CORD-19:02a009e42054081b441d0f4b203679c4b0cae38d / 54530-54771 JSONTXT 4 Projects

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Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
TextSentencer_T364 0-241 Sentence denotes Unlike the ferret, however, marmosets develop exceptionally high neutralizing antibody titers (10,240-20,480 by PRNT 50 and 14,866-221,557 by PsVNA 50 ), and display low-level serum viremia between two and four weeks post infection (Fig 8) .
T38808 0-241 Sentence denotes Unlike the ferret, however, marmosets develop exceptionally high neutralizing antibody titers (10,240-20,480 by PRNT 50 and 14,866-221,557 by PsVNA 50 ), and display low-level serum viremia between two and four weeks post infection (Fig 8) .