Background: Survivorship care plans SCP are comprehensive plans that outline past, present, and future care goals for cancer survivors. As of 2015, delivery of SCP to 10 percent of eligible patients are mandated for ACOS Commission on Cancer CoC -accredited programs; this percentage ill incrementally increase to 100 percent by 2019. Cancer program readiness to implement the ne standard is sub-optimal, and tools are needed to improve the efficiency of SCP development, including the use of cancer registry data to prepopulate SCP ith existing patient data. In January 2015, University of Kentucky investigators ere funded to design, implement, and evaluate a eb-based application for prepopulating Journey Forard JF SCP templates ith patient data collected by hospitals and entered into the Kentucky Cancer Registrys KCR Cancer Patient Data Management System CPDMS . This presentation ill describe activities leading up to the application launch in June 2015 as ell as preliminary evaluation findings. Methods: We conducted a detailed process evaluation, including tracking application usage patterns and analyzing qualitative intervies ith informatics staff, cancer registrars and patient navigators. Results: Mapping cancer abstract data into JFs SCP template fields required substantial expertise from KCR and informatics staff. An average of 25 percent of data fields in JFs templates can be prepopulated ith CPDMS data. To training ebinars ere held for 75 registrars and patient navigators. As of December 2015, 479 SCP have been initiated ith over to-thirds created for breast cancer n = 314 . Forty-eight individuals representing 19 hospitals have requested access to the application; 15 hospitals 79 percent are CoC-accredited. Feedback suggests the application is easy to use, has decreased SCP prep time, and led to ne collaborations beteen cancer registrars and patient navigators. Conclusions: Development of the application as a significant undertaking, but has resulted in a ne method for prepopulating SCP ith registry data that may ease logistical burdens that hospitals face in meeting CoC-accreditation requirements. Additional data collection and analysis ill allo us to study these trends over time.,J Clin Oncol 34, 2016 suppl; abstr 10074 00:00.0,Patient and Survivor Care