CORD-19:90394841ad2cbaec78bf51646d5ca1ae26fadba6 / 36365-36681 JSONTXT

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Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
TextSentencer_T228 0-316 Sentence denotes However, it is strongly suspected [28] that the main drivers of the epidemic (responsible for the fluctuations and the final slowing down of transmission rates found in our post hoc analyses, cf. Figures 3B-I and related discussion) were major weather events that could not be known at the beginning of the outbreak.
T65793 0-316 Sentence denotes However, it is strongly suspected [28] that the main drivers of the epidemic (responsible for the fluctuations and the final slowing down of transmission rates found in our post hoc analyses, cf. Figures 3B-I and related discussion) were major weather events that could not be known at the beginning of the outbreak.