CORD-19:b75e7f3f923023185daed6f29e5beca4eddfc109 / 31302-31542 JSONTXT

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Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
TextSentencer_T193 0-240 Sentence denotes As shown in Fig. 9B , NGI-1 treatment significantly reduced the viral titers, while the viral RNA copy numbers were only mildly reduced, indicating that NGI-1 mainly impaired virus infectivity but not the number of released progeny viruses.
T67132 0-240 Sentence denotes As shown in Fig. 9B , NGI-1 treatment significantly reduced the viral titers, while the viral RNA copy numbers were only mildly reduced, indicating that NGI-1 mainly impaired virus infectivity but not the number of released progeny viruses.