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PubMed:31686039 JSONTXT

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Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T2 347-369 D017173 denotes Caenorhabditis elegans
T3 347-369 6239 denotes Caenorhabditis elegans
T5 394-402 SO:0000001 denotes sequence
T6 506-510 PR:000022679 denotes fold
T7 506-510 PR:Q2FZJ6 denotes fold
T8 506-510 PR:A5I112 denotes fold
T9 506-510 PR:P24186 denotes fold
T10 523-528 PR:Q07342 denotes axial
T11 937-942 SO:0000343 denotes match


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T1 92-275 DRI_Outcome denotes We demonstrate that a deep neural network can be trained to virtually refocus a two-dimensional fluorescence image onto user-defined three-dimensional (3D) surfaces within the sample.
T2 276-606 DRI_Approach denotes Using this method, termed Deep-Z, we imaged the neuronal activity of a Caenorhabditis elegans worm in 3D using a time sequence of fluorescence images acquired at a single focal plane, digitally increasing the depth-of-field by 20-fold without any axial scanning, additional hardware or a trade-off of imaging resolution and speed.
T3 607-789 DRI_Outcome denotes Furthermore, we demonstrate that this approach can correct for sample drift, tilt and other aberrations, all digitally performed after the acquisition of a single fluorescence image.
T4 790-1006 DRI_Background denotes This framework also cross-connects different imaging modalities to each other, enabling 3D refocusing of a single wide-field fluorescence image to match confocal microscopy images acquired at different sample planes.
T5 1007-1207 DRI_Outcome denotes Deep-Z has the potential to improve volumetric imaging speed while reducing challenges relating to sample drift, aberration and defocusing that are associated with standard 3D fluorescence microscopy.


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T1 92-94 CVCL_5M23|Cancer_cell_line|Mesocricetus auratus denotes We
T2 112-113 CVCL_6479|Finite_cell_line|Mus musculus denotes a
T3 170-171 CVCL_6479|Finite_cell_line|Mus musculus denotes a
T4 310-312 CVCL_5M23|Cancer_cell_line|Mesocricetus auratus denotes we
T5 333-341 CVCL_C410|Hybridoma|Mus musculus denotes activity
T6 345-346 CVCL_6479|Finite_cell_line|Mus musculus denotes a
T7 387-388 CVCL_6479|Finite_cell_line|Mus musculus denotes a
T8 389-393 CVCL_0047|Telomerase_immortalized_cell_line|Homo sapiens denotes time
T9 438-439 CVCL_6479|Finite_cell_line|Mus musculus denotes a
T10 503-505 CVCL_J923|Hybridoma|Mus musculus denotes 20
T11 562-563 CVCL_6479|Finite_cell_line|Mus musculus denotes a
T12 620-622 CVCL_5M23|Cancer_cell_line|Mesocricetus auratus denotes we
T13 761-762 CVCL_6479|Finite_cell_line|Mus musculus denotes a
T14 895-896 CVCL_6479|Finite_cell_line|Mus musculus denotes a
T15 1014-1017 CVCL_6758|Undefined_cell_line_type|Cricetulus griseus denotes has
T16 1014-1017 CVCL_E689|Transformed_cell_line|Homo sapiens denotes has


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue db_id
T1 347-369 OrganismTaxon denotes Caenorhabditis elegans 6239
T2 999-1005 OrganismTaxon denotes planes 106761