually community-acquired infection. |
T128 |
83318-83429 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
Lm should be regarded as an emerging opportunistic pathogen in LTR, and specific risk factors should be seeked. |
T129 |
83430-83660 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
When immunodeficiency is of concern, the unpredictable sensitivity of Lm should prompt in vitro assays to adjust antimicrobial therapy Problems for discussion HBV Á/HCV and liver carcinogenesis: where does the viral influence end? |
T130 |
84562-84664 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
(hence, if we treat alcoholic cirrhosis patients with interferon could we have a favorable response?). |
T131 |
84744-84821 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
: interferon treatment is a potential hazard for those with thrombocytopenia. |
T132 |
84822-84940 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
How ethical is it to conduct a randomised trial where one leg of cirrhotic patients is left without antiviral therapy? |
T133 |
84941-85038 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
And on the basis of which classification system should the two legs of such a trial be separated? |
T134 |
85179-85221 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
A major topic awaiting for a major debate. |
T135 |
86573-86654 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
C still occurs in the HAART era, probably due to its varied mode of transmission. |
T136 |
87514-87646 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
Three HCoV-related outbreaks were observed (February, August and December), associated with a high prevalence of infection in staff. |
T137 |
88082-88210 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
Conclusions: These data provide additional evidence for a significant role of HCoV in NRVI occurring in hospitalized preterm NN. |
T138 |
90266-90414 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
In 1997, a French observatory of human AE was done in order to get data that could be used to evaluate presentation, evolution and management of AE. |
T139 |
91355-91440 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
It shows new epidemiological trends, and especially an extension of the endemic area. |
T140 |
91441-91499 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
Can coins and paper currency transmit Bacillus anthracis ? |
T141 |
91693-91840 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
Recent events that began in September 2001 in US has gained the organism worldwide attention and heightened awareness of and concern about anthrax. |
T142 |
92167-92215 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
Escherichia coli ) and potential pathogens (e.g. |
T143 |
92417-92571 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
All of these studies do agree on that currency may be considered as a method of spreading potentially pathogenic and pathogenic bacteria in the community. |
T144 |
92572-92691 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
Therefore, currency could also be a vehicle for spreading other highly pathogenic organisms that include B. anthracis . |
T145 |
92692-92814 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
In addition, the introduction of the 'euro' could also allow such bacteria greater freedom to travel across the euro zone. |
T146 |
92815-93016 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
The threat of using currency, particularly paper notes, in spreading lethal organisms should be investigated and proper measures to prevent the use of such a method by terrorists should be implemented. |
T147 |
93346-93525 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
We used FC as a temporary vascular access (VA) for a longer period of time in outpatients going on regular ambulatory haemodialysis, who had a problem with their permanent access. |
T148 |
94381-94529 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
Criteria for catheter-related bacteriemia (CRB) was found in only one patient, and for possible CRB in five patients after we removed the catheters. |
T149 |
95104-95305 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
Clinical and lay awareness of the disease relies on education, however educational delivery has changed and the introduction of material suitable for computer and internet application is now necessary. |
T150 |
95800-95960 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
These applications are simple to use and can be incorporated into existing courses of study, so that issues raised can be discussed with tutors and group peers. |
T151 |
96087-96292 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
We believe that these applications, focusing on meningitis, are the first of their kind and that they offer tutors the opportunity to progress their teaching of the disease both in methodology and content. |
T152 |
96422-96567 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
Potentially treatment-related adverse events occurred in 11.8% of the brivudin recipients and in 10.1% of the famciclovir recipients (P 0/ 0.26). |
T153 |
97121-97281 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
In order to evaluate virus specific response and structure Á/activity relationships we continue our investigations with three Pt(II) and three Pd(II) complexes. |
T154 |
98185-98292 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
The availability of new and specific antivirals provides an opportunity for better management of influenza. |
T155 |
98821-98996 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
Antibiotics for influenza treatment are broadly recommended/prescribed by about 30% of European physicians, whereas currently available antivirals are only recommended by 10%. |
T156 |
98997-99151 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
The recommendation of antivirals by US physicians increased from 47% (season 99/00) to 62% (00/01) and markedly decreased antibiotic use (from 25 to 11%). |
T157 |
99344-99491 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
Conclusions: Experiences in the USA show that with prompt outbreak information antivirals can be used appropriately in times of influenza activity. |
T158 |
99848-99960 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
The underlying clinical pathway covers morbidity and mortality due to influenza and its specified complications. |
T159 |
100155-100300 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
Application of the model is shown using UK unit cost data simulating an otherwise healthy adult population comparing oseltamivir with usual care. |
T160 |
100656-100842 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
Conclusion: Antiviral treatment appears to be effective in terms of health outcome and cost for otherwise healthy adults from the perspectives of both the individual patient and society. |
T161 |
100843-100963 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
However, this effect is very sensitive to time when treatment is started and the accuracy of the diagnosis of influenza. |
T162 |
101889-102052 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
Results: Oseltamivir was well tolerated in clinical trials; drug-related side-effects were limited to transient GI effects occurring in 5/1:10 exposed individuals. |
T163 |
102397-102521 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
Occasional reports of liver dysfunction have been documented post-marketing but causal association has not been established. |
T164 |
103066-103292 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
UDG of the Copenhagen strain of Vaccinia virus (VV) was characterized with the aim of defining specific inhibitors susceptible to be used as a new class of active antiviral substances on the viruses of the Orthopoxvirus genus. |
T165 |
104050-104125 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
These compounds are candidates for the chemotherapy of poxvirus infections. |
T166 |
104847-104933 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
In limited clinical trials patients received 75 mg of drugs twice daily (7 Á/14 days). |
T167 |
105601-105724 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
Ortho Total HCV core antigen assay can aid early prediction of response in patients treated with Interferon/Ribavirin OR3.8 |
T168 |
105725-105762 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
Lunel F a , Veillon P b , Payan C b . |
T169 |
106396-106474 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
Results: Pretreatment Ag values were correlated with viral load (r 2 0/0.779). |
T170 |
107076-107228 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
After 1 month of IFN alone, the HCV Ag decrease was highly predictive of SR, correlated with RNA negativation and early reduction of HCV RNA ( !/2 log). |
T171 |
107473-107643 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
Infectious Diseases Department, Infectious Diseases, Lucca, Italy Acute hepatitis B is a self-limiting infection, but in some cases its course may be particularly severe. |
T172 |
108532-108695 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
Our experience suggests a promising role of lamivudine in the treatment of acute hepatitis B, but how long such therapy have to be practiced and in which patients? |
T173 |
110595-110675 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
The newer quinolones are believed to have broad activity against S. pneumoniae . |
T174 |
112956-113127 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
Thus, FQ resistance in S. maltophilia shall derive from changes in other areas in the topoisomerases or probably from other mechanisms of resistance, such as efflux pumps. |
T175 |
113348-113427 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
The mechanisms of resistance to FQs have not been described in C. urealyticum . |
T176 |
113428-113528 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
We describe the C. urealyticum parC gene QRDR region and its relationship with quinolone resistance. |
T177 |
114319-114578 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
This finding suggest that this mutant sequence, as compared with parC sequences from other Grampositives, might be the wild-type for this species, and might explain in part its high resistance rate, and its apparent lightness to develop high-level resistance. |
T178 |
115470-115525 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
Fluoroquinolone efflux was suggested in three isolates. |
T179 |
115732-115873 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
Conclusion: The 1997 policy of using quinolones may have contributed to the development of quinolone resistance and this cluster of isolates. |
T180 |
115874-116029 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
The increasing levels of quinolone resistance observed raise concerns about the future use of newer quinolones for the treatment of respiratory infections. |
T181 |
116170-116342 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
New quinolones has been proposed as a treatment of choice because their enhanced activity, but several parameters (T a , atmosphere, method) can affect the results of MICs. |
T182 |
117183-117400 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
The incubation time is a parameter that seems to affect significantly the results of MICs of quinolones when microdilution method is used, whereas only few differences can be encountered with the agar dilution method. |
T183 |
120369-120463 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
Gatifloxacin is a promising alternative for therapy of respiratory tract bacterial infections. |
T184 |
120834-120873 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
However, they are often not recognised. |
T185 |
120874-120963 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
Infected or colonised adults can act as a reservoir of infection, passing it to children. |
T186 |
120964-121102 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
Fluoroquinolones are currently recommended for the treatment of respiratory tract infection in adult patients, which is usually empirical. |
T187 |
121852-121982 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
Conclusion: Gatifloxacin may be an effective drug in the treatment or prophylaxis of adults with suspected or confirmed pertussis. |
T188 |
124937-125064 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
The maintenance over 72 h of GEM urine antibacterial activity suggests its efficacy in the treatment of uncomplicated cystitis. |
T189 |
127493-127641 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
The conclusion reached The findings suggest that LFX 500 mg bid iv may be considered effective in the treatment of VAP caused by sensitive bacteria. |
T190 |
129254-129498 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
The conclusion reached The ad interim findings show that LFX 500 mg od may guarantee per os an exposure similar to that achievable after iv administration, suggesting that sequential therapy may be considered effective in the treatment of LRTI. |
T191 |
129499-129569 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
Levofloxacine in the exacerbations of copd due to Pseudomonas ae PS117 |
T192 |
129570-129751 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
Micheletto C, Tognella S, Pomari C, Dal Negro R, Ospedale Orlandi, Div.Pneumologia, Bussolengo, Italy Development of antibiotic resistance in bacteria is a problem of great concern. |
T193 |
130822-131099 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
(1) At present, Levofloxacine proves the most effective antimicrobic option for treating COPD exacerbations due to Ps infection; (2) a much more efficient policy of antibiotic prescribing should be promoted in order to prevent the selection of resistant strains in these cases. |
T194 |
131458-131628 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
Moreover, considering the favourable PK/PD profile, levofloxacin can represent a valid therapeutic option for the treatment of severe Gram-negative nosocomial infections. |
T195 |
132889-133048 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
We may suppose that levofloxacyn can be effective for the treatment of R. equi infection, even if more studies (particularly controlled studies) are necessary. |
T196 |
138565-138668 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
Therapy with moxifloxacin was not associated with any significant clinical or laboratory abnormalities. |
T197 |
138669-138839 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
These data suggest that once-daily oral administration of moxifloxacin is potentially convenient and cost-effective alternative therapy for CAP in pts with HIV infection. |
T198 |
141225-141438 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
Periodic monitoring of the antimicrobial susceptibility profile of Neisseria gonorrhoeae in a high-risk population provides essential clues regarding the rapidly changing pattern of antimicrobial susceptibilities. |
T199 |
142008-142170 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
The third mutation of Val-120 to Leu, lies downstream of the quinolone resistance determining region of the gyr A and has not been described before in gonococcus. |
T200 |
142171-142275 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
In addition, these isolates had a Phe-100 to Tyr substitution in the par C, a hitherto unknown mutation. |
T201 |
142641-142862 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
Our findings suggest that emergence of penicillin and ciprofloxacin resistance in N. gonorrhoeae isolates from a major STD center in India, indicates the need for the increased awareness and prudent use of antimicrobials. |
T202 |
144667-144735 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
Hospital Universitario de Salamanca, Microbiología, Salamanca, Spain |
T203 |
144736-144888 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
Purpose: Corynebacterium urealyticum is the etiologic agent of encrusted cystitis and inespecific UTIs, and can be also involved in systemic infections. |
T204 |
147946-148060 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
Linezolid should be tested for treatment of complicated UTI due to Gram-positive uropathogens in a clinical trial. |
T205 |
149167-149268 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
Recommended breakpoints of Staphylococcus aureus are 4 mg/l for linezolid and 8 mg/l for teicoplanin. |
T206 |
149365-149536 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
Conclusion: Current recommended dosing regimens for linezolid and teicoplanin are generally appropriate in the critically ill, though a more detailed analysis is required. |
T207 |
150924-151048 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
Conclusions: LZD and Q/D are very promising antimicrobial agents, showing excellent activity against MRSA clinical isolates. |
T208 |
151049-151138 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
The prudent therapeutic use is strongly recommended to avoid the emergence of resistance. |
T209 |
152598-152821 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
Conclusions: The new antimicrobial agents show excellent activity against resistant to common antimicrobials pneumococcal isolates, but the clinical use is not suggested, unless no other therapeutic solutions are available. |
T210 |
153090-153182 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
The susceptibility pattern of all Gram-positive isolates from ICU patients has been studied. |
T211 |
154219-154269 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
There was no emergence of resistance to linezolid. |
T212 |
154418-154569 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
The oxazolidinone, linezolid, has excellent soft tissue and respiratory tract penetration and might be expected to eradicate carriage in some patients. |
T213 |
155218-155437 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
Conclusion: Short-term MRSA clearance can be achieved in significantly more patients treated with linezolid however this was not maintained at 21 days, either because of incomplete initial eradication or recolonization. |
T214 |
155519-155599 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
Penetration of linezolid into bone, fat and muscle during hip arthroplasty PS134 |
T215 |
155600-155866 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
Lovering AM, Bannister GC, Zhang J, MacGowan AP, Southmead Hospital, BCARE, Bristol, UK There are limited data describing the concentrations and penetration of linezolid (LZD) into tissues, such as bone, that can be used to guide therapy for non-vascular infections. |
T216 |
157641-157995 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
The association has antibacterial activity against staphylococci including methicillin */MLS B -resistant strains (MIC90 range: 0.12 */1 mg/ml), streptococci (MIC90: 0.25 mg/ml), pneumococci including multidrug resistant strains (MIC90: 0.50 mg/ ml), enterococci including vancomycin-resistant strains (MIC90: 4 mg/ ml), M. catarrhalis and Neisseria spp. |
T217 |
158352-158508 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
Mutants of S. aureus to XRP2868 were isolated at low frequencies (3.6)/ 10 (9 Á/9.7)/10 (10 ) at 2)/ and 4)/MIC while no mutant could be isolated at 8)/MIC. |
T218 |
158509-158631 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
These results suggest that XRP2868 (30/70 w/w) is a promising compound for the treatment of community-acquired infections. |
T219 |
161533-161670 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
These results suggest that XRP2868 might be effective for the treatment of staphylococcal and pneumococcal community-acquired infections. |
T220 |
163191-163286 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
Conclusion: Based on in vitro data, telithromycin is a good candidate for the treatment of RTI. |
T221 |
163287-163485 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
In vitro evaluation of abt-773, telithromycin and azithromycin against Streptococcus pneumoniae , Moraxella catarrhalis , Haemophilis influenzae and methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus PS140 |
T222 |
163486-163747 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
Steele-Moore L, Berg D, Barnes I, Couch K, Klein J, Holloway W. Christiana Care, Infectious Disease, Wilmington, US Macrolide resistant Streptococcus pneumoniae (SP) is a worldwide concern predominantly because these isolates tend to be multiply drug resistant. |
T223 |
166418-166550 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
Some studies suggest shortening CAP telithromycin treatment to 7 days helping adherence to treatment and decreasing costs even more. |
T224 |
166749-166993 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
a Medical University, Infectious Disease, Plovdiv, Bulgaria , b Department of Anatomy, Medical University, Plovdiv, Bulgaria Mediterranean Spotted Fever (MSF) caused by Rickettsia conorii appears an endemic disease for some regions in Bulgaria. |
T225 |
168019-168130 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
Conclusions: We suggest that the new macrolides appear a good alternative of tetracycline on patients with MSF. |
T226 |
169317-169438 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
The clinical findings showed excellent effect of the new macrolides including Clarithromycin and azalides */Azithromycin. |
T227 |
170784-170867 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
Q/D has not been officially introduced to the antibiotic arsenal of Greek medicine. |
T228 |
171027-171116 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
How much hope can be put on a drug that seems to be partly useless before its initiation? |
T229 |
171117-171261 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
Increasing reports of V/ Q-resistant strains of E. faecium from all over Europe raises fears that the V/D story might well end before it begins. |
T230 |
171580-171696 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
The aim of the present study was to evaluate the cytotoxicity of five purified vegetable tannins against MDBK cells. |
T231 |
172301-172457 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
These data thus appear to reveal the capability of the investigated natural polyphenolic products to stimulate cell surveillance in a time-dependent manner. |
T232 |
172652-172935 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
a Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Pathobiology, Tehran, Islamic Republic of Iran , b Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Dentistry, Tehran, Islamic Republic of Iran Objectives: Most of the microorganisms associated with periodontitis are capnophilic and anaerobic bacteria. |
T233 |
174039-174243 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
For further studies of bacteriostatic activity of amides and diamides of dicarboxylic acids, as well as for determination of 'structure Á/activity' relationship, we have synthesized a range of monoamides. |
T234 |
175302-175641 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
has not been studied and hence the present study was planned to evaluate those properties against a series of micro organisms viz, Escherichia coli , Staphylococcus aureus , Pseudomonas aeroginosa , Klebsiella pneumonia , Bacillus subtilis , Bacillus licheniformis , Streptococcus faecalis , Candida albicans and Saccharomyces cerevisiae . |
T235 |
176223-176280 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
Conclusion: Monoterpenes seem to have antimicrobial role. |
T236 |
176281-176435 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
It seems necessary to explore antimicrobial properties of new harmless antimicrobial agents from natural sources as substitutes for common chemical drugs. |
T237 |
176436-176661 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
Methanol extract of Carpobrotus edulis enhances killing of methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus phagocytosed by THP-1 human monocyte derived macrophages and promotes the release of modulators of cellular immunity PS149 |
T238 |
176662-176798 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
Although alkaloids from the family Mesembryanthemaceae have anti-cancer activity, species of this family have received little attention. |
T239 |
176799-177125 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
Because these alkaloids also exhibit properties normally associated with compounds that have activity at the level of the plasma membrane, we have studied a crude methanol extract of Carpabrotus edulis , a common plant found along the Portuguese coast, for properties normally associated with plasma membrane active compounds. |
T240 |
177126-177410 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
The results of this preliminary study show that the extract is non-toxic at concentrations that prime THP-1 human monocytederived macrophages to kill ingested methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus and promote the release of lymphokines associated with cellular immune functions. |
T241 |
177656-177812 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
The active component or components of the plant extract may be exploited as intracellular active anti-bacterials as well as modulators of cellular immunity. |
T242 |
177973-178135 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
a Department of Biology, Faculty of Science, University of Tehran, Tehran, Islamic Republic of Iran , b Shafe-e-Sari Co., Antibiotic Production Co., Teheran, Iran |
T243 |
178136-178333 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
Enhancing effect of various oils on the erythromycin production by Saccharopolyspora erythraea NUR001 were evaluated in a complex medium consisting soybean flour and dextrin as the main substrates. |
T244 |
179211-179275 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
Can varicella be eliminated by universal childhood vaccination ? |
T245 |
179395-179865 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
a Institute for Antiviral Chemotherapy, University of Jena, Jena, Germany , b Outcomes International, Basle, Switzerland , c Institute of Medical Statistics and Epidemiology, Technical University, Munich, Germany , d GlaxoSmithKline, Pharma, Munich, Germany Purpose: Universal varicella vaccination in childhood is expected to reduce substantially the number of uncomplicated cases of chickenpox and to decrease the number of complicated cases requiring hospitalization. |
T246 |
180181-180292 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
Results: It could be shown, that the vast majority of varicella cases occur in children aged less than 8 years. |
T247 |
180406-180595 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
A routine varicella vaccination program targeting healthy children could prevent 82.6% of varicella cases and over 4700 major complications per year provided the coverage rate would be 85%. |
T248 |
180700-180802 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
A combined measles, mumps, rubella and varicella vaccine is expected to provide the required coverage. |
T249 |
180803-181031 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
Conclusions: Routine childhood varicella vaccination appears to be a highly efficient strategy to significantly reduce the sizeable burden of varicella and leads to significant savings from both societal and payer's perspective. |
T250 |
182020-182181 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
Vaccine Influvac can be recommended for an immunisation against influenza of children with an allergic pathology because of efficacy and absence of side effects. |
T251 |
182182-182317 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
Ló pez H, Zitto TR, Vidal GI, Cánepa MC, Salomó n JM, Scaglione M. Centro de Infectología, Infectious Diseases, Buenos Aires, Argentina |
T252 |
182318-182485 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
Objectives: Our study examines the possible economic impact of the influenza on health working adults in Argentina, and the intervention cost saving with immunization. |
T253 |
187535-187656 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
HBeAg was detected in 10.2% of the HBV DNA positive patients and had not been determined in the HBV DNA negative patient. |
T254 |
188075-188247 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
a Medicine of Faculty, Mersin University, Clinical microbiology and infectious disease, Mersin, Turkey , b Medicine of Faculty, Mersin University, Pathology, Mersin, Turkey |
T255 |
188248-188344 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
The exact potential of nitric oxide in the pathogenesis of chronic viral hepatitis is not known. |
T256 |
188345-188591 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
The elevated nitric oxide production is assumed to be responsible for the pathological changes in many inflammatory conditions, mainly via peroxynitrite, a potential oxidant that is produced by the reduction of superoxyde anion with nitric oxide. |
T257 |
188988-189169 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
Inducible nitric oxide synthase staining levels correlated well with the severity of the viral hepatitis using the Knodell's liver histological activity index (r0/0.393, P 0/0.002). |
T258 |
189388-189692 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
As nitric oxide mediated nitration of hepatocellular proteins is found to be elevated in the inflamed hepatic tissues and it well correlated with the severity of the disease, we suggest that inducible nitric oxide synthase can possibly have a critical role in the pathogenesis of chronic viral hepatitis. |
T259 |
191860-191945 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
Minsk, Belarus HSV-1 and -11 have possibility to damage different organs and systems. |
T260 |
192020-192100 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
The etiology of such hepatitis may be confirmed only by results of liver biopsy. |
T261 |
194134-194399 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
The aim of this pilot study was to determine the prevalence of hepatitis G viral infection among patients at high risk of exposure to blood and blood products, as well as to evaluate if the risk of HGV infection was higher among them than in the general population. |
T262 |
194965-195094 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
Our results suggest that patients exposed to blood or blood products have a higher risk of HGV infection than general population. |
T263 |
195095-195213 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
Evaluation of Ortho Total HCV Core antigen assay in assessment and follow-up of patients treated for chronic HCV PS162 |
T264 |
195214-195455 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
Lunel F, Veillon P, Payan C. CHU Angers, Laboratoire de Bactério-Virologie, Angers, France An assay to quantitate 'Total' HVC Core antigen (HCV Ag) in serum or plasma, may reflect viral load, has been developed by Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics. |
T265 |
195694-195803 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
Results: Correlation of Ag and quantitative assays was high (r0/ 0.85 for bDNA 3.0 and 0.83 for Monitor 2.0). |
T266 |
196038-196399 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
In patients treated with IFN or combination therapy, we found very good correlation between decrease and negativation of Ag and viral load: 2 log IU/ml decline after M1 of interferon was significantly correlated with the negativation of HCV Ag and SR. Thirty-eight/41 of SR had a RNA load decrease !/2 log IU/ml and 39/ 41 had a negativation of HCV Ag after M1. |
T267 |
196400-196498 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
Conclusion: Total HCV Core Ag appears to be a new tool for monitoring patients with HCV infection. |
T268 |
197769-197884 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
These results suggest that both kinetics of viral load and antigenemia are highly predictive of sustained response. |
T269 |
198143-198269 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
We investigate the prevalence of hepatitis B/C as well as the epidemiological features that might influence the public health. |
T270 |
199306-199381 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
Public health services in Greece and Europe must take appropriate measures. |
T271 |
199986-200269 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
The conclusion reached was; in order to reduce the incidence of virus-B infection especially in schistosomiasis endemic areas, public health officials should evaluate a policy for regulation of HBV booster vaccination to enhance the population immunity against hepatitis-B infection. |
T272 |
200578-200660 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
in Africa, erratic adherence might soon lead to multi-resistant circulating virus. |
T273 |
201384-201638 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
Our preliminary assessment is that for the children in our families, despite a team approach and home visits, nonadherence to HAART may be twice as common as selection of a dominant viral mutant as a primary cause of failure to sustain viral suppression. |
T274 |
202255-202502 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
Although the low prevalence of metabolic alterations may be attributed to the different ethnic alimentary behavior if self-body perception by African is not as accurate as by caucasian on the estimation of the body changes have to be investigated. |
T275 |
202803-202926 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
However, it may occasionally cause a severe disease with high morbidity and mortality, and loss of school or business days. |
T276 |
203935-204035 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
In light of these findings, we suggest that hepatitis A vaccination be given after 21 months of age. |
T277 |
204036-204143 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
Earlier vaccination may be ineffective due to interference with maternally transmitted anti-HAV antibodies. |
T278 |
204188-204333 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
Department of Microbiology, Iran University, Tehran, Islamic Republic of Iran Diarrhoea is a major public health problem in developing countries. |
T279 |
204434-204509 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
Little, however, is known about the extent of the condition in our society. |
T280 |
204510-204634 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
The aim of this study is to determine socio-demographic and clinical characteristics of patients with intestinal amoebiasis. |
T281 |
205502-205647 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
Low socioeconomic level associated with poor personal hygiene was the most important factor for highly prevalence of this problem in our society. |
T282 |
205648-205732 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
Also it seems that food plays important role in transmission of protozoa then water. |
T283 |
207950-208035 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
Answers could be specified for 138 students, of whom 97 females (F) and 41 males (M). |
T284 |
208318-208473 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
Among 56 (31 F and 25 M) non-vaccinated against rubella, 17 (10 F and seven M) had no history of that disease, uncertain in seven others (six F and one M). |
T285 |
208474-208539 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
The date of vaccination was often late regarding recommendations. |
T286 |
208882-209027 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
Adverse effects of vaccination were rarely reported: two cases of fever (DT polio, measles); three cases of local reaction (DT polio, DTP polio). |
T287 |
209093-209188 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
The survey shows failure in immunization coverage actually recommended in health care students. |
T288 |
210133-210214 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
Conclusions: In Lasi county, rabies is a problem with a prevalence of 0.73%/year. |
T289 |
210709-210945 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
This study shows a major problem in antibiotics prescription in our community and also the need to establish effective antibiotics policy in general practice to limit the potential emergence of drug resistance bacteria in the community. |
T290 |
211291-211408 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
The current antibiotic regimens and the selection of antibiotics for prophylaxis should be re-evaluated periodically. |
T291 |
212207-212410 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
We concluded that the resistance profiles to antibiotics should be reviewed every 5 years at least and thus the selection of proper antibiotics would lessen the morbidity as well as the medical expenses. |
T292 |
212590-212800 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
This study is aimed to reveal economic barriers of effective ID control by assessing financial contribution to ID from Public and Private sources, household's total spending on health and their capacity to pay. |
T293 |
213715-213820 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
Government should increase the allocations to ID from public sources for effective ID control in Georgia. |
T294 |
213942-214059 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
Local surveillance of antimicrobial (AM) consumption is essential to promote the rational use of this group of drugs. |
T295 |
214374-214532 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
The total AM consumption figures were similar in 1998 and 2000 (7.7 and 8.2 DDDs/100 b Á/d, respectively) with notable differences in AM prescribing patterns. |
T296 |
215001-215252 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
The tendency to prescribe more effective in respect of the local resistance data and/or more safe AM was detected in 2000 comparing with 1998 that can be explained by the introduction of the local guidelines for infectious diseases management in 1999. |
T297 |
215253-215532 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
Clarithromycin in the treatment of chronic prostatitis caused by Chlamydia trachomatis */a pilot study PS178 The aim of this pilot study was to determine the efficacy and tolerability of clarithromycin in the treatment of chronic prostatitis caused by Chlamydia trachomatis (CT). |
T298 |
218142-218265 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
From this point of view, the female genital tract seems to be a potential reservoir of these uropathogenic E. coli strains. |
T299 |
220894-221023 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
However, AFFIRM test was more specific (94 vs 72%) and also has higher positive predictive value (80 vs 53%) than clinical signs. |
T300 |
223851-223951 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
It was concluded that b-carotein could be used as a prophylactic agent against S. mansoni infection. |
T301 |
223952-224088 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
Barisic Z, Babic-Erceg A, Borzic E, Zoranic V, Carev M, Kaliterna V. Department of Microbiology, Public Health Institute, Split, Croatia |
T302 |
224089-224303 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
The aim of this study is to determine frequency of Pseudomonas aeruginosa urinary tract infection (UTI) in outpatient's population in South Croatia and to suggest optimal antimicrobial treatment for these patients. |
T303 |
226549-226679 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
The better clinical efficacy of the combination may partly be attributed to the antibiofilm effect of CAM in the clinical setting. |
T304 |
226680-226803 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
The results also indicated that difficulties still remain in the treatment of CUTI in patients with an indwelling catherer. |
T305 |
226804-226930 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
In conclusion, clinical study suggested that CAM might have an inhibitory action on biofilm formation in the clinical setting. |
T306 |
226931-227047 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
Combination of CAM with other appropriate antimicrobial agents may have a favorable effect on the treatment of CUTI. |
T307 |
227527-227711 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
Key outcomes identified were probability of reflux resolution, likelihood of developing pyelonephritis and scarring, and possibility of complications of medical and surgical treatment. |
T308 |
227712-227877 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
Available outcomes data on the various treatment alternatives were summarized and the relative probabilities of possible outcomes were compared for each alternative. |
T309 |
228278-228280 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
3) |
T310 |
228281-228532 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
The one and only absolute indication for surgical management is failure of medical therapy to prevent chronic recurrent pyelonephritis, renal injury or other reflux complications and eliminations of the reflux condition will minimize their likelihood. |
T311 |
228689-228970 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
For most children we recommended continuous antibiotic prophylaxis as initial treatment-medical therapy is based on the principle that reflux often resolves with time, and antibiotics maintain urine sterility and prevent infections while the patients awaits spontaneous resolution. |
T312 |
228971-229143 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
6) VUR predispose an individual to renal infection, the immunological and inflammatory reaction caused by a pyelonephritic infection may result in renal injury or scarring. |
T313 |
229168-229340 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
a Department of Internal Medicine, Derer s University Hospital, Bratislava, Slovakia , b Department of Urology, Comenius University School of Medicine, Bratislava, Slovakia |
T314 |
229341-229451 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
Elderly patients with UTI are believed less likely to be cured by antimicrobial therapy than younger patients. |
T315 |
229452-229516 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
The reasons for this poorer outcome have not yet been clarified. |
T316 |
230663-231047 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
a Department for Infectious Diseases, Teaching Hospital Maribor, Maribor, Slovenia , b Department for Microbiology, Regional Institute of Public Health Maribor, Maribor, Slovenia Purpose: The aim of the study was to determine the frequency and antimicrobial resistance of Escherichia coli isolated from urine samples of patients admitted to Maribor Teaching Hospital in 1998 and 2000. |
T317 |
233713-233950 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
Conclusion: The low frequency of furazolidone and nitrofurantoin resistance, compared to metronidazole suggests that the furazolidone and the nitrofurantoin may be good alternatives to metronidazole for treatment of H. pylori infections. |
T318 |
235383-235682 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
Ring C, Atanassova V. Department of Food Hygiene and Microbiology, School of Veterinary Medicine, Hannover, Germany Aim of the study: Poultry meat is known to be often contaminated with Salmonella and other foodborne pathogens and thus has to be considered as a possible source for human infections. |
T319 |
235683-235830 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
The aim of the study was to monitor the resistance of Salmonella isolates from poultry meat of different European countries to various antibiotics. |
T320 |
236780-236921 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
The question arises whether the resistance of the isolates to various antibiotics is of clinical importance in the treatment of the patients. |
T321 |
238482-238675 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
Diagnostic criteria were positive blood culture for S. typhi or paratyphi and/or a somatic O agglutinin titer ]/ 1/160 as determined by the Widal test with symptoms suggestive of typhoid fever. |
T322 |
240050-240242 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
In order to specify its clinical, biological, radiological and evolutionary features, a retrospective study has been led in our service, on a period of 14 years (January 1988 Á/December 2001). |
T323 |
240663-240854 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
The diagnosis of psoas abscess, evoked on clinical data, has been confirmed by the imagery data: Ultra-Songraphy (16 cases), CT scanning (six cases), Magnetic Resonance Imaging (three cases). |
T324 |
240855-241013 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
The tubercular etiology has been confirmed in six cases, among which two were associated to Escherichia coli (one case) and to Brucella melitensis (one case). |
T325 |
241531-241596 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
However, two patients had a relapse after stopping the treatment. |
T326 |
241597-241726 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
Conclusion: The diagnosis of the psoas abscess, difficult on the clinical data, is based on the imagery techniques (US, CT, RMI). |
T327 |
241727-241830 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
The percutaneous drainage guided by the imagery is recommended (in an etiological and therapeutic aim). |
T328 |
241831-241911 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
Associated to an adapted antibiotherapy, it allows to defer a surgical drainage. |
T329 |
242769-242876 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
Conclusion: Although frequent, abdominal changes seldom could be missed in patients with human brucellosis. |
T330 |
242877-243011 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
We recommend routine ultrasound examination with standard biochemical test for liver function, due to avoid unnecessary complications. |
T331 |
243882-243992 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
There was a positive correlation between the grade of sacroiliitis and the value of CRP (P0/0.006, r 0/0.414). |
T332 |
243993-244148 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
In conclusion, it has been suggested that, CRP may be used as an auxiliary or a secondary parameter in grading sacroiliac joint involvement in Brucellosis. |
T333 |
245497-245703 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
This case illustrates the following point: in areas in which brucellosis is endemic when scrotal abnormalities are seen the possibility of genitourinary tract complications of Brucella should be considered. |
T334 |
248658-248830 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
Acute brucellosis is often accompanied by bone and joint ache, especially of the lumbar spine, still frank involvement in the form of arthritis and spondylitis is not rare. |
T335 |
249601-249797 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
Direct contact with animals was the reason for acquisition of the illness in 59% of patients, in 29% alimentary or aerogenous route was incriminated, and in 12% the route of aqisition was unknown. |
T336 |
251616-251840 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
Conclusion: The optimal treatment of Q fever endocarditis has not been well established: the most effective antimicrobials are fluoroquinolones and rifampin, but chloramphenicol, doxycycline and trimethoprim are also useful. |
T337 |
251841-252019 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
The role of chloroquine in combination with doxycycline seems to be promising, because chloroquine may increase the lysosomal pH, enhancing the doxycycline bactericidal activity. |
T338 |
253070-253241 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
Discussion: Although Coxiella burnetii infection is acquired via the respiratory tract, it is paradoxical that symptoms attributed to the lung are not invariably positive. |
T339 |
254628-254769 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
Complication rate was 35% (9/26) with one death (4%), and was associated with delay in effective treatment ( !/8 days of illness) (P B/0.05). |
T340 |
255286-255433 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
Other neurologic manifestations as confusion, stupor, nuchal rigidity and in severe cases delirium, extreme agitation or coma appear less commonly. |
T341 |
256872-257034 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
Almost a quarter of the patients presented conjunctivitis despite the fact, that this ocular manifestation is less severe than in other typhus and spotted fevers. |
T342 |
258784-258927 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
Advanced age and prolonged interval before administration of a specific anti-rickettsial treatment are correlated with severity of the disease. |
T343 |
259859-259995 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
In murine typhus the induction of hypovolaemia insufficiently corrected by normal homeostatic mechanisms may lead to prerenal azotaemia. |
T344 |
262066-262219 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
Positive test was more probable in patients with pronounced fever (more than 38 8C), headache, weakness and in cases associated with chronic tonsillitis. |
T345 |
262940-263108 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
The most common complication in children with varicella is superimposed cutaneous infections with pyogenic bacteria (Streptococcus pyogenes and Staphylococcus aureus ). |
T346 |
263109-263227 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
Varicella gangrenosum, a necrotising soft tissue infection complicating the vesicular eruption of chickenpox, is rare. |
T347 |
263763-263973 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
Widespread use of varicella vaccine may decrease invasive infections in children, adolescents, and adults, thus decreasing the burden the disease with its complications impose up on the family and the society . |
T348 |
264022-264189 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
The aim of this open, multicentre, non-comparative study was to investigate the efficacy and safety of cefprozil in the treatment of streptococcal tonsillopharyngitis. |
T349 |
265197-265395 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
Tsiara S, Militadou G, Milionis C, Elisaf M. Internal Medicine Department, University of Ioannina, Ioannina, Greece Streptococcus group B Agalactiae (GBS) is a rare pathogen for healthy male adults. |
T350 |
267101-267206 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
We present this case because GBS infections are rare in the elderly in the absence of underlying disease. |
T351 |
267332-267484 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
Although our patient had more than one site of involvement he responded well to medical treatment without surgical debriment or heart valve replacement. |
T352 |
268454-268569 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
In spite of the severity of the infection all pts recovered and do not experienced local or systemic complications. |
T353 |
270110-270357 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
In young children there is a prevalence of serogroup B meningococcal disease which can be explained by the immaturity of the immune system and by the fact the group B capsule synthesis is known to inhibit alternative complement pathway activation. |
T354 |
270505-270750 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
The etiological agents were: viral (n 0/26, 54.2%, mean ('x ) age0/28 years), Streptococcus pneumoniae (n 0/8, 16.6%,'x age0/53), Neisseria meningitidis (n0/7, 14.6%, 'x age0/28), S. viridans (n0/6, 12%, 'x age0/34), P. multocida (n0/1, age 75). |
T355 |
271499-271610 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
The case fatality rate of pneumococcal meningitis appear to be high regardless of susceptibility to penicillin. |
T356 |
271673-271778 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
Diagnosis and therapy of meningococcal meningitis */trend and particularities of a 'Romanian model' PS216 |
T357 |
271779-272051 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
Lintmaer I, Moroti R, Popescu A, Popescu C. Institute of Infectious Diseases Matei Bals , Unit 5 , Bucharest, Romania Background: Newer diagnosis methods and antimicrobials are expected to change the management of menigococcal meningitis (MM) and to improve its prognosis. |
T358 |
272823-272998 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
The most important differences between our results and other studies are: monotherapy regimens are less frequent and therapy lengths are longer; however, prognosis is similar. |
T359 |
272999-273157 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
Conclusions: The MM management has been modified in the last 3 Á/ 4 years: prognosis is improved, but the changes do not bring clear cost/ effective benefits. |
T360 |
276660-276860 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
During treatment chloramphenicol was switched for 3rd gen cephalosporin in seven of 23 patients with Streptococcus pneumoniae meningitis and in five of 28 patients with meningitis of unknown etiology. |
T361 |
277007-277229 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
Conclusion: Because of repeated necessity to switch chloramphenicol for 3rd gen cephalosporin during treatment of purulent meningitis of pneumococcal and unknown etiology the initial treatment strategy was changed in 2001. |
T362 |
277230-277362 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
Third gen cephalosporin is now used as a first choice antibiotic, what is in consent with international recommendation of treatment. |
T363 |
277363-277493 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
To evaluate and compare groups treated initially with chloramphenicol and with 3rd gen cephalosporin will need several more years. |
T364 |
277494-277603 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
Low prevalence of multi-drug resistant Mycobacterium tuberculosis in Jerez de la Frontera-Cadiz (SPAIN) PS220 |
T365 |
277604-277871 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
Alados JC, Aller AI, De Miguel C, De Francisco JL, Calbo L. Hospital del SAS-JEREZ , Microbiologia, Jerez de la Frontera, CADIZ, Spain Introduction and aim: Previous reports indicate that multi-drug resistance Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MTB) is an worldwide problem. |
T366 |
277872-277985 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
The aim of this study was to review the resistance of MTB to the first-line antimycobacterial agents in our area. |
T367 |
278802-278881 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
Conclusions: (1) Multi-drug resistance is not an important problem in our area. |
T368 |
279764-280292 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
Though combined drug resistance rate may not be the most accurate tool as it includes previously treated cases which inflates the resistance rate, the observation of trends in the susceptibility of pulmonary tuberculosis in accompany with the increasing percentages of tuberculosis patients receiving complete treatment course and the decreasing percentages of cases lost of follow-up in Kaohsiung after the institution of new governmental regulations for case management in 1997 suggest the usefulness of intervention programs. |
T369 |
280293-280462 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
Lipid profile in patients with multidrug resistant pulmonary tuberculosis PS223 Extrapulmonary tuberculosis may sometimes present with confusing clinical manifestations. |
T370 |
281912-282170 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
Clinical data are in complete correlation with the findings of our experiments: 67% of experimental cultures developed resistance to streptomycin, isoniazid and less to rifampicin in the study of drug sensitivity under the effect of tobacco smoke condensate. |
T371 |
282629-282709 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
Thoracic actinomycosis may involve the lungs, pleura, mediastinum or chest wall. |
T372 |
283479-283520 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
Transbronchial biopsy was not conclusive. |
T373 |
283998-284265 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
a Laboratory of Clinical Microbiology, Sismanoglio General District Hospital of Attica, Athens, Greece , b 2nd Department of Pneumology, Sismanoglio General District Hospital of Attica, Athens, Greece Introduction: Achromobacter xylosoxidans is a rare human pathogen. |
T374 |
284376-284499 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
It has been recently recognized as an emerging microorganism in Cystic Fibrosis (CF), whose its pathogenic role is unknown. |
T375 |
285137-285262 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
(2) Colistin which is used as aerolized antibiotic for CF patients seems to be effective in the half of the isolated strains. |
T376 |
286686-286853 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
Alafosfalin shows potential as a treatment for cystic fibrosis patients colonised with P. aeruginosa and/or B. cepacia , when applied in combination with these agents. |
T377 |
287120-287230 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
However, it is accepted that identified based Á/based therapy is less expensive (and possibly more effective). |
T378 |
288238-288370 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
That is why we should include aetiology among the pneumonia severity criteria, especially at an 'after 3-day therapy' re-evaluation. |
T379 |
290062-290184 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
Conclusions: (1) The prevalence of high resistance S. pneumoniae to Penicillin seems to be low in examined strains (5.5%). |
T380 |
291458-291512 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
Regimen D (64 pts)0/an association of two antibiotics. |
T381 |
291776-291953 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
Our results confirm that oral antibiotic treatment is practical, safe, and effective, and can be considered as the first line regimen also in hospitalized patients with AE-COPD. |
T382 |
292542-292792 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
The aim of this ongoing placebo controlled, parallel group, mono center study trial is to evaluate beneficial effect of cefixim to reduce bacterial load and pulmonary inflammation in patients (n0/ 30) with acute bacterial exacerbation of severe COPD. |
T383 |
294370-294570 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
All the isolates were sent to a central Laboratory (Fundació n Jiménez Díaz, Madrid, Spain) where susceptibility test was performed by broth microdilution (Sensititre) following NCCLS recommendations. |
T384 |
295538-295621 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
Vladivostok State Medical University, Epidemiology, Vladivostok, Russian Federation |
T385 |
295622-295681 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
Purpose: The etiology of pneumonia is still partly unknown. |
T386 |
295682-295798 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
We should like to clear up an etiological role of respiratory pathogens in community-acquired pneumonia among youth. |
T387 |
295799-295982 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
And we had chosen for it a model of a closed community both investigation of etiology of disease and for further investigation of mechanisms of transmission drug-resistant mechanisms. |
T388 |
298364-298586 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
These findings suggest that nasopharyngeal isolates of Streptococcus pneumoniae from children with upper respiratory infections can be used to conduct surveillance for antimicrobial resistance in a defined geographic area. |
T389 |
298587-298698 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
We were able to conclude also that penicillin intermediate resistent strains can be susceptible to amoxicillin. |
T390 |
298755-298899 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
a Universidad Autonoma de Nuevo Leon, Infectologia, Monterrey, Mexico , b Instituto Nacional de Salud Publica, Epidemiologia, Cuernavaca, Mexico |
T391 |
298900-299081 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
The emergence of penicillin-and multidrug-resistant pneumococcal strains has become a global concern, necessitating the identification of the epidemiological spread of such strains. |
T392 |
301335-301532 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
While choosing the antibiotics, the patient's age, the accompanying diseases, the volume of the lungs lesion and complications which define pneumonia seriousness are to be taken into consideration. |
T393 |
302056-302405 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
This questionnaire assessed their perception and management of LRTI, the indication for antibiotics (AB) in a case of LRTI in a healthy adult with no focal signs and no signs of severity, knowledge of the micro-organisms responsible for acute bronchitis and knowledge of the AFSSAPS (French Agency for the Safety of Health Products) recommendations. |
T394 |
302745-302833 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
According to GPs, ALP and whooping cough are rare, while atypical pneumonia is frequent. |
T395 |
303018-303163 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
GPs consider that they often delay prescription of antibiotics (41%) and declare that they tend to prescribe a macrolide as first-line treatment. |
T396 |
303164-303339 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
Finally, GPs have a poor knowledge concerning the micro-organisms responsible for acute bronchitis and the majority of GPs declare to be familiar with AFSSAPS recommendations. |
T397 |
304468-304562 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
In view of the frequency of the signs, the diagnosis of pneumonia appears to be overestimated. |
T398 |
306011-306098 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
The identification of the causative factor did not seem to have any impact on survival. |
T399 |
306181-306357 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
The high mortality of this entity seems to be influenced by the immediate use of the appropriate antibiotic combination and not by the identification of the causative organism. |
T400 |
306358-306497 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
This underscores the need for knowledge of topical microbiology which helps in designing an effective empirical initial antibiotic regimen. |
T401 |
306885-307114 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
Patients, treatment and physicians characteristics of 195 cases (2000 Á/2001) were collected and possible associations were examined with using defined daily doses methodology (DDD) and American Thoracic Society (ATS) guidelines. |
T402 |
307373-307486 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
In MANOVA certain ATS categories were associated with DDD/day, but not with frequency of definite antibiotic use. |
T403 |
307664-307805 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
Antibiotic prescriptions were associated with disease severity and physician personality rather then with empirical choice rules recommended. |
T404 |
308224-308377 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
The aim of study was to reveal most frequent infecting agents and their susceptibility to the different types of penicillins in patients with AE of COPD. |
T405 |
309086-309178 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
However, 70% of microorganisms were susceptible to amoxicillin combined with clavulone acid. |
T406 |
310063-310155 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
However, treatment with 500 mg/day during 3 days was clinically effective in 93.7% of cases. |
T407 |
311790-311903 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
The higher cure rates in the bid group suggest a possible higher benefit from bid therapy in children 5/ 2 years. |
T408 |
311904-312123 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
Children attending family day-care (FDC) should be less exposed to upper respiratory tract infections than those in group day-care (GDC) and therefore to antibiotic treatment; fewer should thus carry resistant bacteria. |
T409 |
312124-312413 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
To test this hypothesis, NP carriage of SP and HI with reduced susceptibility to penicillin (PDSP and HI BL'/, respectively) was investigated among children in FDC (maximum three children) and in GDC (25 Á/100 children) in the Alpes Maritimes (France) between November 1999 and March 2000. |
T410 |
313220-313307 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
There was no correlation between antibiotic use and carriage of PDSP or HI B'/ strains. |
T411 |
313529-313654 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
However, the proportion of PDSP and HI BL'/ is similar in both groups and comparable patterns of antibiotic use are observed. |
T412 |
313655-313810 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
Continued efforts must concentrate on parental education and enforcement of recommendations for management of pediatric upper respiratory tract infections. |
T413 |
314797-314886 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
Invasive Hi infections in tunisian children's were always associated with type b strains. |
T414 |
314887-314953 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
Introduction of a Hib vaccine programme in Tunisia is recommended. |
T415 |
314954-315089 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
The aim of this study was to analyse the clinical picture and treatment of neurological manifestations of neuroborreliosis in children. |
T416 |
315775-315893 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
Improvement was achieved after the second course in the patient with radiculitis, however, muscular atrophy persisted. |
T417 |
315894-316016 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
Irreversible, unilateral deafness was found in a child with VIII nerve palsy in spite of three courses of therapy applied. |
T418 |
316585-316648 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
Immunological disbalance could trigger autoaggressive diseases. |
T419 |
316864-316967 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
The authors consider that cystic changes are a consequence of double infection by C. and M. pneumoniae. |
T420 |
318545-318806 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
A study on antibiotic susceptibility and resistance factor transmissibility among antibiotic resistant salmonellae isolated from children affected to diarrhea PS251 Sharifzadeh A. Azad University of Shahrekord, Microbiology, Shahrekord, Islamic Republic of Iran |
T421 |
318807-318940 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
In spite of happened drug resistance, antibacterial therapy still is the best route of treatment of Salmonellosis in man and animals. |
T422 |
320992-321068 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
However, other non A b-haemolytic Streptococcus (SBNA) could be responsible. |
T423 |
321069-321233 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
The aim of this work is to determine the part of each non A b hemolytic streptococci (SBNA) in acute pharyngitis and the related antibiotics susceptibility pattern. |
T424 |
322908-323072 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
According to available data, Penicillin G and Amoxicillin still the reference treatment of acute bacterial pharyngitis in spite of the new antibiotics introduction. |
T425 |
324460-324574 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
Ten days of a penicillin or amoxicillin therapy may not be the best therapeutic choice for all pediatric patients. |
T426 |
324575-324746 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
In developing countries where rheumatic fever is still an important problem to evaluate the bacterial eradication achieved with the different antibiotics may be important. |
T427 |
326364-326495 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
a School of Health, Trnava University, Trnava, Slovakia , b Postgraduate Academy of Medicine, Neonatal Clinic, Bratislava, Slovakia |
T428 |
326496-326652 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
The purpose of the study: The aim of the study was to find out, whether artificial abortion of a mother has impact on neonatal infection of her future baby. |
T429 |
327677-327823 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
The conclusion reached: In conclusion, artificial abortion has not only direct impact to the health of the mother, but also on her next pregnancy. |
T430 |
327934-328181 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
Children's Hospital of Orange County, Infectious Disease, Orange, USA Purpose: This study will identify the factors that significantly contribute to mortality in patients with bloodstream infections (BSI) at a pediatric intensive care unit (PICU). |
T431 |
328546-328794 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
Patients who died were older (5.7 vs. 2.4 years; PB/ 0.01), more likely to have a nosocomial BSI (42.9 vs. 16.7%; PB/ 0.05), longer hospitalization prior to BSI (30.5 vs. 9.8 days; PB/ 0.05), and have a polymicrobial BSI (66.7 vs. 30.6%; PB/ 0.05). |
T432 |
329173-329340 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
Conclusions: We found that being older, multiple organisms, and a longer hospitalization prior to the BSI were significantly associated with overall patient mortality. |
T433 |
331102-331219 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
Teicoplanin appears to be an effective and well-tolerated treatment for serious Gram-positive infections in children. |
T434 |
334370-334522 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
In three midecamycin treated patients MR was selected during the therapy (one strain had erm (A), one */mef (A), one */ unknown resistance determinant). |
T435 |
334523-334746 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
mef (A)-strain obtained during follow-up visit had different PFGE pattern with mef (A) strain isolated at baseline, while both the baseline and follow-up strains with unknown mechanism of resistance had unique PFGE pattern. |
T436 |
335881-335991 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
Because of the production of a potent beta-lactamase by the bacteria, this association could not be efficient. |
T437 |
337920-338067 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
Moreover, the hLF(1-11)-induced activation of mitochondria was inhibited by NAC, indicating that internal thiols/ROS affect mitochondrial activity. |
T438 |
338685-338980 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
Conclusion : Conclusion drawn from the audit was that rapid rise in Ciprofloxacin resistance may possibly be attributed to the use of this fluoroquinolone as a single agent in dose of 250/500 mg [cut off patient weight 40 Kg] twice a day in neutropenic patients till neutrophils exceed 500/ |
T439 |
339147-339220 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
A prospective audit is proposed to test the benefits of this combination. |
T440 |
339221-339378 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
Rhinocerebral zygomycosis: diagnostic dilemma for emergency physician: can the associated morbidity and mortality in this rare but deadly disease be reduced? |
T441 |
339410-339623 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
Western Infirmary, Clinical Microbiology, Glasgow, United Kingdom Rhinocerebral zygomycosis [RCZ] is a rare, invasive, rapidly progressive opportunistic infection caused by ubiquitous fungi of the order mucorales. |
T442 |
339828-340009 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
The key markers like necrotic patch on hard palate, nasal septum or turbinate, marked facial pain, and cellulites with marked eye and neurological signs may present late in disease. |
T443 |
340331-340452 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
Despite an intensive antifungal therapy with AmBisome and Insulin sliding scale, patient rapidly succumbed within 4 days. |
T444 |
340939-341172 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
Clinical audit in the haematology ward of a tertiary care hospital: study of degree of correlation between bacteraemia and oro-pharyngeal screens in immunocompromised patients over five years and role of antibiotic prophylaxis PS 267 |
T445 |
341173-341194 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
Guleri AS, Butcher I. |
T446 |
341555-341734 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
Objective : It was aimed to establish the degree of correlation between bacterial isolates in oro-pharyngeal screen during bacteraemia episodes and role of antibiotic prophylaxis. |
T447 |
341735-341924 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
Methods Purpose : To assess whether antiretroviral therapy (ART) intensification, GM-CSF use and Remune initiation before stopping ART lead to viremia containment, and long periods off ART. |
T448 |
344084-344374 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
Conclusions : (1) The possible interference of acetaminophen in the amoxicillin/ clavulanic acid (A/C) or erythromycin (ERY) efficacy in the treatment of acute otitis media (AOM), and its possible role in the evolution to otitis media with effusion (OME), were determined in a gerbil model. |
T449 |
345009-345178 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
Clinical and microbiological efficacy was correlated with antibiotic concentrations in middle ear exudate ]/1.7 times the MIC of the microorganism, for both antibiotics. |
T450 |
346742-346981 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
Animals receiving AP showed less polymorphonuclear cells and more bacteria in ME than those receiving only antibiotics, suggesting that the anti-inflamatory drug diminish the phagocytes and therefore, the efficiency in bacterial clearance. |
T451 |
348491-348875 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
Increasing prevalence of amoxycillin Á/clavulanate-resistance among E. coli strains in a Hungarian university hospital PM104 Veréb I, Vígh A, Urbán E, Hajdú E, Nagy E. Department of Clinical Microbiology, University of Szeged, Szeged, Hungary Background: Amoxicillin Á/clavulanate resistance (ACR) is an emerging problem in Escherichia coli as reported from different parts of Europe. |
T452 |
350188-350252 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
The presence of ESBL could be proved only in three ACR isolates. |
T453 |
351079-351208 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
No drug related side effects have been reported in CEF and side effects were experienced by 5.40% of the patients receiving CFIX. |
T454 |
351515-351742 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
In conclusion, the results of this study indicate that CEF course is more effective than CFIX in producing a favourable clinical outcome and achieving higher bacteriologic eradication rate, furthermore CEF was better tolerated. |
T455 |
352700-352814 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
There was a significant correlation between plasma and gall bladder tissue concentration (r0/0.771, P0/ B/0.0001). |
T456 |
352815-352899 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
A correlation between bile fluid and plasma cefepime concentration was not observed. |
T457 |
352900-353135 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
The minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) data from previous in vitro studies indicate that the cefepime concentration observed in plasma bile and tissue samples of this study would be adequate against typical biliary tract pathogens. |
T458 |
353298-353524 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
There was also good correlation between delta time and plasma and tissue concentrations and if the dose were given closer to the time of surgery, cefepime concentration would be higher reducing the possibility of an infection. |
T459 |
353525-353652 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
Objectives: The use of antibiotics may lead to decreased colonization resistance and increased formation of resistant bacteria. |
T460 |
354732-354841 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
Conclusions: According to our results the TRBL can maintain the large intestinal microflora almost unchanged. |
T461 |
354842-355001 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
These results indicate that TRBL is a promising novel approach for overcoming the ecological adverse effects on gut flora caused by b-lactam antibiotic agents. |
T462 |
355002-355164 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
Adamis Since broad-spectrum â-lactams combined with amikacin are often applied for nosocomial infections, their pharmacokinetic interactions might be interesting. |
T463 |
356526-356733 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
School of Biological Sciences, University of Wales, Bangor, UK b-Lactam antibiotics are peptide mimetics that act as suicide substrates for transpeptidase enzymes that cross link bacterial cellwall peptides. |
T464 |
357350-357593 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
However, a significant difference in a critical backbone torsion between the two substrates, provides an explanation for the inability of the enzyme Á/antibiotic complex to undergo the deacylation step that causes inhibition of transpeptidase. |
T465 |
357594-357826 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
On the other hand, b-lactamases appear to have evolved molecular mechanisms that facilitate the deacylation reaction through compensating for the altered structural orientations in b-lactams caused by the different backbone torsion. |
T466 |
357827-358053 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
Finally, analysis of the conformer repertoires of blactams for structural features required for substrate uptake by peptide transporters, provides insights into how their structures can be tailored for optimal oral absorption. |
T467 |
358054-358340 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
Antimicrobial susceptibility of Proteus mirabilis clinical isolates producing extended spectrum beta-lactamases (ESBLs) PM111 Objectives: The aim of the present study was to determine in vitro susceptibility to antimicrobials of Proteus mirabilis isolated from urinary tract infections. |
T468 |
360252-360372 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
Conclusion reached: Comsumption of imipenem might lead to changes in resistance to imipenem among Acinetobacter strains. |
T469 |
361712-361805 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
The DDT seems to be a practical method for ESBL-screening; ATB-BLSE method is more sensitive. |
T470 |
361903-361971 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
Carbapenems seems to be the most active agents against A. baumanii . |
T471 |
365079-365233 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
It seems important to improve information of patients about LB and to focus on alcohol and psychiatric/depressive disorders management in such population. |
T472 |
365315-365462 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
a Department of Environmental Medicine and Infectious Disease, Kyushu University, Fukuoka, Japan , b National Kyushu Medical Center, Fukuoka, Japan |
T473 |
365463-365638 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
The purpose of the study: The aim of this prospective study was to explore the effect of HTLV-I co-infection on the development of HCC among patients with chronic HCV viremia. |
T474 |
367572-367695 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
Interestingly, patients with genotype C who became HBeAg negative by interferon treatment had high ALT abnormality (58.8%). |
T475 |
367759-367948 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
These findings indicate that HBV genotype C patients are more severe liver deterioration because of the delay of HBeAg disappearance and continued HBV replication after HBeAg disappearance. |
T476 |
369193-369389 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
It was shown that Glu-HA and Glu-II can protect or substantially prevent the decrease in NK cell activity and IFNs synthesis in post-stress period (so normally did not induce the IFNs' synthesis). |
T477 |
369492-369681 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
The immunomodulating activity and ability to normalize the IFN synthesis and NK cell activity depressed the post-stress period and probably play an essential role in the antiviral activity. |
T478 |
370758-370945 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
The aim of this study is to investigate the influence of molecular structure of macrocyclic pyridinophanes and their analogs on antiinfluenza and antiherpetic activity of these compounds. |
T479 |
373054-373193 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
Application of E-ACA for treatment influenza and other ARVI in children is recommended in Ukraine on the base of results of our researches. |
T480 |
373499-373756 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
We should we treat immediately all varicella patients with acyclovir if the patient is older than 20 years PM123 During past 2 years in Institute for Infectious and Tropical Diseases in Belgrade, 89 immunocompetent varicella patients were treated and cured. |
T481 |
374064-374115 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
At that time there is no need for specific therapy. |
T482 |
374116-374243 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
But in neonates, immunocompetent adults and in all immunocompromised patients it can be difficult and life-threatening disease. |
T483 |
374339-374575 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
Knowing the pathophysiology of primary varicella Á/zoster infection, specific therapy with acyclovir should be started immediately after making the diagnosis in patients older than 20 years, without waiting for X-ray proof of pneumonia. |
T484 |
375699-375827 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
Potentially treatment-related adverse events occurred in 7.7% of the brivudin recipients and in 10% of the acyclovir recipients. |
T485 |
377174-377302 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
These data show that the selectivity of ACV against resistant HSV 1 strains can increase when ACV is bond to a proper metal ion. |
T486 |
378953-379105 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
The purpose of the study: The aim of this presentation is to give an overview of recent studies demonstrating denotivir efficacy in herpetic infections. |
T487 |
379635-379809 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
There was no huge difference in eythema and oedema scorings between studied groups, however in the group treated with denotivir, in contrast to others, no vesicles developed. |
T488 |
380268-380331 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
In the first step, each cow was located on one of three groups. |
T489 |
381149-381365 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
Laboratory markers of skeletal muscle toxicity in HIV-infected patients: a cross-sectional case-control survey of frequency, potential correlation with antiretroviral therapy, clinical significance, and outcome PM130 |
T490 |
381366-381424 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
Manfredi R, Motta R, Patrono D, Calza L, Chiodo F, Boni P. |
T491 |
381425-381725 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
To assess skeletal muscle toxicity among Â/1000 HIV-infected outpatients (p), the 129 p who had ]/1 altered CPK assay ( !/195 U/l) between May and November 2001, were compared with 387 p randomly selected among those who had ]/2 laboratory exams in this 6-month interval, in a 1:3 case-control study. |
T492 |
382932-382983 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
mitochondrial) alterations, deserves investigation. |
T493 |
382984-383176 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
Poor efficacy of non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor (NNRTI)based salvage HAART in HIV-infected patients heavily pre-treated with all other classes of antiretroviral compounds PM131 |
T494 |
383177-383266 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
Manfredi R, Calza L, Chiodo F. Infectious Diseases, University of Bologna, Bologna, Italy |
T495 |
383267-383392 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
Poorly comparable literature series show conflicting results of NNRTI-based rescue HAART: 20 Á/70% rate of virologic success. |
T496 |
384118-384538 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
In a multivariate analysis, the concurrent introduction of novel PI(s) (32 p) and/or different NA(s) (19 p) acted favorably until the 9th month of follow-up (P B/0.04), while genotypic mutations conferring NNRTI cross-resistance, usually associated with a broad resistance profile, predicted failure in all p (P B/0.001), and the response did not vary according to duration and type of prior therapy, and selected NNRTI. |
T497 |
384539-384705 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
A deep salvage NNRTIbased HAART has a poor and transient virologic outcome also in NNRTI-naïve p, while a more evident and sustained immunologic response is expected. |
T498 |
384706-384818 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
P who can introduce novel PI/NA and have no mutations impairing NNRTI activity are entitled to a better outcome. |
T499 |
384819-384958 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
Fatal lactic acidosis without elevation of liver-enzymes during the treatment with stavudine, didanosine and efavirenz: a case report PM132 |
T500 |
384959-385264 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
Winzer R, Langmann P, Väth T, Zilly M, Klinker H. Medizinische Poliklinik der Universität Würzburg, Schwerpunkt Hepatologie/Infektiologie, ürzburg, Germany Nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors (NRTIs) cause various side effects, many of which are thought to be due to their effects on mitochondria. |
T501 |
385265-385779 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
A 36-year-old HIV positive (HIV RNA: 6000 copies/ml, CD4 cell count: 359/ml), obese (body-mass-index: 40.9), therapy-naïve female patient, who after 7 months of well tolerated and effective antiretroviral therapy (stavudine, didanosine, efavirenz), had slight gastrointestinal discomfort and suddenly developed a lactic acidosis (arterial-pH 7.03 [7.36 Á/7.44 She died 4 days later despite intensive care (continuous venovenous haemodiafiltration, sodium-bicarbonate infusion, high doses of vitamins, respiration). |
T502 |
385780-386026 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
The pathologic examination showed an enlarged liver (2370 g) with yellowish appearance and pasty consistency, which microscopically appeared as a massive macro-and microvesicular fatty degeneration, and only slight signs of terminal pancreatitis. |
T503 |
386027-386191 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
This reported case gives evidence that a massive lactate acidosis may develop without previously disarranged laboratory parameters for liver or pancreatic function. |
T504 |
386192-386258 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
A fatal outcome may evolve without further accompanying-illnesses. |
T505 |
386259-386745 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
Efficacy and tolerability of atorvastatin in the treatment of hypercholesterolemia in HIV-infected patients receiving HAART PM133 Calza L, Manfredi R, Chiodo F. Division of Infectious Diseases, University of Bologna, Bologna, Italy Introduction: Significant increases in plasma triglyceride and cholesterol levels have been reported in patients treated with HAART, and prolonged metabolic imbalances could significantly act on the longterm prognosis and outcome of HIV-infected persons. |
T506 |
387496-387637 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
Mild gastroenteric symptoms were found in only one of the 13 treated patients, while no skeletal muscle and liver toxicity has been observed. |
T507 |
387638-387865 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
Discussion: In our study, pharmacological treatment with atorvastatin proved certainly effective in the management of diet-resistant hypercholesterolemia, and was associated with a favourable tolerability and adherence profile. |
T508 |
388730-388896 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
These results suggested that the population of the major clones may be affected when HIV-1 RNA levels reduce following combination regimens of antiretroviral therapy. |
T509 |
390430-390609 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
A suboptimal HAART including the less effective but better tolerated Shg may be effective for !/1 year, especially when novel NA are introduced, and specific mutations are absent. |
T510 |
390610-390724 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
Despite a lower potency, drugs with a good safety and compliance profile may be recovered for simplified regimens. |
T511 |
393317-393545 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
An HAART efavirenzbased regimen can result highly hepatotoxic when given in presence of a hepatosteatosis, of a recent hepatotoxicity caused by a nonantiretroviral treatment and of a previous idiosyncratic reaction to efavirenz. |
T512 |
394064-394160 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
The general status of patients has been evaluated by both subjective and objective surveillance. |
T513 |
394868-395222 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
Pfizer Global Research and Development, Department of Discovery Biology, Sandwich, UK Purpose: The present study was designed to determine whether the activity of voriconazole (VOR), a novel triazole, was reduced against candidal and cryptococcal infections by the addition of standard antifungal agents, amphotericin B (AMB) and 5-fluorocytosine (5-FC). |
T514 |
395414-395547 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
The results indicate that the efficacy of VOR against Candida albicans and C. neoformans was not antagonised by AMB or 5-FC in vitro. |
T515 |
395977-396235 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
Conclusion: These results suggest that VOR may be used in combination with standard antifungal agents, and future studies to elucidate the clinical potential of VOR combination therapies in the management of Candida and Cryptococcus infections are warranted. |
T516 |
398286-398399 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
However, non-albicans species, C. glabrata (23.3%), C. tropicalis (20%) and C. krusei (13.3%) were also isolated. |
T517 |
398506-398542 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
CMA could not identify C. glabrata . |
T518 |
398543-398605 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
BIGGY agar could not adequately differentiate Candida species. |
T519 |
398676-398805 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
E -test on Sabouraud dextrose agar (SDA) is simple method for MICs determination and could detect S-DD strains in case of azoles. |
T520 |
401689-401697 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
Results: |
T521 |
401698-401938 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
The results indicate that the potency of VOR was not antagonised by AMB or 5-FC in vivo; indeed, at lower concentrations of VOR, significant improvements in reducing fungal burden in both in vivo models were achieved by the addition of AMB. |
T522 |
402063-402311 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
Conclusion: These results from in vitro and in vivo models of aspergillosis suggest that VOR may be used in combination with standard antifungal agents and, therefore, justify further examinations of VOR combination therapies in a clinical setting. |
T523 |
404835-404921 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
These enzymes may contribute to the pathogenesis of this new emerging Candida species. |
T524 |
405370-405451 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
However, only limited data are available on the susceptibility of Rhodotorula sp. |
T525 |
406187-406437 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
All strains were resistant to fluconazole (CMI!/64 mg/ml) and itraconazole (CMI!/1 mg/ml), and 29 out of 30 were resistant to miconazole, suggesting that antifungal therapy must be adapted when Rhodotorula yeasts are implicated in invasive infection. |
T526 |
406781-407091 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
a Department of Microbiology, Mycology Reference Laboratory, Medical School, University of Athens, Athens, Greece , b Biology Department, Section Ecology and Systematics, University of Athens, Athens, Greece Aspergillosis in high risk groups of patients is still associated with high mortality rate (30 Á/90%). |
T527 |
408022-408143 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
Standardization of susceptibility testing would offer reliable assistance in selecting and monitoring antifungal therapy. |
T528 |
408314-408494 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
Because some of these species have potential resistance to antifungal agents, rapid presumptive species level identification is crucial in allowing for directed antifungal therapy. |
T529 |
409551-409717 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
Because the serodiagnosis of syphilis has significant limitations, the direct detection of T. pallidum in suspect blood may serve as an alternate diagnostic strategy. |
T530 |
410169-410257 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
A complex of serological tests: FTA-abs and TIT was used as the &rdqup; gold standard''. |
T531 |
410459-410642 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
In conclusion, the preliminary results of PCR in whole blood in syphilis detection revealed its high sensitivity and specificity; possibility to obtain rapid results in unclear cases. |
T532 |
410643-410758 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
Chlamydia pneumoniae (Cp) is an atypical pathogen whit intracellular location, whose eradication is very difficult. |
T533 |
410759-410979 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
In the past years it has been objects of many studies that lead to the demonstration of a relationship between its presence and the development of widespread multifactorial pathologies such as atherosclerosis and asthma. |
T534 |
410980-411060 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
The lack of its eradication can become an important clinical and social problem. |
T535 |
411537-411765 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
a peptide that can inhibit the proliferation and induce apoptosis in vitro inhibiting NF-kB, uninfected cells proliferation decreased of 35% in comparison whit the controls, while the one of infected decreased only of about 15%. |
T536 |
411969-412075 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
In conclusion, Cp could delay its elimination from the host inhibiting the apoptosis via NF-kB activation. |
T537 |
412076-412311 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
Hryniewiecki T a , Gzyl A b , Rawczynska-Englert I a , a Department of Acquired Valvular Heart Disease, National Institute of Cardiology, Warsaw, Poland , b Department of Sera and Vaccines, National Institute of Hygiene, Warsaw, Poland |
T538 |
412312-412501 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
Infective endocarditis (IE) frequently causes problems in diagnosis, especially where blood cultures are negative and with fungal etiology (also as a fungal superinfection in bacterial IE). |
T539 |
413564-413680 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
The method may be valuable in the identification of fungal superinfection of bacterial IE or diagnosis of fungal IE. |
T540 |
413681-414073 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
Rivanera D, Lilli D, Lozzi MA, Piunno M, Mancini C. Microbiology, Science and Public Health, Rome, Italy Aim: The aim of this study was to evaluate the EIA method for detection of antibody to TTV virus (TTV) and to investigate the anti-TT virus prevalence in patients with hepatitis B (HBV) virus, hepatitis C (HCV) virus, in group of 'high risk'subjects to hepatitis and in healthy subjects. |
T541 |
414498-414688 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
Conclusions: The anti-TTV were detected in all groups studied, however, its positive rate was similar in patients with hepatitis B Á/C and in 'high risk' hepatitis respect to heathly people. |
T542 |
414825-414950 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
The positivity found in healthy adults included in our studies suggests that the virus might be transmitted non-parenterally. |
T543 |
414951-415054 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
The study of pattern of antibody to TTV may be an infectious marker of TTV similar to that of anti-HCV. |
T544 |
416525-416829 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
If further studies on additional Brucella isolates and strains from different geographical sources confirm the unique biochemical profiles identified here, it may be worthwhile to incorporate these into the database where they would be of considerable assistance in areas where brucellosis is widespread. |
T545 |
418164-418388 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
Conclusion reached: This suggested that the recombinant protein and its antibody may be useful for serodiagnosis in patients with AO or IA, and the protein may represent a good cell surface target for host humoral immunitiy. |
T546 |
418960-419058 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
Only one of these isolates was shown to carry sul1 and is thus probably also carrying an integron. |
T547 |
420783-420997 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
In 2000, serological tests were in favour of Echinococcus sp infection and the pathologist described a parasitic wall suggesting hydatidosis, but specific PCR from histological samples prompted the diagnosis of AE. |
T548 |
421348-421431 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
Antibiotic resistance in foodborne Salmonella is an emerging public health concern. |
T549 |
421568-421814 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
The purpose of the present study was to investigate the presence of class I integrons in resistant isolates of several serotypes of Salmonella isolated from poultry products and to determine their association with multidrug-resistance phenotypes. |
T550 |
422379-422571 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
Our findings suggest that the uncontrolled use of the antimicrobial agents in food animals may have contributed to the development of the pattern of resistance observed in Salmonella isolates. |
T551 |
422572-422766 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
Also the presence of integrons in low prevalent human Salmonella serotypes but associated with food animals underscores the public health problem of antibiotic resistance acquisition and spread. |
T552 |
424293-424421 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
The enzyme preceding DHPS in this pathway, PPPK (dihydropterin pyrophosphokinase), is another interesting candidate drug target. |
T553 |
424495-424624 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
Earlier studies have suggested that PPPK and DHPS enzymes need to have physical contact with each other for full enzyme activity. |
T554 |
424625-424699 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
Studies of potential interactions between the enzymes have been initiated. |
T555 |
424815-425014 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
To confirm these results, we are currently developing a method to study substrate channeling, as interfering with such interactions could lead to impaired growth and thus be used as inhibitory drugs. |
T556 |
425172-425315 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
Comparisons revealed some isolates with a mosaic structure in the operon, suggesting that horizontal transfer of genetic material has occurred. |
T557 |
426616-426759 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
However, after transposing a Tn916-related determinant into UW786, determinants became mobilizable with the help of the conjugative transposon. |
T558 |
427001-427128 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
Conclusion: Resistance genes in E. faecium could be arranged in a cluster and are mobile via mobilizable/transferable plasmids. |
T559 |
427129-427477 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
Lilli D, Rivanera D, Barbacini IG, Lozzi MA, Mancini C. Department of Science and Public Health, University La Sapienza, Microbiology, Rome, Italy Aim: Hepatitis G virus (HGV), a new RNA virus that is parenterally trasmitted has frequentley been found in patients with chronic hepatitis C infection but its role in chronic liver desease is unknown. |
T560 |
427478-427579 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of HGV infection in patients infected with HCV. |
T561 |
428331-428482 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
This association with HCV genotype 3a was indipendent of the source of infection, infact some of our patients have not history of intravenous drug use. |
T562 |
429640-429724 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
Isoelectric focusing was performed as a preliminary step in enzyme characterization. |
T563 |
432432-432621 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
Thirty thousand two hundred and ninety-eight single measurements testing 42 antibiotics on 352 staphylococci and 113 Enterobacteriaceae were done according to the DIN 58940 recommendations. |
T564 |
435073-435240 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
Method: Agar diffusion technique as recommended by DIN 58940 was used to determine IZS (read using AURA and manually) for 178 Staphylococci and 22 Enterobacteriaceae . |
T565 |
436244-436358 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
The use of screening agar plate with 8 mg/ml of metronidazole to detect possible resistance could be the solution. |
T566 |
437320-437453 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
Results: Consistent results of two methods (DDST and DD) were obtained in the case of 166 from among 260 of examined strains (60.4%). |
T567 |
437454-437600 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
Consistent results concerned 161 out of 222 strains of enteric rods (72.5%) and only five from among 38 other strains (mostly nonfermenting rods). |
T568 |
437754-437860 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
Diagnostic disc test should be used as the basic one or to confirm the results of DDST in difficult cases. |
T569 |
438200-438316 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
An alternative method could be the E -test, which is compared with the reference agar dilution method in this study. |
T570 |
439150-439436 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
The first one was incubated under microaerophilic conditions (Oxoid) for 3 days; second and third series were incubated anaerobically (anaerobic system, Oxoid) for 8 and 18 h, respectively, and were then transferred to the microaerophilic enviroment up to complete 3 days of incubation. |
T571 |
442263-442332 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
Certain persons having AAD should be treated with anti-fungal agents. |
T572 |
442756-442862 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
This means that the proportion of erythromycin non-susceptible strains should increase from 35.1 to 62.9%. |
T573 |
442863-443050 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
At the same time, if erythromycin eliminate all susceptible strains to this antibiotic, the prevalence of penicillin non-susceptible strains would increase from the initial 33.2 to 59.4%. |
T574 |
443051-443142 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
These data can explain the co-selection results observed in different surveillance studies. |
T575 |
446007-446181 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
Conclusions: Although the antimicrobial susceptibility level has been decreasing P. aeruginosa isolates still show good susceptibility percentages for all antibiotics tested. |
T576 |
447765-447957 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
In addition, the good in-vitro potency of rifampicin, together with its great diffusion within the respiratory tract, suggests that rifampicin has potential clinical efficacy in pertussis too. |
T577 |
447958-448133 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
The emergence of Streptococcus pneumoniae (Sp) with diminished susceptibility to penicillin G (PSDP) suggests the use of other antibiotics such as newer fluoroquinolones (FQ). |
T578 |
448658-448793 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
Methods used were performed according to the recommendations of the Comité de l'Antibiogramme de la Société Française de Microbiologie. |
T579 |
448966-449045 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
FQ resistance phenotypes were not correlated to blactam agent susceptibilities. |
T580 |
449358-449586 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
The aim of this study was to determine macrolide resistance phenotypes of SP isolated in three French departments (Alpes Maritimes, Doubs, Nord) from nasopharyngeal aspirates of children aged 3 months to 3 years attending a DCC. |
T581 |
452033-452114 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
Local resistance rates should be taken into account in test and treat strategies. |
T582 |
452807-452936 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
Our studies indicate that this mutation is, at least in part, responsible for the observed chloramphenicol sensitivity phenotype. |
T583 |
452937-453079 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
The mutation seems also to influence the strain's susceptibility to ampicillin and tetA (C )-mediated (plasmid-borne) tetracycline resistance. |
T584 |
453080-453255 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
Although the TetA(C) protein retained its biological function, there was a considerable growth impairment of the mutant strain when cultured in tetracycline containing medium. |
T585 |
453925-454070 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
The capacity of bacterial cells to cause outward flow of noxious agents was known, however, for a considerable time with respect to tetracycline. |
T586 |
454244-454426 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
We have found high level of resistance in pseudomonads towards cetrimide and other germicides for which no definite chromosomal/plasmid-mediated genes/mechanisms could be identified. |
T587 |
454427-454709 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
Likewise, occurrence of nonantibiotic sensitive vibrios, staphylococci and pseudomonads in the background of their high level of resistance to most of the common antibiotics suggest a mechanism of interference with the efflux pump, which accounts for such sensitivity in such cases. |
T588 |
454710-455046 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
Involvement of multiple resistance of marine isolates of V. parahaemolyticus to numerous clinically used antibiotics to which they have never been exposed also suggests a possible role of efflux pumps in determining such resistance */that these can simultaneously develop against multiple marine toxins/poisons and other noxious agents. |
T589 |
456614-456807 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
We concluded that combination of glycopeptides and oxacillin may be a possible alternative in the treatment of infections caused by methicillin-resistant, teicoplanin-resistant S. epidermidis . |
T590 |
456808-457024 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
Compositional changes in microcosm biofilms induced by application of minocycline: a preliminary study PM188 The aim of the study was to observe the effect of application of minocycline upon microcosm dental plaques. |
T591 |
457610-457809 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
However, 24 h after introduction of the antibiotic, the total count had been reduced to 1.02)/10 9 CFU/biofilm whilst the number of minocycline-resistant bacteria had risen to 1.23)/10 6 CFU/biofilm. |
T592 |
460689-460865 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
How is expected gramnegative rods resistance to b-lactams with a b-L-I is lower than the b-lactam alone; furthermore the difference between both series, grows higher with time. |
T593 |
462651-462765 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
However, the most important tools we have today are prevention and antimicrobials, and we must make them suitable. |
T594 |
463852-464043 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
The obtained results suggest that strains isolated from raw drinking water have greater susceptibility to antimicrobial agents than pathogenic strains from hospital or outpatients infections. |
T595 |
464044-464207 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
The 'natural' antimicrobial resistance phenotypes, usually described for C. freundii and E. cloacae , only seem to apply to strains isolated from human infections. |
T596 |
464593-464786 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
a Department of Microbiology, Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Oporto, Oporto, Portugal , b Department of Zoology and Anthropology, Faculty of Sciences, University of Oporto, Oporto, Portugal |
T597 |
464787-465010 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
It is well known that pathogenic bacteria, specially those resistant to antimicrobial agents and heavy metals poses public health risks of great concern, and its detection, namely in soils is generally related to pollution. |
T598 |
465365-465477 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
Parallelly, using ICP-AES, it was possible to ascertain the real heavy metal concentration for each soil sample. |
T599 |
465478-465635 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
We found that the percentage of plate growth covering from the used samples was closely linked to the level of chemical pollution measured for each location. |
T600 |
465879-466083 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
Furthermore, it was possible to observe that Pseudomonas spp., with a relatively high MIC for the studied metals, might become a relevant model for both public health issues and eco-toxicological studies. |
T601 |
467637-467761 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
Conclusion: We can conclude that L. monocytogenes serotype 4b at least in fermentation of lactose shows different reactions. |
T602 |
469134-469264 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
Of concern is the presence of vanA genotype among these populations that may constitute a reservoir of vancomycin resistant genes. |
T603 |
469265-469418 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
Antimicrobial resistance in tetracycline-resistant oral bacteria PM196 Mercury release from dental amalgam may select for mercuryresistant oral bacteria. |
T604 |
469419-469495 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
Mercury resistance is often associated with multiple antibiotic resistances. |
T605 |
469496-469696 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
The aims of this study were to determine whether tetracycline-resistant oral bacteria from children with and without amalgam fillings were also resistant to: (a) mercury; and (b) multiple antibiotics. |
T606 |
472141-472371 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
The conclusion reached: The results of the study have revealed that bacteria resistant to a wide range of antibiotics may be isolated from children who have not been administered these agents during the 3 months prior to sampling. |
T607 |
476043-476107 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
This is in agreement with a clinical study performed previously. |
T608 |
478697-478806 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
The relationship between effect and concentration at the effect site was best described by a spline function. |
T609 |
479091-479259 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
Conclusion: The delay observed between plasma concentrations and norfloxacin convulsant effect cannot be explained by a slow distribution of norfloxacin across the BBB. |
T610 |
480819-481020 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
University of Bonn, Pharmaceutical Microbiology, Bonn, Germany Purpose: The intravenous form (IV) of 400 mg Moxifloxacin (MOX), one of the newer fluoroquinolones, has been recently approved by the FDA. |
T611 |
481462-481610 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
Results: The comparison of the pharmacological parameter AUC/ MIC shows an increase ( Table 1 ) that could predict an enhanced antibacterial effect. |
T612 |
481611-481836 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
However, the analysis of the killing curves with the following parameters, ka.max (maximal killing activity) and AAC (area above the killing curve between 0 and 24 h), reveals no major difference between the PO and IV dosage. |
T613 |
481837-482067 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
Conclusion: The serum concentration after oral administration is already sufficiently high to show the optimal bactericidal effect of MOX that can only be slightly increased by higher peak concentrations and higher AUC/MIC ratios. |
T614 |
482068-482267 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
Thus the concentration dependence is not linear but ends already at concentrations achievable by oral dosing and documents that AUC/MIC calculations cannot easily be translated into dosing schedules. |
T615 |
482347-482479 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
Whether the bactericidal activity of quinolones may be affected by an increase in generation time (g) was studied in batch cultures. |
T616 |
484713-484804 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
However, the analysis of the killing curves reveals no major difference between OD and BID. |
T617 |
485669-485788 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
Results: The absorption of amoxicillin (AUC 0-inf ) showed a linear dependence with a correlation coefficient of 0.975. |
T618 |
485789-485895 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
The correlation coefficient of the linear regression for the Cmax dependence on the actual dose was 0.909. |
T619 |
485896-486117 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
The respective TMIC for both dosage regimens were very similar, with largely overlapping confidence intervals, supporting a PD breakpoint of 2 mg/l for the 1 g 12-hourly regimen (TMIC ]/2 mg/l: 42.8%, 95% CI 38.6, 46.9%). |
T620 |
486118-486301 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
Conclusion: This analysis shows the dose proportionality of amoxicillin over the dosage range of 250 Á/1000 mg and supports the pharmacodynamic rationale for a 1 g bid dosage regimen. |
T621 |
486775-487042 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
But, due to important bacterial inoculum and pharmacokinetic parameter modifications in intensive care patients, high doses of beta-lactamines seem to be necessary to obtain antibiotic concentrations above suspected bacteria's MIC (Minimal Inhibitory Concentration) . |
T622 |
487524-487671 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
Concerning P seric concentrations, the high dose pattern seems to be more adapted because of relatively high residual concentrations ( !/20 mg/ml). |
T623 |
487776-487913 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
First and second day residual bronchial concentrations of P seem to be sufficient although T concentrations are below activity threshold. |
T624 |
487914-488136 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
These results are to be correlated with the MIC determined by the bacteriological department, and only this correlation will make us able to conclude the better efficacy of the high dose pattern in intensive care patients. |
T625 |
488305-488510 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
a University of Sorocaba, Pharmacology, Sorocaba, Brazil , b School of Pharmacy, University of Sorocaba, Sorocaba, Brazil Antibiotics and anti-inflammatories are frequently associated in clinical practice. |
T626 |
488511-488666 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
There is some concern about the quantity of antibiotic that reaches the infection sites, which may be reduced in the presence of an anti-inflammatory drug. |
T627 |
488667-488844 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
The purpose of the present study was to analyse how steroids (dexamethasone (DEXA)) and AINES (celecoxib (CELE)) influence on the penetration of amoxicillin to inflamed tissues. |
T628 |
489707-489854 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
The results indicated that in inflamed tissue, a significant reduction of antibiotic penetration was induced by sinultaneous dexamethasone therapy. |
T629 |
489855-490235 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
Prediction of the optimal amoxicillin dose regimen based on coupling of pharmacokinetic data and bactericidal activity PM209 Background: Given its short half-life, amoxicillin (AMX) should be administered at least three times a day to patients with acute exacerbations of chronic bronchitis, in order to achieve serum concentrations well above the MIC of the responsible pathogen. |
T630 |
490236-490343 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
However, several authors have recommended twice-daily administration of a higher dose for a shorter period. |
T631 |
490344-490490 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
We assessed the relationship between AMX sputum concentrations and antibacterial activity following two treatment schedules in healthy volunteers. |
T632 |
491357-491478 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
Conclusion: The optimal amoxicillin treatment schedule cannot be established on the basis of serum pharmacokinetics only. |
T633 |
491934-492068 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
We conducted an in vitro and ex-vivo compatibility study designed to detect a possible interaction between mucolytics and antibiotics. |
T634 |
492512-492595 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
Results: Amoxicillin could not be detected in the presence of the mucolytic agents. |
T635 |
492596-492795 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
Conclusions: This mucolytic Á/amoxicillin interaction may be explained by amoxicillin fixation to fluidified mucoproteins, and should be taken into account when assessing antibiotic efficacy in vivo. |
T636 |
492844-492952 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
a University of Sorocaba, Pharmacology, Sorocaba, Brazil , b Uniso, School of Pharmacology, Sorocaba, Brazil |
T637 |
492953-493072 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
Physicians frequently recommend that macrolides should be administered with milk to decrease the discomfort they cause. |
T638 |
496111-496390 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
Excessive splenic platelet pooling has been suggested to play a role in uncomplicated cases of malaria, but a moderately shortened platelet life span during the period with decreasing parasitaemia seems the most plausible cause of the frequently observed thrombocytopenia (2, 3). |
T639 |
496391-496516 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
Consumption coagulopathy, eventually manifested as disseminated intravascular coagulation, has been described in malaria (4). |
T640 |
496517-496610 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
In uncomplicated malaria, however disseminated intravascular coagulation is rarely found (3). |
T641 |
496789-496856 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
In one patient with P. vivax malaria Platelet half live was 59.5 h. |
T642 |
496857-497026 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
Conclusion: No significant differences in the sequestration of platelets when compared to healthy individuals could be detected by 111 In-labelled platelet scintigraphy. |
T643 |
497027-497136 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
Especially, no enhanced splenic sequestration, as previously expected, was the cause of the thrombocytopenia. |
T644 |
499944-500016 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
The ICU was reopened, however, MR-Ab was isolated from a fourth patient. |
T645 |
500981-501035 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
but may be presented in other Enterobacteriaceae, too. |
T646 |
501036-501201 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
The aim of present study was to investigate the occurrence of ESBL-producing bacteria isolated from patients hospitalized at the neonatal Intensive Care Units (ICU). |
T647 |
502546-502645 |
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Material and method: The wound swabs have been evaluated with standards microbiological techniques. |
T648 |
502722-502829 |
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The susceptibility testing has been performed with strips with dilution technique, read by the same system. |
T649 |
502830-502973 |
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Results: During the last 5 years (01 01 1997 Á/25 02 2002), a total of 1978 wound swabs have been evaluated in the Military Hospital in Skopje. |
T650 |
502974-503416 |
Epistemic_statement |
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Positive bacterial finding have been determined in 1345 (68%) swabs with 1575 isolated bacterial species, from which 587 (37.3) were staphylococci: Staphylococcus aureus 460 (29.2%) isolations (173 methycillin resistant S. aureus ); S. epidermidis 79 (5.0%); S. haemolyticus 21 (1.3%); S. hominis 11 (0.7%); S. chromogenes and S. lugdunensis nine (0.6%); S. intermedius , S. lentus , S. sciuri and S. warneri all with seven (0.4%) isolations. |
T651 |
505094-505379 |
Epistemic_statement |
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Although the monitoring of MRSA susceptibility to antimicrobials once a year did not show any important change in antimicrobial resistance, the periodical monitoring of MRSA susceptibility to antimicrobials and revaluation of current treatment regimens of MRSA infections is necessary. |
T652 |
505380-505603 |
Epistemic_statement |
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Staphylococcus aureus strains with reduced susceptibility to vancomycin among clinical isolates in University hospital in Warsaw PM219 The VISA and especially h-VISA are very difficult to be found in the routine laboratory. |
T653 |
506054-506129 |
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In the aim of founding the h-VISA strains the population analysis was used. |
T654 |
506812-506935 |
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The aim of this study was to evaluate the in vitro activity of vancomycin, teicoplanin and oxacillin against staphylococci. |
T655 |
507846-507910 |
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Staphylococcal infections are a major problem in many hospitals. |
T656 |
509026-509108 |
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The MIC was determined by agar double-dilution method as recommended by the NCCLS. |
T657 |
509370-509529 |
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The drug of choice in treatment of serious infections caused by MRSA was still vancomycin, however sometimes failures were observed, especially in monotherapy. |
T658 |
509530-509638 |
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Some conflicting are present in literature about an effect of combined action of vancomycin and betalactams. |
T659 |
515002-515148 |
Epistemic_statement |
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Beta-lactams, macrolides, lincosamydes, tetracyclines and chloramphenicol should not be used for the treatment of nosocomial S. aureus infections. |
T660 |
515973-516187 |
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Etiological analysis showed that co-pathogens Escherichia coli and viridans streptococci were significantly more frequently associated with neonatal infection caused by S. aureus , in comparison to other organisms. |
T661 |
516420-516604 |
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Mortality was similar to other infections, probably because: initial therapy in our centre contains an antistaphylococcaly active agent (cefuroxime or cefotaxime plus aminoglycosides). |
T662 |
517041-517384 |
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Results: The aetiological structure of Enterococcus -infections showed the predominance of skin and soft tissue infections (39.4%), urinary tract infections (33.3%), bloodstream infection (10.6%), pneumoniae (4.5%), infection of central nervous system, gastrointestinal tract, eye, surgical wound infections were of rare incidence (3 Á/ 1.5%). |
T663 |
519169-519263 |
Epistemic_statement |
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Results: Of the 3424 Enterococcus , have been identified 3298 E. faecalis and 126 E. faecium . |
T664 |
520964-521028 |
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However, strains belong to nine distinguished plasmids profiles. |
T665 |
521444-521604 |
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Frequency and antibiotic resistance of bacteria isolated from patients suffering infectious complications following the implantation of prosthetic devices PM231 |
T666 |
521605-521704 |
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Kristó f K, Rozgonyi F. Institute of Medical Microbiology, Semmelweis University, Budapest, Hungary |
T667 |
521705-521899 |
Epistemic_statement |
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For patients with indwelling joint prosthesis, early recognition and prompt therapy for infection in any location may be critical to reduce the risk of seeding the joint implant heamatogenously. |
T668 |
522841-522936 |
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Our results could be essential for the rational selection of treatment at our orthopedic wards. |
T669 |
525372-525469 |
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Instrumental delivery has been needed more often for cases than controls (67 vs. 13%; P 0/0.062). |
T670 |
525767-525939 |
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Conclusion: Smoking, receiving immunosuppressive treatment during pregnancy, and instrumental delivery were significantly associated with postpartum endometritis (PB/ 10%). |
T671 |
525940-526017 |
Epistemic_statement |
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A midwife and a nurse might be involved in the transmission of the infection. |
T672 |
526080-526252 |
Epistemic_statement |
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a Laboratory Microbiology, Cancer Research Center of Russia, Moscow, Russian Federation , b Department of Oncogynecology, Cancer Research Centre, Moscow, Russian Federation |
T673 |
526253-526317 |
Epistemic_statement |
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The aim of the study was to assess efficacy of perioperative AP. |
T674 |
530512-530615 |
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Conclusions: Early and late onset episodes of VAP were caused by 'potentially drug-resistant bacteria'. |
T675 |
534994-535065 |
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This study suggests the necessity to improve MBR infection information. |
T676 |
535066-535168 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
Physicians and investigation assistants seem to be insufficiently aware of hospital infection control. |
T677 |
535169-535325 |
Epistemic_statement |
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Therefore, education strategies targeted at physicians and investigation assistants working at outpatient and investigation departments should be developed. |
T678 |
535812-536177 |
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The vast majority of patients (89 and 87% of males and females, respectively) could be classified in the subgroups with lower scores (six points or less) which had a very limited risk of death (0 Á/2.5 and 0 Á/2.3% for men and women, respectively), whereas for patients in the highest score subgroup (11 points or more), the risk was 100% for men and 91% for women. |
T679 |
536178-536296 |
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Conclusion: Risk stratification of patients with AP is possible from simple clinical variables available on admission. |
T680 |
537824-537962 |
Epistemic_statement |
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Conclusion: PCT is a good discriminating marker to characterize the level of inflammation caused by infection and can predict bacteremia . |
T681 |
538702-538907 |
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Thirty-three patients were presented with fever of unknown origin (FUO) and 17 with localized bacterial infections (LBI; pneumonia 7, acute pyelonephritis 4, soft tissue infections 3, acute pharyngitis 3). |
T682 |
539176-539263 |
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Similar differences are not observed with CRP, which lacks the appropriate specificity. |
T683 |
539264-539474 |
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Our study included 35 patients who were categorized as having proven (9), probable (11), or possible (5) systemic fungosis according to EORTC criteria; 10 showed no sign of infection, and were used as controls. |
T684 |
539814-539900 |
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Six patients, however, showed significantly increasing titres preceding time of death. |
T685 |
540209-540358 |
Epistemic_statement |
denotes |
PCT and antigens titres cannot reliably indicate early diagnosis of systemic fungal infections although may be used as a prognostic tool of severity. |